@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright: © 2023 Netdata Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+'''Bundle the v2 dashboard code into the agent repo.
+ This is designed to be run as part of a GHA workflow, but will work fine outside of one.'''
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+BASEDIR = 'v2'
+TMPPATH = Path('tmp')
+URLSRC = 'https://app.netdata.cloud/agent.tar.gz'
+# Auto-generated by bundle_dashboard_v2.py
+# Copyright: © 2023 Netdata Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in
+dist_noinst_DATA = \\
+ $(srcdir)/README.md
+dist_webv2_DATA = \\
+ {0} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2static_DATA = \\
+ {1} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticemailimg_DATA = \\
+ {2} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticimg_DATA = \\
+ {3} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticimgintegrations_DATA = \\
+ {4} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticimglogosos_DATA = \\
+ {5} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticimglogosservices_DATA = \\
+ {6} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticimgmail_DATA = \\
+ {7} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitealarms_DATA = \\
+ {8} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror404_DATA = \\
+ {9} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror500_DATA = \\
+ {10} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror501_DATA = \\
+ {11} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror502_DATA = \\
+ {12} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror503_DATA = \\
+ {13} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepageserror5xx_DATA = \\
+ {14} \\
+ $(NULL)
+dist_webv2staticsitepagesholding503_DATA = \\
+ {15} \\
+ $(NULL)
+def copy_dashboard():
+ '''Fetch and bundle the dashboard code.'''
+ print('Preparing target directory')
+ shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH)
+ TMPPATH.mkdir()
+ print('::group::Fetching dashboard release tarball')
+ subprocess.check_call(f'curl -L -o agent.tar { URLSRC }', shell=True)
+ print('::endgroup::')
+ print('::group::Extracting dashboard release tarball')
+ subprocess.check_call(f"tar -xvf agent.tar -C { TMPPATH } --strip-components=1 --exclude='*.br' --exclude='*.gz'", shell=True)
+ print('::endgroup::')
+ print('Copying files')
+ (TMPPATH / 'index.html').rename(Path('./v2live.html'))
+ shutil.copytree(TMPPATH / 'static', Path('./static'), dirs_exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.rmtree(TMPPATH)
+ print('Copying README.md')
+ BASEPATH.joinpath('README.md').symlink_to('../.dashboard-v2-notice.md')
+ print('Removing dashboard release tarball')
+ BASEPATH.joinpath('..', 'agent.tar').unlink()
+def genfilelist(path):
+ '''Generate a list of files for the Makefile.'''
+ files = [f for f in path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and f.name != 'README.md']
+ files = [Path(*f.parts[1:]) for f in files]
+ files.sort()
+ return ' \\\n '.join([("$(srcdir)/" + str(f)) for f in files])
+def write_makefile():
+ '''Write out the makefile for the dashboard code.'''
+ print('Generating Makefile')
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'email', 'img')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'integrations')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'logos', 'os')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'logos', 'services')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'mail')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'alarms')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-404')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-500')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-501')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-502')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-503')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'error-5xx')),
+ genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'holding-page-503')),
+ )
+ BASEPATH.joinpath('Makefile.am').write_text(MAKEFILEDATA)
+def list_changed_files():
+ '''Create a list of changed files, and set it in an environment variable.'''
+ if 'GITHUB_ENV' in os.environ:
+ print('Generating file list for commit.')
+ subprocess.check_call('echo "COMMIT_FILES<<EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('git status --porcelain=v1 --no-renames --untracked-files=all | rev | cut -d \' \' -f 1 | rev >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('echo "EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)