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Update codeowners and cleanup .gitignore (#16946)

vkalintiris 1 год назад
5 измененных файлов с 6 добавлено и 295 удалено
  1. 1 1
  2. 2 2
  3. 3 68
  4. 0 74
  5. 0 150

+ 1 - 1

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ collectors/macos.plugin/ @thiagoftsm
 collectors/python.d.plugin/ @ilyam8
 collectors/cups.plugin/ @thiagoftsm
 src/exporting/ @thiagoftsm
-daemon/ @thiagoftsm @vkalintiris
+src/daemon/ @thiagoftsm @vkalintiris
 src/database/ @thiagoftsm @vkalintiris
 docs/ @tkatsoulas @Ancairon
 health/ @thiagoftsm @vkalintiris

+ 2 - 2

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ area/daemon:
   - any:
       - changed-files:
           - any-glob-to-any-file:
-              - daemon/**
+              - src/daemon/**
   - any:
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ area/tests:
       - changed-files:
           - any-glob-to-any-file:
               - tests/**
-              - daemon/unit_test*
+              - src/daemon/unit_test*
               - coverity-scan.sh
               - cppcheck.sh
               - netdata.cppcheck

+ 3 - 68

@@ -21,75 +21,17 @@ Makefile.in
-# netdata binaries
 # protoc generated files
@@ -144,9 +86,6 @@ system/systemd/netdata-updater.service
@@ -248,14 +187,10 @@ Session.*.vim
 # Jupyter notebook checkpoints
-# m4 generated ksys
 # gorilla benchmark & fuzz binaries
 # ignore build/ directory (default dir for many IDEs/LSPs)

+ 0 - 74

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-  id: netdata_datafile
-  endian: le
-  - id: hdr
-    type: header
-    size: 4096
-  - id: extents
-    type: extent
-    repeat: eos
-  header:
-    seq:
-      - id: magic
-        contents: "netdata-data-file"
-      - id: reserved
-        size: 15
-      - id: version
-        contents: "1.0"
-      - id: reserved1
-        size: 13
-      - id: tier
-        type: u1
-  extent_page_descr:
-    seq:
-      - id: type
-        type: u1
-        enum: page_type
-      - id: uuid
-        size: 16
-      - id: page_len
-        type: u4
-      - id: start_time_ut
-        type: u8
-      - id: end_time_ut
-        type: u8
-    enums:
-      page_type:
-        0: metrics
-        1: tier
-  extent_header:
-    seq:
-      - id: payload_length
-        type: u4
-      - id: compression_algorithm
-        type: u1
-        enum: compression_algos
-      - id: number_of_pages
-        type: u1
-      - id: page_descriptors
-        type: extent_page_descr
-        repeat: expr
-        repeat-expr: number_of_pages
-    enums:
-      compression_algos:
-        0: rrd_no_compression
-        1: rrd_lz4
-  extent_trailer:
-    seq:
-      - id: crc32_checksum
-        type: u4
-  extent:
-    seq:
-      - id: header
-        type: extent_header
-      - id: payload
-        size: header.payload_length
-      - id: trailer
-        type: extent_trailer
-      - id: padding
-        size: (((_io.pos + 4095) / 4096) * 4096) - _io.pos
-        # the extent size is made to always be a multiple of 4096

+ 0 - 150

@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-  id: journalfile_v2`'ifdef(`VIRT_MEMBERS',`_virtmemb')
-  endian: le
-  application: netdata
-  file-extension: njfv2
-  license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-  - id: journal_v2_header
-    type: journal_v2_header
-    size: 4096
-  - id: extent_list
-    type: journal_v2_extent_list
-    repeat: expr
-    repeat-expr: journal_v2_header.extent_count
-  - id: extent_trailer
-    type: journal_v2_block_trailer
-  - id: metric_list
-    type: journal_v2_metric_list
-    repeat: expr
-    repeat-expr: journal_v2_header.metric_count
-  - id: metric_trailer
-    type: journal_v2_block_trailer
-  - id: page_blocs
-    type: journal_v2_page_block
-    repeat: expr
-    repeat-expr: _root.journal_v2_header.metric_count
-  - id: padding
-    size: _root._io.size - _root._io.pos - 4
-  - id: journal_file_trailer
-    type: journal_v2_block_trailer
-  journal_v2_metric_list:
-    seq:
-      - id: uuid
-        size: 16
-      - id: entries
-        type: u4
-      - id: page_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: delta_start_s
-        type: u4
-      - id: delta_end_s
-        type: u4
-`    instances:
-      page_block:
-        type: journal_v2_page_block
-        io: _root._io
-        pos: page_offset
-  journal_v2_page_hdr:
-    seq:
-      - id: crc
-        type: u4
-      - id: uuid_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: entries
-        type: u4
-      - id: uuid
-        size: 16
-  journal_v2_page_list:
-    seq:
-      - id: delta_start_s
-        type: u4
-      - id: delta_end_s
-        type: u4
-      - id: extent_idx
-        type: u4
-      - id: update_every_s
-        type: u4
-      - id: page_len
-        type: u2
-      - id: type
-        type: u1
-      - id: reserved
-        type: u1
-`    instances:
-      extent:
-        io: _root._io
-        type: journal_v2_extent_list
-        pos: _root.journal_v2_header.extent_offset + (extent_idx * 16)
-  journal_v2_header:
-    seq:
-      - id: magic
-        contents: [ 0x19, 0x10, 0x22, 0x01 ] #0x01221019
-      - id: reserved
-        type: u4
-      - id: start_time_ut
-        type: u8
-      - id: end_time_ut
-        type: u8
-      - id: extent_count
-        type: u4
-      - id: extent_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: metric_count
-        type: u4
-      - id: metric_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: page_count
-        type: u4
-      - id: page_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: extent_trailer_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: metric_trailer_offset
-        type: u4
-      - id: original_file_size
-        type: u4
-      - id: total_file_size
-        type: u4
-      - id: data
-        type: u8
-`    instances:
-      trailer:
-        io: _root._io
-        type: journal_v2_block_trailer
-        pos: _root._io.size - 4
-  journal_v2_block_trailer:
-    seq:
-      - id: checksum
-        type: u4
-  journal_v2_extent_list:
-    seq:
-      - id: datafile_offset
-        type: u8
-      - id: datafile_size
-        type: u4
-      - id: file_idx
-        type: u2
-      - id: page_cnt
-        type: u1
-      - id: padding
-        type: u1
-  journal_v2_page_block:
-    seq:
-      - id: hdr
-        type: journal_v2_page_hdr
-      - id: page_list
-        type: journal_v2_page_list
-        repeat: expr
-        repeat-expr: hdr.entries
-      - id: block_trailer
-        type: journal_v2_block_trailer