@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "sqlite_functions.h"
+#include "sqlite_aclk_chart.h"
+#include "../../aclk/aclk_charts_api.h"
+#define CHECK_SQLITE_CONNECTION(db_meta) \
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) { \
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode != RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE) { \
+ return 1; \
+ } \
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized"); \
+ return 1; \
+ }
+static inline int sql_queue_chart_payload(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc,
+ void *data, enum aclk_database_opcode opcode)
+ if (unlikely(!wc))
+ return 1;
+ struct aclk_database_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ cmd.opcode = opcode;
+ cmd.data = data;
+ aclk_database_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ return 0;
+static int payload_sent(char *uuid_str, uuid_t *uuid, void *payload, size_t payload_size)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ int send_status = 0;
+ if (unlikely(!res)) {
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql,"SELECT 1 FROM aclk_chart_latest_%s acl, aclk_chart_payload_%s acp "
+ "WHERE acl.unique_id = acp.unique_id AND acl.uuid = @uuid AND acp.payload = @payload;",
+ uuid_str, uuid_str);
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, (char *) buffer_tostring(sql), &res);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to check payload data");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, uuid , sizeof(*uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 2, payload , payload_size, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ send_status = sqlite3_column_int(res, 0);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_reset(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in check payload, rc = %d", rc);
+ return send_status;
+static int aclk_add_chart_payload(char *uuid_str, uuid_t *uuid, char *claim_id, ACLK_PAYLOAD_TYPE payload_type,
+ void *payload, size_t payload_size)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res_chart = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ rc = payload_sent(uuid_str, uuid, payload, payload_size);
+ if (rc == 1)
+ return 0;
+ if (unlikely(!res_chart)) {
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql,"INSERT INTO aclk_chart_payload_%s (unique_id, uuid, claim_id, date_created, type, payload) " \
+ "VALUES (@unique_id, @uuid, @claim_id, strftime('%%s','now'), @type, @payload);", uuid_str);
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, (char *) buffer_tostring(sql), &res_chart);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store chart payload data");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uuid_t unique_uuid;
+ uuid_generate(unique_uuid);
+ uuid_t claim_uuid;
+ uuid_parse(claim_id, claim_uuid);
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res_chart, 1, &unique_uuid , sizeof(unique_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res_chart, 2, uuid , sizeof(*uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res_chart, 3, &claim_uuid , sizeof(claim_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res_chart, 4, payload_type);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res_chart, 5, payload, payload_size, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = execute_insert(res_chart);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed store chart payload event, rc = %d", rc);
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_reset(res_chart) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in store chart payload, rc = %d", rc);
+ return (rc != SQLITE_DONE);
+int aclk_add_chart_event(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ int rc = 0;
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ char *claim_id = is_agent_claimed();
+ RRDSET *st = cmd.data;
+ if (likely(claim_id)) {
+ struct chart_instance_updated chart_payload;
+ memset(&chart_payload, 0, sizeof(chart_payload));
+ chart_payload.config_hash = get_str_from_uuid(&st->state->hash_id);
+ chart_payload.update_every = st->update_every;
+ chart_payload.memory_mode = st->rrd_memory_mode;
+ chart_payload.name = strdupz((char *)st->name);
+ chart_payload.node_id = strdupz(wc->node_id);
+ chart_payload.claim_id = claim_id;
+ chart_payload.id = strdupz(st->id);
+ struct label_index *labels = &st->state->labels;
+ netdata_rwlock_wrlock(&labels->labels_rwlock);
+ struct label *label_list = labels->head;
+ struct label *chart_label = NULL;
+ while (label_list) {
+ chart_label = add_label_to_list(chart_label, label_list->key, label_list->value, label_list->label_source);
+ label_list = label_list->next;
+ }
+ netdata_rwlock_unlock(&labels->labels_rwlock);
+ chart_payload.label_head = chart_label;
+ size_t size;
+ char *payload = generate_chart_instance_updated(&size, &chart_payload);
+ if (likely(payload))
+ rc = aclk_add_chart_payload(wc->uuid_str, st->chart_uuid, claim_id, ACLK_PAYLOAD_CHART, (void *) payload, size);
+ freez(payload);
+ chart_instance_updated_destroy(&chart_payload);
+ }
+ UNUSED(wc);
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ return rc;
+int aclk_add_dimension_event(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ int rc = 0;
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ char *claim_id = is_agent_claimed();
+ RRDDIM *rd = cmd.data;
+ if (likely(claim_id)) {
+ time_t now = now_realtime_sec();
+ time_t first_t = rd->state->query_ops.oldest_time(rd);
+ time_t last_t = rd->state->query_ops.latest_time(rd);
+ int live = ((now - last_t) < (RRDSET_MINIMUM_LIVE_COUNT * rd->update_every));
+ struct chart_dimension_updated dim_payload;
+ size_t size;
+ memset(&dim_payload, 0, sizeof(dim_payload));
+ dim_payload.node_id = strdupz(wc->node_id);
+ dim_payload.claim_id = claim_id;
+ dim_payload.name = strdupz(rd->name);
+ dim_payload.id = strdupz(rd->id);
+ dim_payload.chart_id = strdupz(rd->rrdset->name);
+ dim_payload.created_at.tv_sec = first_t;
+ if (unlikely(!live))
+ dim_payload.last_timestamp.tv_sec = last_t;
+ char *payload = generate_chart_dimension_updated(&size, &dim_payload);
+ if (likely(payload))
+ rc = aclk_add_chart_payload(wc->uuid_str, &rd->state->metric_uuid, claim_id, ACLK_PAYLOAD_DIMENSION, (void *)payload, size);
+ freez((char *)dim_payload.node_id);
+ freez((char *)dim_payload.chart_id);
+ freez((char *)dim_payload.name);
+ freez((char *)dim_payload.id);
+ freez(payload);
+ freez(claim_id);
+ }
+ rrddim_flag_clear(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_ACLK);
+ UNUSED(wc);
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ return rc;
+void aclk_send_chart_event(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ int rc;
+ wc->chart_pending = 0;
+ if (unlikely(!wc->chart_updates)) {
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC,"Ignoring chart push event, updates have been turned off for node %s", wc->node_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ char *claim_id = is_agent_claimed();
+ if (unlikely(!claim_id))
+ return;
+ int limit = cmd.count > 0 ? cmd.count : 1;
+ uint64_t first_sequence;
+ uint64_t last_sequence;
+ time_t last_timestamp;
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "SELECT ac.sequence_id, acp.payload, ac.date_created, ac.type, ac.uuid " \
+ "FROM aclk_chart_%s ac, aclk_chart_payload_%s acp " \
+ "WHERE ac.date_submitted IS NULL AND ac.unique_id = acp.unique_id AND ac.update_count > 0 " \
+ "AND acp.claim_id = @claim_id ORDER BY ac.sequence_id ASC LIMIT %d;", wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str, limit);
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to send a chart update via ACLK");
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ freez(claim_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, 1, claim_id , -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ char **payload_list = callocz(limit+1, sizeof(char *));
+ size_t *payload_list_size = callocz(limit+1, sizeof(size_t));
+ size_t *payload_list_max_size = callocz(limit+1, sizeof(size_t));
+ struct aclk_message_position *position_list = callocz(limit+1, sizeof(*position_list));
+ int *is_dim = callocz(limit+1, sizeof(*is_dim));
+ int loop = cmd.param1;
+ while (loop > 0) {
+ uint64_t previous_sequence_id = wc->chart_sequence_id;
+ int count = 0;
+ first_sequence = 0;
+ last_sequence = 0;
+ while (count < limit && sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ size_t payload_size = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 1);
+ if (payload_list_max_size[count] < payload_size) {
+ freez(payload_list[count]);
+ payload_list_max_size[count] = payload_size;
+ payload_list[count] = mallocz(payload_size);
+ }
+ payload_list_size[count] = payload_size;
+ memcpy(payload_list[count], sqlite3_column_blob(res, 1), payload_size);
+ position_list[count].sequence_id = (uint64_t)sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0);
+ position_list[count].previous_sequence_id = previous_sequence_id;
+ position_list[count].seq_id_creation_time.tv_sec = sqlite3_column_int64(res, 2);
+ position_list[count].seq_id_creation_time.tv_usec = 0;
+ if (!first_sequence)
+ first_sequence = position_list[count].sequence_id;
+ last_sequence = position_list[count].sequence_id;
+ last_timestamp = position_list[count].seq_id_creation_time.tv_sec;
+ previous_sequence_id = last_sequence;
+ is_dim[count] = sqlite3_column_int(res, 3) > 0;
+ count++;
+ }
+ freez(payload_list[count]);
+ payload_list_max_size[count] = 0;
+ payload_list[count] = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement when pushing chart events, rc = %d", rc);
+ if (likely(first_sequence)) {
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ db_lock();
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "UPDATE aclk_chart_%s SET status = NULL, date_submitted=strftime('%%s','now') "
+ "WHERE date_submitted IS NULL AND sequence_id BETWEEN %" PRIu64 " AND %" PRIu64 ";",
+ wc->uuid_str, first_sequence, last_sequence);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO aclk_chart_latest_%s (uuid, unique_id, date_submitted) "
+ " SELECT uuid, unique_id, date_submitted FROM aclk_chart_%s s "
+ " WHERE date_submitted IS NOT NULL AND sequence_id BETWEEN %" PRIu64 " AND %" PRIu64
+ " ;",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str, first_sequence, last_sequence);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ db_unlock();
+ aclk_chart_inst_and_dim_update(payload_list, payload_list_size, is_dim, position_list, wc->batch_id);
+ wc->chart_sequence_id = last_sequence;
+ wc->chart_timestamp = last_timestamp;
+ }
+ --loop;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= limit; ++i)
+ freez(payload_list[i]);
+ freez(payload_list);
+ freez(payload_list_size);
+ freez(position_list);
+ freez(is_dim);
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize statement when pushing chart events, rc = %d", rc);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ freez(claim_id);
+ UNUSED(wc);
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ return;
+// Push one chart config to the cloud
+int aclk_send_chart_config(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ UNUSED(wc);
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc = 0;
+ char *hash_id = (char *) cmd.data_param;
+ uuid_t hash_uuid;
+ rc = uuid_parse(hash_id, hash_uuid);
+ if (unlikely(rc)) {
+ freez((char *) cmd.data_param);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "SELECT type, family, context, title, priority, plugin, module, unit, chart_type " \
+ "FROM chart_hash WHERE hash_id = @hash_id;");
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to fetch a chart hash configuration");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &hash_uuid , sizeof(hash_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ struct chart_config_updated chart_config;
+ chart_config.config_hash = NULL;
+ while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ chart_config.type = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 0));
+ chart_config.family = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 1));
+ chart_config.context = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 2));
+ chart_config.title = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 3));
+ chart_config.priority = sqlite3_column_int64(res, 4);
+ chart_config.plugin = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 5));
+ chart_config.module = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 6) > 0 ? strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 6)) : NULL;
+ chart_config.chart_type = (RRDSET_TYPE) sqlite3_column_int(res,8);
+ chart_config.units = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 7));
+ chart_config.config_hash = strdupz(hash_id);
+ }
+ if (likely(chart_config.config_hash)) {
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC, "Sending chart config for %s", hash_id);
+ aclk_chart_config_updated(&chart_config, 1);
+ destroy_chart_config_updated(&chart_config);
+ }
+ else
+ info("DEBUG: Chart config for %s not found", hash_id);
+ bind_fail:
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement when pushing chart config hash, rc = %d", rc);
+ fail:
+ freez((char *) cmd.data_param);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ return rc;
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ return 0;
+void aclk_receive_chart_ack(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "UPDATE aclk_chart_%s SET date_updated=strftime('%%s','now') WHERE sequence_id <= @sequence_id "
+ "AND date_submitted IS NOT NULL AND date_updated IS NULL;", wc->uuid_str);
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement count sequence ids in the database");
+ goto prepare_fail;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(res, 1, (uint64_t) cmd.param1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_DONE)
+ error_report("Failed to ACK sequence id, rc = %d", rc);
+ bind_fail:
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize statement to ACK older sequence ids, rc = %d", rc);
+ prepare_fail:
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ return;
+void aclk_receive_chart_reset(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "UPDATE aclk_chart_%s SET status = NULL, date_submitted = NULL WHERE sequence_id >= %"PRIu64";",
+ wc->uuid_str, cmd.param1);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ if (cmd.param1 == 1) {
+ db_lock();
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ info("DEBUG: Deleting all data for %s", wc->uuid_str);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM aclk_chart_payload_%s; DELETE FROM aclk_chart_%s; DELETE FROM aclk_chart_latest_%s;",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ db_unlock();
+ wc->chart_sequence_id = 0;
+ wc->chart_timestamp = 0;
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ RRDHOST *host = wc->host;
+ rrdhost_rdlock(host);
+ RRDSET *st;
+ rrdset_foreach_read(st, host) {
+ rrdset_rdlock(st);
+ RRDDIM *rd;
+ rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) {
+ rd->state->aclk_live_status = (rd->state->aclk_live_status == 0);
+ }
+ rrdset_flag_clear(st, RRDSET_FLAG_ACLK);
+ rrdset_unlock(st);
+ }
+ rrdhost_unlock(host);
+ }
+ else {
+ //sql_chart_deduplicate(wc, cmd);
+ sql_get_last_chart_sequence(wc, cmd);
+ }
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ wc->chart_updates = 1;
+ return;
+// Functions called directly from ACLK threads and will queue commands
+void aclk_get_chart_config(char **hash_id)
+ struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc = (struct aclk_database_worker_config *)localhost->dbsync_worker;
+ if (unlikely(!wc || !hash_id))
+ return;
+ struct aclk_database_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ for (int i = 0; hash_id[i]; ++i) {
+ // TODO: Verify that we have a valid hash_id
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC,"Request %d for chart config with hash [%s] received", i, hash_id[i]);
+ cmd.data_param = (void *)strdupz(hash_id[i]);
+ aclk_database_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ }
+ return;
+// Send a command to a node_id
+// Need to discover the thread that will handle the request
+// if thread not in active hosts, then try to find in the queue
+static void aclk_submit_param_command(char *node_id, enum aclk_database_opcode aclk_command, uint64_t param)
+ if (unlikely(!node_id))
+ return;
+ struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc = NULL;
+ struct aclk_database_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ cmd.opcode = aclk_command;
+ cmd.param1 = param;
+ rrd_wrlock();
+ RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id);
+ if (likely(host))
+ wc = (struct aclk_database_worker_config *)host->dbsync_worker;
+ rrd_unlock();
+ if (wc)
+ aclk_database_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ else {
+ if (aclk_worker_enq_cmd(node_id, &cmd))
+ error_report("ACLK synchronization thread is not active for node id %s", node_id);
+ }
+ return;
+void aclk_ack_chart_sequence_id(char *node_id, uint64_t last_sequence_id)
+ if (unlikely(!node_id))
+ return;
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC, "NODE %s reports last sequence id received %"PRIu64, node_id, last_sequence_id);
+ aclk_submit_param_command(node_id, ACLK_DATABASE_CHART_ACK, last_sequence_id);
+ return;
+void aclk_reset_chart_event(char *node_id, uint64_t last_sequence_id)
+ if (unlikely(!node_id))
+ return;
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC, "NODE %s wants to resync from %"PRIu64, node_id, last_sequence_id);
+ aclk_submit_param_command(node_id, ACLK_DATABASE_RESET_CHART, last_sequence_id);
+ return;
+// ST is read locked
+int sql_queue_chart_to_aclk(RRDSET *st)
+ return sql_queue_chart_payload((struct aclk_database_worker_config *) st->rrdhost->dbsync_worker,
+int sql_queue_dimension_to_aclk(RRDDIM *rd)
+ int rc = sql_queue_chart_payload((struct aclk_database_worker_config *) rd->rrdset->rrdhost->dbsync_worker,
+ if (likely(!rc))
+ rrddim_flag_set(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_ACLK);
+ return rc;
+void sql_chart_deduplicate(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ db_lock();
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_%s;", wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "CREATE TABLE t_%s AS SELECT * FROM aclk_chart_payload_%s WHERE unique_id IN "
+ "(SELECT unique_id from aclk_chart_%s WHERE date_submitted IS NULL AND update_count > 0);",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM aclk_chart_payload_%s WHERE unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM t_%s); " ,
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM aclk_chart_%s WHERE unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM t_%s);",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DELETE FROM aclk_chart_latest_%s WHERE unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM t_%s);",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "INSERT INTO aclk_chart_payload_%s SELECT * FROM t_%s ORDER BY DATE_CREATED ASC;",
+ wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO aclk_chart_latest_%s (uuid, unique_id, date_submitted) "
+ "SELECT uuid, unique_id, date_submitted FROM aclk_chart_%s where sequence_id IN "
+ "(SELECT sequence_id FROM aclk_chart_%s WHERE date_submitted IS NOT NULL "
+ "GROUP BY uuid HAVING sequence_id = MAX(sequence_id));"
+ , wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ buffer_flush(sql);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_%s;", wc->uuid_str);
+ db_execute(buffer_tostring(sql));
+ db_unlock();
+ sql_get_last_chart_sequence(wc, cmd);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ return;
+void sql_get_last_chart_sequence(struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc, struct aclk_database_cmd cmd)
+ UNUSED(cmd);
+ BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024);
+ buffer_sprintf(sql,"SELECT ac.sequence_id, ac.date_created FROM aclk_chart_%s ac " \
+ "WHERE ac.date_submitted IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ac.sequence_id DESC LIMIT 1;", wc->uuid_str);
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to find last chart sequence id");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wc->chart_sequence_id = 0;
+ wc->chart_timestamp = 0;
+ while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ wc->chart_sequence_id = (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0);
+ wc->chart_timestamp = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 1);
+ }
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC,"Node %s reports last sequence_id=%"PRIu64, wc->node_id, wc->chart_sequence_id);
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement when fetching chart sequence info, rc = %d", rc);
+ buffer_free(sql);
+ return;
+// Start streaming charts / dimensions for node_id
+void aclk_start_streaming(char *node_id, uint64_t sequence_id, time_t created_at, uint64_t batch_id)
+#ifdef ACLK_NG
+ if (unlikely(!node_id))
+ return;
+ debug(D_ACLK_SYNC,"START streaming charts for node %s from sequence %"PRIu64" t=%ld, batch=%"PRIu64, node_id,
+ sequence_id, created_at, batch_id);
+ uuid_t node_uuid;
+ uuid_parse(node_id, node_uuid);
+ struct aclk_database_worker_config *wc = NULL;
+ rrd_wrlock();
+ RRDHOST *host = localhost;
+ while(host) {
+ if (host->node_id && !(uuid_compare(*host->node_id, node_uuid))) {
+ rrd_unlock();
+ wc = (struct aclk_database_worker_config *)host->dbsync_worker;
+ if (likely(wc)) {
+ // if (unlikely(!wc->chart_updates)) {
+ // struct aclk_database_cmd cmd;
+ // cmd.opcode = ACLK_DATABASE_NODE_INFO;
+ // cmd.completion = NULL;
+ // aclk_database_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ // }
+ wc->chart_reset_count++;
+ wc->chart_updates = 0;
+ wc->batch_id = batch_id;
+ wc->batch_created = now_realtime_sec();
+ info("DEBUG: START streaming charts for %s (%s) enabled -- last streamed sequence %"PRIu64" t=%ld (reset count=%d)", node_id, wc->uuid_str,
+ wc->chart_sequence_id, wc->chart_timestamp, wc->chart_reset_count);
+ // If mismatch detected
+ if (sequence_id > wc->chart_sequence_id || wc->chart_reset_count > 10) {
+ info("DEBUG: Full resync requested -- reset_count=%d", wc->chart_reset_count);
+ chart_reset_t chart_reset;
+ chart_reset.node_id = strdupz(node_id);
+ chart_reset.claim_id = is_agent_claimed();
+ chart_reset.reason = SEQ_ID_NOT_EXISTS;
+ aclk_chart_reset(chart_reset);
+// wc->chart_updates = 0;
+ wc->chart_reset_count = -1;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ struct aclk_database_cmd cmd;
+ // TODO: handle timestamp
+// if (!wc->chart_reset_count)
+// wc->chart_delay = now_realtime_sec() + 60;
+// else
+// wc->chart_delay = 0;
+ if (sequence_id < wc->chart_sequence_id) { // || created_at != wc->chart_timestamp) {
+// wc->chart_updates = 0;
+ if (sequence_id)
+ info("DEBUG: Synchonization mismatch detected");
+ else
+ info("DEBUG: Synchonization mismatch detected; full resync ACKed from the cloud");
+ cmd.param1 = sequence_id + 1;
+ cmd.completion = NULL;
+ aclk_database_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ }
+ else
+ wc->chart_updates = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ error("ACLK synchronization thread is not active for host %s", host->hostname);
+ return;
+ }
+ host = host->next;
+ }
+ rrd_unlock();
+ UNUSED(node_id);
+ UNUSED(sequence_id);
+ UNUSED(created_at);
+ UNUSED(batch_id);
+ return;