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add possibility to change badge text font color (#7809)

- add possibility to change badge font color
- unify color param syntax and fix where not working

before in conflict with documentation custom html colors were not possible
as label color. This fixes that and makes all `color` parameter values
behave in the same way
Timo 5 years ago

+ 50 - 7

@@ -178,19 +178,62 @@ These are options dedicated to badges:
     Divide the value with this number. The default is `1`.
--   `label_color=COLOR`
+-   Color customization parameters
-    The color of the label (the left part). You can use any HTML color, include `#NNN` and `#NNNNNN`. The following colors are defined in Netdata (and you can use them by name): `green`, `brightgreen`, `yellow`, `yellowgreen`, `orange`, `red`, `blue`, `grey`, `gray`, `lightgrey`, `lightgray`. These are taken from <> so they are compatible with standard badges.
+    The following parameters specify colors of each individual part of the badge. Each parameter is documented in detail
+    below.
+    | Area of badge      | Backgroud color parameter | Text color parameter |
+    | ---:               | :-----------------------: | :------------------: |
+    | Label (left) part  | `label_color`             | `text_color_lbl`     |
+    | Value (right) part | `value_color`             | `text_color_val`     |
-    You can add a pipe delimited list of conditions to pick the color. The first matching (left to right) will be used.
+    -   `label_color=COLOR`
-    Example: `value_color=grey:null|green<10|yellow<100|orange<1000|blue<10000|red`
+        The color of the label (the left part). You can use any HTML color in `RGB` or `RRGGBB` hex notation (without
+        the `#` character at the beginning). Additionally, you can use one of the following predefined colors (and you
+        can use them by their name):
+        -   `green`
+        -   `brightgreen`
+        -   `yellow`
+        -   `yellowgreen`
+        -   `orange`
+        -   `red`
+        -   `blue`
+        -   `grey`
+        -   `gray`
+        -   `lightgrey`
+        -   `lightgray`
+        These colors are taken from <>, which makes them compatible with standard
+        badges.
+        You can add a pipe delimited list of conditions to pick the value color. The first matching (left to right) will
+        be used.
+        Example: `value_color=grey:null|green<10|yellow<100|orange<1000|blue<10000|red`
+        The above will set `grey` if no value exists (not collected within the `gap when lost iterations above` in
+        `netdata.conf` for the chart), `green` if the value is less than 10, `yellow` if the value is less than 100, and
+        so on. Netdata will use `red` if no other conditions match. Only integers are suported as values.
+        The supported operators are `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `=` (or `:`), and `!=` (or `<>`).
+        You can also use the same syntax as the `label_color` parameter to define each of these colors. You can
+        reference a predefined color by name or `RGB`/`RRGGBB` hex notation.
+    -   `text_color_lbl=RGB` or `text_color_lbl=RRGGBB` or `text_color_lbl=color_by_name`
+        This value specifies the font color for the font of left/label side of the badge. The syntax is the same as the
+        `label_color` parameter. If not given, or given with an empty value, Netdata will use the default color.
-    The above will set `grey` if no value exists (not collected within the `gap when lost iterations above` in `netdata.conf` for the chart), `green` if the value is less than 10, `yellow` if the value is less than 100, etc up to `red` which will be used if no other conditions match.
+    -   `text_color_val=RGB` or `text_color_val=RRGGBB` or `text_color_lbl=color_by_name`
-    The supported operators are `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `=` (or `:`) and `!=` (or `<>`).
+        This value specifies the font color for the font of right/value side of the badge. The syntax is the same as the
+        `label_color` parameter. If not given, or given with an empty value, Netdata will use the default color.
 -   `precision=NUMBER`

+ 92 - 38

@@ -507,23 +507,23 @@ static struct badge_color {
         // colors from:
-        { "brightgreen", 0, "#4c1"    },
-        { "green",       0, "#97CA00" },
-        { "yellow",      0, "#dfb317" },
-        { "yellowgreen", 0, "#a4a61d" },
-        { "orange",      0, "#fe7d37" },
-        { "red",         0, "#e05d44" },
-        { "blue",        0, "#007ec6" },
-        { "grey",        0, "#555"    },
-        { "gray",        0, "#555"    },
-        { "lightgrey",   0, "#9f9f9f" },
-        { "lightgray",   0, "#9f9f9f" },
+        { "brightgreen", 0, "4c1"    },
+        { "green",       0, "97CA00" },
+        { "yellow",      0, "dfb317" },
+        { "yellowgreen", 0, "a4a61d" },
+        { "orange",      0, "fe7d37" },
+        { "red",         0, "e05d44" },
+        { "blue",        0, "007ec6" },
+        { "grey",        0, "555"    },
+        { "gray",        0, "555"    },
+        { "lightgrey",   0, "9f9f9f" },
+        { "lightgray",   0, "9f9f9f" },
         // terminator
         { NULL,          0, NULL      }
-static inline const char *color_map(const char *color) {
+static inline const char *color_map(const char *color, const char *def) {
     static int max = -1;
     int i;
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ static inline const char *color_map(const char *color) {
             return ptr->color;
-    return color;
+    return def;
 typedef enum color_comparison {
@@ -688,24 +688,66 @@ static inline void calc_colorz(const char *color, char *final, size_t len, calcu
 // colors
 #define COLOR_STRING_SIZE 100
-void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const char *units, const char *label_color, const char *value_color, int precision, int scale, uint32_t options, int fixed_width_lbl, int fixed_width_val) {
+static inline int allowed_hexa_char(char x) {
+    return ( (x >= '0' && x <= '9') ||
+             (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') ||
+             (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')
+           );
+static int html_color_check(const char *str) {
+    int i = 0;
+    while(str[i]) {
+        if(!allowed_hexa_char(str[i]))
+            return 0;
+        if(unlikely(i >= 6))
+            return 0;
+        i++;
+    }
+    // want to allow either RGB or RRGGBB
+    return ( i == 6 || i == 3 );
+// Will parse color arg as #RRGGBB or #RGB or one of the colors
+// from color_map hash table
+// if parsing fails (argument error) it will return default color
+// given as default parameter (def)
+// in any case it will return either color in "RRGGBB" or "RGB" format as string
+// or whatever is given as def (without checking - caller responsible to give sensible
+// safely escaped default) as default if it fails
+// in any case this function must always return something we can put directly in XML
+// so no escaping is necessary anymore (with excpetion of default where caller is responsible)
+// to give sensible default
+static const char *parse_color_argument(const char *arg, const char *def)
+    if( !arg )
+        return def;
+    size_t len = strnlen(arg, BADGE_SVG_COLOR_ARG_MAXLEN);
+    if( len < 2 || len >= BADGE_SVG_COLOR_ARG_MAXLEN )
+        return def;
+    if( html_color_check(arg) )
+        return arg;
+    return color_map(arg, def);
+void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const char *units, const char *label_color, const char *value_color, int precision, int scale, uint32_t options, int fixed_width_lbl, int fixed_width_val, const char* text_color_lbl, const char* text_color_val) {
     char    value_color_buffer[COLOR_STRING_SIZE + 1]
             , value_string[VALUE_STRING_SIZE + 1]
             , label_escaped[LABEL_STRING_SIZE + 1]
-            , value_escaped[VALUE_STRING_SIZE + 1]
-            , label_color_escaped[COLOR_STRING_SIZE + 1]
-            , value_color_escaped[COLOR_STRING_SIZE + 1];
+            , value_escaped[VALUE_STRING_SIZE + 1];
+    const char *label_color_parsed;
+    const char *value_color_parsed;
     double label_width = (double)fixed_width_lbl, value_width = (double)fixed_width_val, total_width;
     double height = 20.0, font_size = 11.0, text_offset = 5.8, round_corner = 3.0;
     if(scale < 100) scale = 100;
-    if(unlikely(!label_color || !*label_color))
-        label_color = "#555";
     if(unlikely(!value_color || !*value_color))
-        value_color = (isnan(value) || isinf(value))?"#999":"#4c1";
+        value_color = (isnan(value) || isinf(value))?"999":"4c1";
     calc_colorz(value_color, value_color_buffer, COLOR_STRING_SIZE, value);
     format_value_and_unit(value_string, VALUE_STRING_SIZE, (options & RRDR_OPTION_DISPLAY_ABS)?calculated_number_fabs(value):value, units, precision);
@@ -718,8 +760,9 @@ void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const ch
     escape_xmlz(label_escaped, label, LABEL_STRING_SIZE);
     escape_xmlz(value_escaped, value_string, VALUE_STRING_SIZE);
-    escape_xmlz(label_color_escaped, color_map(label_color), COLOR_STRING_SIZE);
-    escape_xmlz(value_color_escaped, color_map(value_color_buffer), COLOR_STRING_SIZE);
+    label_color_parsed = parse_color_argument(label_color, "555");
+    value_color_parsed = parse_color_argument(value_color_buffer, "555");
     wb->contenttype = CT_IMAGE_SVG_XML;
@@ -743,10 +786,10 @@ void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const ch
                 "<rect class=\"bdge-ttl-width\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" rx=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"#fff\"/>"
             "<g mask=\"url(#round)\">"
-                "<rect class=\"bdge-rect-lbl\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"%s\"/>",
+                "<rect class=\"bdge-rect-lbl\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"#%s\"/>",
         total_width, height,
         total_width, height, round_corner,
-        label_width, height, label_color_escaped); //<rect class="bdge-rect-lbl"
+        label_width, height, label_color_parsed); //<rect class="bdge-rect-lbl"
     if(fixed_width_lbl > 0 && fixed_width_val > 0) {
@@ -757,8 +800,8 @@ void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const ch
-                "<rect class=\"bdge-rect-val\" x=\"%0.2f\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"%s\"/>",
-        label_width, value_width, height, value_color_escaped);
+                "<rect class=\"bdge-rect-val\" x=\"%0.2f\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"#%s\"/>",
+        label_width, value_width, height, value_color_parsed);
     if(fixed_width_lbl > 0 && fixed_width_val > 0) {
@@ -771,18 +814,18 @@ void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const ch
                 "<rect class=\"bdge-ttl-width\" width=\"%0.2f\" height=\"%0.2f\" fill=\"url(#smooth)\"/>"
-            "<g fill=\"#fff\" text-anchor=\"middle\" font-family=\"DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif\" font-size=\"%0.2f\">"
+            "<g text-anchor=\"middle\" font-family=\"DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif\" font-size=\"%0.2f\">"
                 "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-lbl\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" fill=\"#010101\" fill-opacity=\".3\" clip-path=\"url(#lbl-rect)\">%s</text>"
-                "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-lbl\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" clip-path=\"url(#lbl-rect)\">%s</text>"
+                "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-lbl\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" fill=\"#%s\" clip-path=\"url(#lbl-rect)\">%s</text>"
                 "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-val\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" fill=\"#010101\" fill-opacity=\".3\" clip-path=\"url(#val-rect)\">%s</text>"
-                "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-val\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" clip-path=\"url(#val-rect)\">%s</text>"
+                "<text class=\"bdge-lbl-val\" x=\"%0.2f\" y=\"%0.0f\" fill=\"#%s\" clip-path=\"url(#val-rect)\">%s</text>"
         total_width, height,
         label_width / 2, ceil(height - text_offset), label_escaped,
-        label_width / 2, ceil(height - text_offset - 1.0), label_escaped,
+        label_width / 2, ceil(height - text_offset - 1.0), parse_color_argument(text_color_lbl, "fff"), label_escaped,
         label_width + value_width / 2 -1, ceil(height - text_offset), value_escaped,
-        label_width + value_width / 2 -1, ceil(height - text_offset - 1.0), value_escaped);
+        label_width + value_width / 2 -1, ceil(height - text_offset - 1.0), parse_color_argument(text_color_val, "fff"), value_escaped);
     if(fixed_width_lbl <= 0 || fixed_width_val <= 0){
@@ -815,6 +858,9 @@ void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const ch
     buffer_sprintf(wb, "</svg>");
+#define BADGE_URL_ARG_LBL_COLOR "text_color_lbl"
+#define BADGE_URL_ARG_VAL_COLOR "text_color_val"
 int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) {
     int ret = HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST;
@@ -836,7 +882,9 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
     , *scale_str = NULL
     , *alarm = NULL
     , *fixed_width_lbl_str = NULL
-    , *fixed_width_val_str = NULL; 
+    , *fixed_width_val_str = NULL
+    , *text_color_lbl_str = NULL
+    , *text_color_val_str = NULL; 
     int group = RRDR_GROUPING_AVERAGE;
     uint32_t options = 0x00000000;
@@ -883,6 +931,8 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
         else if(!strcmp(name, "fixed_width_lbl")) fixed_width_lbl_str = value;
         else if(!strcmp(name, "fixed_width_val")) fixed_width_val_str = value;
         else if(!strcmp(name, "alarm")) alarm = value;
+        else if(!strcmp(name, BADGE_URL_ARG_LBL_COLOR)) text_color_lbl_str = value;
+        else if(!strcmp(name, BADGE_URL_ARG_VAL_COLOR)) text_color_val_str = value;
     int fixed_width_lbl = -1;
@@ -893,7 +943,7 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
         fixed_width_lbl = str2i(fixed_width_lbl_str);
         fixed_width_val = str2i(fixed_width_val_str);
     if(!chart || !*chart) {
         buffer_sprintf(w->, "No chart id is given at the request.");
@@ -906,7 +956,7 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
     if(!st) st = rrdset_find_byname(host, chart);
     if(!st) {
-        buffer_svg(w->, "chart not found", NAN, "", NULL, NULL, -1, scale, 0, -1, -1);
+        buffer_svg(w->, "chart not found", NAN, "", NULL, NULL, -1, scale, 0, -1, -1, NULL, NULL);
         ret = HTTP_RESP_OK;
         goto cleanup;
@@ -917,7 +967,7 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
         rc = rrdcalc_find(st, alarm);
         if (!rc) {
-            buffer_svg(w->, "alarm not found", NAN, "", NULL, NULL, -1, scale, 0, -1, -1);
+            buffer_svg(w->, "alarm not found", NAN, "", NULL, NULL, -1, scale, 0, -1, -1, NULL, NULL);
             ret = HTTP_RESP_OK;
             goto cleanup;
@@ -1037,7 +1087,9 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
-                fixed_width_val
+                fixed_width_val,
+                text_color_lbl_str,
+                text_color_val_str
         ret = HTTP_RESP_OK;
@@ -1076,7 +1128,9 @@ int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *u
-                fixed_width_val
+                fixed_width_val,
+                text_color_lbl_str,
+                text_color_val_str

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h"
 #include "web/server/web_client.h"
-extern void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const char *units, const char *label_color, const char *value_color, int precision, int scale, uint32_t options, int fixed_width_lbl, int fixed_width_val);
+extern void buffer_svg(BUFFER *wb, const char *label, calculated_number value, const char *units, const char *label_color, const char *value_color, int precision, int scale, uint32_t options, int fixed_width_lbl, int fixed_width_val, const char* text_color_lbl, const char* text_color_val);
 extern char *format_value_and_unit(char *value_string, size_t value_string_len, calculated_number value, const char *units, int precision);
 extern int web_client_api_request_v1_badge(struct rrdhost *host, struct web_client *w, char *url);

+ 87 - 5

@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
     "/badge.svg": {
       "get": {
-        "summary": "Generate a SVG image for a chart (or dimension)",
+        "summary": "Generate a badge in form of SVG image for a chart (or dimension)",
         "description": "Successful responses are SVG images.",
         "parameters": [
@@ -471,18 +471,38 @@
             "name": "label_color",
             "in": "query",
-            "description": "A color to be used for the background of the label.",
+            "description": "A color to be used for the background of the label side(left side) of the badge. One of predefined colors or specific color in hex `RGB` or `RRGGBB` format (without preceding `#` character). If value wrong or not given default color will be used.",
             "required": false,
             "allowEmptyValue": true,
             "schema": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "any text"
+              "oneOf": [
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum" : [
+                    "green",
+                    "brightgreen",
+                    "yellow",
+                    "yellowgreen",
+                    "orange",
+                    "red",
+                    "blue",
+                    "grey",
+                    "gray",
+                    "lightgrey",
+                    "lightgray"
+                  ]
+                },
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$"
+                }
+              ]
             "name": "value_color",
             "in": "query",
-            "description": "A color to be used for the background of the label. You can set multiple using a pipe with a condition each, like this: colorvalue|color:null The following operators are supported: >, <, >=, <=, =, :null (to check if no value exists).",
+            "description": "A color to be used for the background of the value *(right)* part of badge. You can set multiple using a pipe with a condition each, like this: `color<value|color:null` The following operators are supported: >, <, >=, <=, =, :null (to check if no value exists). Each color can be specified in same manner as for `label_color` parameter. Currently only integers are suported as values.",
             "required": false,
             "allowEmptyValue": true,
             "schema": {
@@ -490,6 +510,68 @@
               "format": "any text"
+          {
+            "name": "text_color_lbl",
+            "in": "query",
+            "description": "Font color for label *(left)* part of the badge. One of predefined colors or as HTML hexadecimal color without preceeding `#` character. Formats allowed `RGB` or `RRGGBB`. If no or wrong value given default color will be used.",
+            "required": false,
+            "allowEmptyValue": true,
+            "schema": {
+              "oneOf": [
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum" : [
+                    "green",
+                    "brightgreen",
+                    "yellow",
+                    "yellowgreen",
+                    "orange",
+                    "red",
+                    "blue",
+                    "grey",
+                    "gray",
+                    "lightgrey",
+                    "lightgray"
+                  ]
+                },
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "text_color_val",
+            "in": "query",
+            "description": "Font color for value *(right)* part of the badge. One of predefined colors or as HTML hexadecimal color without preceeding `#` character. Formats allowed `RGB` or `RRGGBB`. If no or wrong value given default color will be used.",
+            "required": false,
+            "allowEmptyValue": true,
+            "schema": {
+              "oneOf": [
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum" : [
+                    "green",
+                    "brightgreen",
+                    "yellow",
+                    "yellowgreen",
+                    "orange",
+                    "red",
+                    "blue",
+                    "grey",
+                    "gray",
+                    "lightgrey",
+                    "lightgray"
+                  ]
+                },
+                {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          },
             "name": "multiply",
             "in": "query",

+ 66 - 7

@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ paths:
-      summary: Generate a SVG image for a chart (or dimension)
+      summary: Generate a badge in form of SVG image for a chart (or dimension)
       description: Successful responses are SVG images.
         - name: chart
@@ -410,23 +410,82 @@ paths:
             format: any text
         - name: label_color
           in: query
-          description: A color to be used for the background of the label.
+          description: A color to be used for the background of the label side(left side) of the badge. One of predefined colors or specific color in hex `RGB` or `RRGGBB` format (without preceding `#` character). If value wrong or not given default color will be used.
           required: false
           allowEmptyValue: true
-            type: string
-            format: any text
+            oneOf:
+              - type: string
+                enum:
+                  - green
+                  - brightgreen
+                  - yellow
+                  - yellowgreen
+                  - orange
+                  - red
+                  - blue
+                  - grey
+                  - gray
+                  - lightgrey
+                  - lightgray
+              - type: string
+                format: ^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$
         - name: value_color
           in: query
-          description: "A color to be used for the background of the label. You can set
+          description: "A color to be used for the background of the value *(right)* part of badge. You can set
             multiple using a pipe with a condition each, like this:
-            colorvalue|color:null The following operators are
-            supported: >, <, >=, <=, =, :null (to check if no value exists)."
+            `color<value|color:null` The following operators are
+            supported: >, <, >=, <=, =, :null (to check if no value exists). Each color can be specified in same manner as for `label_color` parameter.
+            Currently only integers are suported as values."
           required: false
           allowEmptyValue: true
             type: string
             format: any text
+        - name: text_color_lbl
+          in: query
+          description: Font color for label *(left)* part of the badge. One of predefined colors or as HTML hexadecimal color without preceeding `#` character. Formats allowed `RGB` or `RRGGBB`. If no or wrong value given default color will be used.
+          required: false
+          allowEmptyValue: true
+          schema:
+           oneOf:
+              - type: string
+                enum:
+                  - green
+                  - brightgreen
+                  - yellow
+                  - yellowgreen
+                  - orange
+                  - red
+                  - blue
+                  - grey
+                  - gray
+                  - lightgrey
+                  - lightgray
+              - type: string
+                format: ^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$
+        - name: text_color_val
+          in: query
+          description: Font color for value *(right)* part of the badge. One of predefined colors or as HTML hexadecimal color without preceeding `#` character. Formats allowed `RGB` or `RRGGBB`. If no or wrong value given default color will be used.
+          required: false
+          allowEmptyValue: true
+          schema:
+           oneOf:
+              - type: string
+                enum:
+                  - green
+                  - brightgreen
+                  - yellow
+                  - yellowgreen
+                  - orange
+                  - red
+                  - blue
+                  - grey
+                  - gray
+                  - lightgrey
+                  - lightgray
+              - type: string
+                format: ^([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$
         - name: multiply
           in: query
           description: Multiply the value with this number for rendering it at the image