@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ We provide docker images for the most common architectures. These are statistics
[](https://hub.docker.com/r/netdata/netdata/) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/firehol/netdata/) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/titpetric/netdata/)
### Registry
-When you install multiple netdata, they are integrated into **one distributed application**, via a [netdata registry](registry/#netdata-registry). This is a web browser feature and it allows us to count the number of unique users and unique netdata servers installed. The following information comes from the global public netdata registry we run:
+When you install multiple netdata, they are integrated into **one distributed application**, via a [netdata registry](registry/#registry). This is a web browser feature and it allows us to count the number of unique users and unique netdata servers installed. The following information comes from the global public netdata registry we run:
[](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry)
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ This is how it works:
**Collect**|Multiple independent data collection workers are collecting metrics from their sources using the optimal protocol for each application and push the metrics to the database. Each data collection worker has lockless write access to the metrics it collects.|[`collectors`](collectors/#data-collection-plugins)
-**Store**|Metrics are stored in RAM in a round robin database (ring buffer), using a custom made floating point number for minimal footprint.|[`database`](database/#netdata-database)
+**Store**|Metrics are stored in RAM in a round robin database (ring buffer), using a custom made floating point number for minimal footprint.|[`database`](database/#database)
**Check**|A lockless independent watchdog is evaluating **health checks** on the collected metrics, triggers alarms, maintains a health transaction log and dispatches alarm notifications.|[`health`](health/#health-monitoring)
-**Stream**|An lockless independent worker is streaming metrics, in full detail and in real-time, to remote netdata servers, as soon as they are collected.|[`streaming`](streaming/#metrics-streaming)
+**Stream**|An lockless independent worker is streaming metrics, in full detail and in real-time, to remote netdata servers, as soon as they are collected.|[`streaming`](streaming/#streaming-and-replication)
**Archive**|A lockless independent worker is down-sampling the metrics and pushes them to **backend** time-series databases.|[`backends`](backends/)
-**Query**|Multiple independent workers are attached to the [internal web server](web/server/#netdata-web-server), servicing API requests, including [data queries](web/api/queries/#database-queries).|[`web/api`](web/api/#api)
+**Query**|Multiple independent workers are attached to the [internal web server](web/server/#web-server), servicing API requests, including [data queries](web/api/queries/#database-queries).|[`web/api`](web/api/#api)
The result is a highly efficient, low latency system, supporting multiple readers and one writer on each metric.
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Charts on netdata dashboards are synchronized to each other. There is no master
*Charts are panned by dragging them with the mouse. Charts can be zoomed in/out with`SHIFT` + `mouse wheel` while the mouse pointer is over a chart.*
-> The visible time-frame (pan and zoom) is propagated from netdata server to netdata server, when navigating via the [`my-netdata` menu](registry#netdata-registry).
+> The visible time-frame (pan and zoom) is propagated from netdata server to netdata server, when navigating via the [`my-netdata` menu](registry#registry).
### Highlighted time-frame
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ To improve visual anomaly detection across charts, the user can highlight a time
*A highlighted time-frame can be given by pressing `ALT` + `mouse selection` on any chart. Netdata will highlight the same range on all charts.*
-> Highlighted ranges are propagated from netdata server to netdata server, when navigating via the [`my-netdata` menu](registry#netdata-registry).
+> Highlighted ranges are propagated from netdata server to netdata server, when navigating via the [`my-netdata` menu](registry#registry).
## What does it monitor