@@ -139,7 +139,12 @@ jobs:
name: Generate changelog and TAG the release (only on special commit msg)
before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Packaging step for release initiated"
- script: .travis/generate_changelog_and_tag_release.sh
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - .travis/generate_changelog_and_tag_release.sh
after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Packaging for release failed"
depth: false
@@ -159,6 +164,7 @@ jobs:
- echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
- echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
- echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - packaging/docker/check_login.sh
- packaging/docker/build.sh
- packaging/docker/publish.sh
after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Docker image publishing failed"
@@ -216,7 +222,12 @@ jobs:
name: Build & Publish docker images
before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Publishing docker images for nightlies"
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
- docker info
+ - packaging/docker/check_login.sh
- packaging/docker/build.sh
- packaging/docker/publish.sh
after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly docker image publish failed"