@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ DUMP_CMDS=0
-LINUX_INIT_TYPES="systemd openrc lsb initd runit"
+LINUX_INIT_TYPES="systemd openrc lsb initd runit dinit"
PLATFORM="$(uname -s)"
@@ -562,6 +562,65 @@ runit_cmds() {
NETDATA_STOP_CMD="sv stop netdata"
+# =====================================================================
+# dinit support functions
+_check_dinit() {
+ # if /etc/dinit.d does not exist, it’s not dinit
+ [ ! -d /etc/dinit.d ] && echo "NO" && return 0
+ # if PID 1 is dinit, it’s dinit
+ [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "dinit" ] && echo "YES" && return 0
+ # if /run/dinitctl exists and is a socket, it’s dinit
+ [ -S /run/dinitctl ] && echo "YES" && return 0
+ # if the dinitctl command exists despite getting to this point, it’s dinit, but not booted as such
+ [ -n "$(command -v dinitctl 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "OFFLINE" && return 0
+ echo "NO" && return 0
+check_dinit() {
+ if [ -z "${IS_DINIT}" ]; then
+ IS_DINIT="$(_check_dinit)"
+ fi
+ echo "${IS_DINIT}"
+_run_dinitctl() {
+ opts=''
+ if [ "$(check_dinit)" = "OFFLINE" ]; then
+ opts="-o"
+ fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ dinitctl ${opts} "${@}"
+enable_dinit() {
+ _run_dinitctl enable netdata
+enable_dinit() {
+ _run_dinitctl disable netdata
+install_dinit_service() {
+ install_generic_service dinit/netdata "dinit" /etc/dinit.d enable_dinit disable_dinit
+dinit_cmds() {
+ if [ "$(check_dinit)" = "YES" ]; then
+ NETDATA_START_CMD='dinitctl start netdata'
+ NETDATA_STOP_CMD='dinitct stop netdata'
+ else # Not booted using dinit, use external defaults by not providing commands.
+ warning "Detected dinit, but the system is not booted using dinit. Unable to provide commands to start or stop Netdata using the service manager."
+ fi
# =====================================================================
# WSL support functions