@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ yum install autoconf automake curl gcc git cmake libuuid-devel openssl-devel lib
yum install -y http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8/PowerTools/x86_64/os/Packages/Judy-devel-1.0.5-18.module_el8.1.0+217+4d875839.x86_64.rpm
-### Install Netdata
+## Install Netdata
Do this to install and run Netdata:
@@ -201,11 +199,31 @@ cd netdata
- If your server does not have access to the internet and you have manually put the installation directory on your server, you will need to pass the option `--disable-go` to the installer. The option will prevent the installer from attempting to download and install `go.d.plugin`.
-Once the installer completes, the file `/etc/netdata/netdata.conf` will be created (if you changed the installation directory, the configuration will appear in that directory too).
+## Optional parameters to alter your installation
+`netdata-installer.sh` accepts a few parameters to customize your installation:
+- `--dont-wait`: Enable automated installs by not prompting for permission to install any required packages.
+- `--dont-start-it`: Prevent the installer from starting Netdata automatically.
+- `--stable-channel`: Automatically update only on the release of new major versions.
+- `--nightly-channel`: Automatically update on every new nightly build.
+- `--disable-telemetry`: Opt-out of [anonymous statistics](/docs/anonymous-statistics.md) we use to make
+ Netdata better.
+- `--no-updates`: Prevent automatic updates of any kind.
+- `--reinstall`: If an existing install is detected, reinstall instead of trying to update it. Note that this
+ cannot be used to change installation types.
+- `--local-files`: Used for [offline installations](offline.md). Pass four file paths: the Netdata
+ tarball, the checksum file, the go.d plugin tarball, and the go.d plugin config tarball, to force kickstart run the
+ process using those files. This option conflicts with the `--stable-channel` option. If you set this _and_
+ `--stable-channel`, Netdata will use the local files.
+### Claim node to Netdata Cloud during installation
-You can edit this file to set options. One common option to tweak is `history`, which controls the size of the memory database Netdata will use. By default is `3600` seconds (an hour of data at the charts) which makes Netdata use about 10-15MB of RAM (depending on the number of charts detected on your system). Check **\[[Memory Requirements]]**.
+Unlike the [`kickstart.sh`](/packaging/installer/methods/kickstart.md) or
+[`kickstart-static64.sh`](/packaging/installer/methods/kickstart-64.md) methods, the `netdata-installer.sh` script does
+not allow you to automatically [claim](/claim/README.md) your node to Netdata Cloud immediately after installation.
-To apply the changes you made, you have to restart Netdata.
+See the [claiming](/claim/README.md) doc for details on claiming a node with a manual installation of Netdata.
### 'nonrepresentable section on output' errors