feature_request.yml 1.1 KB

  1. name: Feature Request
  2. description: If you have a suggestion for a new feature
  3. labels: [enhancement]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. Before submitting a feature request, please check if the issue is already present in the issues. If it is, please add a reaction to the issue. If it isn't, please fill out the form below.
  9. - type: textarea
  10. attributes:
  11. label: Describe the solution you'd like
  12. description: |
  13. A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
  14. placeholder: |
  15. It would be great if [...]
  16. validations:
  17. required: true
  18. - type: dropdown
  19. attributes:
  20. label: Type of feature
  21. description: What type of feature is this?
  22. options:
  23. - User Interface (UI)
  24. - User Experience (UX)
  25. - API
  26. - Documentation
  27. - Integrations
  28. - Other
  29. default: 0
  30. validations:
  31. required: true
  32. - type: textarea
  33. attributes:
  34. label: Additional context
  35. description: |
  36. What are you trying to do? Why is this important to you?