.goreleaser.yaml 608 B

  1. version: 1
  2. before:
  3. hooks:
  4. # You may remove this if you don't use go modules.
  5. - go mod tidy
  6. builds:
  7. - main: ./bin/memos
  8. binary: memos
  9. goos:
  10. - linux
  11. - darwin
  12. archives:
  13. - format: tar.gz
  14. # this name template makes the OS and Arch compatible with the results of `uname`.
  15. name_template: >-
  16. {{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Tag }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}
  17. changelog:
  18. sort: asc
  19. filters:
  20. exclude:
  21. - "^docs:"
  22. - "^test:"
  23. checksum:
  24. disable: true
  25. release:
  26. draft: true
  27. replace_existing_draft: true
  28. make_latest: true
  29. mode: replace
  30. skip_upload: false