# This script generates API documentation using swaggo/swag # For more details, check the docs: # * https://usememos.com/docs/contribution/development # * https://github.com/usememos/memos/blob/main/docs/api/documentation.md # Requirements: # * go # swag is configured mainly via gen-api-v1-docs.cfg file. # Usage: # ./scripts/gen-api-v1-docs.ps1 foreach ($dir in @(".", "../")) { if (Test-Path (Join-Path $dir ".gitignore")) { $repoRoot = (Resolve-Path $dir).Path break } } Set-Location $repoRoot Write-Host "Parsing gen-api-v1-docs.cfg..." foreach ($line in (Get-Content "$repoRoot\scripts\gen-api-v1-docs.cfg" )) { if ($line.Trim().StartsWith('#')) { continue } $name, $value = $line.split('=') if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) { continue } Set-Content env:\$name $value } Write-Host "API directories: $env:SWAG_API_DIRS" -f Cyan Write-Host "Output directory: $env:SWAG_OUTPUT" -f Cyan Write-Host "General info: $env:SWAG_GENERAL_INFO" -f Cyan $swag = (Get-Command swag -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path if (-not $swag) { foreach ($path in @((Join-Path $HOME "go/bin"), (Join-Path $env:GOPATH "/bin"))) { $swag = Join-Path (Resolve-Path $path).Path "swag.exe" if (Test-Path $swag) { break } } } if (-not (Test-Path $swag)) { Write-Host "Swag is not installed. Installing..." -f Magenta go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest } $generalInfoPath = (Split-Path (Resolve-Path $env:SWAG_GENERAL_INFO -Relative) -Parent) $apiDirs = $env:SWAG_API_DIRS -split ',' | ForEach-Object { "$(Resolve-Path $_ -Relative)" } $swagFmtDirs = $generalInfoPath + "," + $($apiDirs -join ",") Write-Host "Formatting comments via ``swag fmt --dir `"$swagFmtDirs`"``..." -f Magenta &$swag fmt --dir "`"${swagFmtDirs}`"" $goFmtDirs = $swagFmtDirs -split ',' | ForEach-Object { "`"$($_)`"" } # This is just in case swag fmt do something non-conforming to go fmt Write-Host "Formatting code via ``go fmt ${goFmtDirs}``..." -f Magenta go fmt ${goFmtDirs} Write-Host "Generating Swagger API documentation..." -f Magenta &$swag init --output $env:SWAG_OUTPUT --outputTypes $env:SWAG_OUTPUT_TYPES --generalInfo $env:SWAG_GENERAL_INFO --dir "./,${env:SWAG_API_DIRS}" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Failed to generate API documentation!" -f Red exit $LASTEXITCODE } Write-Host "API documentation updated!" -f Green