syntax = "proto3"; package memos.api.v1; import "api/v1/common.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "google/api/client.proto"; import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; import "google/api/httpbody.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; option go_package = "gen/api/v1"; service UserService { // ListUsers returns a list of users. rpc ListUsers(ListUsersRequest) returns (ListUsersResponse) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/users"}; } // GetUser gets a user by name. rpc GetUser(GetUserRequest) returns (User) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // GetUserByUsername gets a user by username. rpc GetUserByUsername(GetUserByUsernameRequest) returns (User) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/users:username"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "username"; } // GetUserAvatarBinary gets the avatar of a user. rpc GetUserAvatarBinary(GetUserAvatarBinaryRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/file/{name=users/*}/avatar"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // CreateUser creates a new user. rpc CreateUser(CreateUserRequest) returns (User) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/api/v1/users" body: "user" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "user"; } // UpdateUser updates a user. rpc UpdateUser(UpdateUserRequest) returns (User) { option (google.api.http) = { patch: "/api/v1/{*}" body: "user" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "user,update_mask"; } // DeleteUser deletes a user. rpc DeleteUser(DeleteUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = {delete: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // ListAllUserStats returns all user stats. rpc ListAllUserStats(ListAllUserStatsRequest) returns (ListAllUserStatsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = {post: "/api/v1/users/-/stats"}; } // GetUserStats returns the stats of a user. rpc GetUserStats(GetUserStatsRequest) returns (UserStats) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}/stats"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // GetUserSetting gets the setting of a user. rpc GetUserSetting(GetUserSettingRequest) returns (UserSetting) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}/setting"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // UpdateUserSetting updates the setting of a user. rpc UpdateUserSetting(UpdateUserSettingRequest) returns (UserSetting) { option (google.api.http) = { patch: "/api/v1/{*/setting}" body: "setting" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "setting,update_mask"; } // ListUserAccessTokens returns a list of access tokens for a user. rpc ListUserAccessTokens(ListUserAccessTokensRequest) returns (ListUserAccessTokensResponse) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}/access_tokens"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // CreateUserAccessToken creates a new access token for a user. rpc CreateUserAccessToken(CreateUserAccessTokenRequest) returns (UserAccessToken) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}/access_tokens" body: "*" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; } // DeleteUserAccessToken deletes an access token for a user. rpc DeleteUserAccessToken(DeleteUserAccessTokenRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = {delete: "/api/v1/{name=users/*}/access_tokens/{access_token}"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "name,access_token"; } // ListShortcuts returns a list of shortcuts for a user. rpc ListShortcuts(ListShortcutsRequest) returns (ListShortcutsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/api/v1/{parent=users/*}/shortcuts"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; } // CreateShortcut creates a new shortcut for a user. rpc CreateShortcut(CreateShortcutRequest) returns (Shortcut) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/api/v1/{parent=users/*}/shortcuts" body: "shortcut" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent,shortcut"; } // UpdateShortcut updates a shortcut for a user. rpc UpdateShortcut(UpdateShortcutRequest) returns (Shortcut) { option (google.api.http) = { patch: "/api/v1/{parent=users/*}/shortcuts/{}" body: "shortcut" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent,shortcut,update_mask"; } // DeleteShortcut deletes a shortcut for a user. rpc DeleteShortcut(DeleteShortcutRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = {delete: "/api/v1/{parent=users/*}/shortcuts/{id}"}; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent,id"; } } message User { // The name of the user. // Format: users/{id}, id is the system generated auto-incremented id. string name = 1; enum Role { ROLE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; HOST = 1; ADMIN = 2; USER = 3; } Role role = 3; string username = 4; string email = 5; string nickname = 6; string avatar_url = 7; string description = 8; string password = 9 [(google.api.field_behavior) = INPUT_ONLY]; State state = 10; google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } message ListUsersRequest {} message ListUsersResponse { repeated User users = 1; } message GetUserRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; } message GetUserByUsernameRequest { // The username of the user. string username = 1; } message GetUserAvatarBinaryRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } message CreateUserRequest { User user = 1; } message UpdateUserRequest { User user = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2; } message DeleteUserRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; } message UserStats { // The name of the user. string name = 1; // The timestamps when the memos were displayed. // We should return raw data to the client, and let the client format the data with the user's timezone. repeated google.protobuf.Timestamp memo_display_timestamps = 2; // The stats of memo types. MemoTypeStats memo_type_stats = 3; // The count of tags. // Format: "tag1": 1, "tag2": 2 map tag_count = 4; message MemoTypeStats { int32 link_count = 1; int32 code_count = 2; int32 todo_count = 3; int32 undo_count = 4; } } message ListAllUserStatsRequest {} message ListAllUserStatsResponse { repeated UserStats user_stats = 1; } message GetUserStatsRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; } message UserSetting { // The name of the user. string name = 1; // The preferred locale of the user. string locale = 2; // The preferred appearance of the user. string appearance = 3; // The default visibility of the memo. string memo_visibility = 4; } message GetUserSettingRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; } message UpdateUserSettingRequest { UserSetting setting = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2; } message UserAccessToken { string access_token = 1; string description = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp issued_at = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp expires_at = 4; } message ListUserAccessTokensRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; } message ListUserAccessTokensResponse { repeated UserAccessToken access_tokens = 1; } message CreateUserAccessTokenRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; string description = 2; optional google.protobuf.Timestamp expires_at = 3; } message DeleteUserAccessTokenRequest { // The name of the user. string name = 1; // access_token is the access token to delete. string access_token = 2; } message Shortcut { string id = 1; string title = 2; string filter = 3; } message ListShortcutsRequest { // The name of the user. string parent = 1; } message ListShortcutsResponse { repeated Shortcut shortcuts = 1; } message CreateShortcutRequest { // The name of the user. string parent = 1; Shortcut shortcut = 2; bool validate_only = 3; } message UpdateShortcutRequest { // The name of the user. string parent = 1; Shortcut shortcut = 2; google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 3; } message DeleteShortcutRequest { // The name of the user. string parent = 1; // The id of the shortcut. string id = 2; }