INSERT INTO memo (`id`, `content`, `creator_id`) VALUES ( 1001, "#Hello πŸ‘‹ Welcome to memos.", 101 ); INSERT INTO memo ( `id`, `content`, `creator_id`, `visibility` ) VALUES ( 1002, '#TODO - [x] Take more photos about **πŸŒ„ sunset**; - [x] Clean the room; - [ ] Read *πŸ“– The Little Prince*; (πŸ‘† click to toggle status)', 101, 'PROTECTED' ); INSERT INTO memo ( `id`, `content`, `creator_id`, `visibility` ) VALUES ( 1003, "**[SQL Chat](**: Chat-based SQL Client ![]( **[](**: The missing GitHub star history graph of GitHub repos. ![](", 101, 'PUBLIC' ); INSERT INTO memo ( `id`, `content`, `creator_id`, `visibility` ) VALUES ( 1004, '#TODO - [x] Take more photos about **πŸŒ„ sunset**; - [ ] Clean the classroom; - [ ] Watch *πŸ‘¦ The Boys*; (πŸ‘† click to toggle status) ', 102, 'PROTECTED' ); INSERT INTO memo ( `id`, `content`, `creator_id`, `visibility` ) VALUES ( 1005, 'δΈ‰δΊΊθ‘ŒοΌŒεΏ…ζœ‰ζˆ‘εΈˆη„‰οΌπŸ‘¨β€πŸ«', 102, 'PUBLIC' );