Memos A privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts. Home PageBlogsDocsLive Demo

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![demo]( ## Key points - **Open source and free forever**. Embrace a future where creativity knows no boundaries with our open-source solution – free today, tomorrow, and always. - **Self-hosting with Docker in just seconds**. Enjoy the flexibility, scalability, and ease of setup that Docker provides, allowing you to have full control over your data and privacy. - **Pure text with added Markdown support.** Say goodbye to the overwhelming mental burden of rich formatting and embrace a minimalist approach. - **Customize and share your notes effortlessly**. With our intuitive sharing features, you can easily collaborate and distribute your notes with others. - **RESTful API for third-party services.** Embrace the power of integration and unleash new possibilities with our RESTful API support. ## Deploy with Docker in seconds ```bash docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos ``` > The `~/.memos/` directory will be used as the data directory on your local machine, while `/var/opt/memos` is the directory of the volume in Docker and should not be modified. Learn more about [other installation methods]( ## Contribution Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. We greatly appreciate any contributions you make. Thank you for being a part of our community! 🥰 --- - [Moe Memos]( - Third party client for iOS and Android - [lmm214/memos-bber]( - Chrome extension - [Rabithua/memos_wmp]( - WeChat MiniProgram - [qazxcdswe123/telegramMemoBot]( - Telegram bot - [eallion/]( - Static page rendered with the Memos API - [eindex/logseq-memos-sync]( - Logseq plugin - [quanru/obsidian-periodic-para]( - Obsidian plugin - [JakeLaoyu/memos-import-from-flomo]( - Import data. Support from flomo, wechat reading - [Quick Memo]( - Shortcuts (iOS, iPadOS or macOS) - [Memos Raycast Extension]( - Raycast extension - [Memos Desktop]( - Third party client for MacOS and Windows - [MemosGallery]( - A static Gallery rendered with the Memos API ## Star history [![Star History Chart](](