sand256.ini 5.4 KB

  1. # This skin demonstrates how to use 256 colors in mc.
  2. #
  3. # As a prerequisite, you will need to:
  4. # 1) Have a terminal emulator that supports 256 colors (a few examples:
  5. # xterm, Gnome terminal and other VTE derivatives, KDE's Konsole;
  6. # iTerm for Mac OS X, PuTTY for Windows).
  7. # 2) Adjust your TERM variable accordingly, e.g.: export TERM=xterm-256color
  8. # Verify by running tput colors
  9. #
  10. # Each of the 256 colors has two names, you can use whichever you prefer.
  11. #
  12. # One possibility is to use the names "color0" to "color255" to access every
  13. # color directly based on their number.
  14. #
  15. # The first 16 colors ("color0" to "color15") can also be specified by their
  16. # names (these names are already being used by mc for 8/16 color terminals):
  17. # black gray
  18. # red brightred
  19. # green brightgreen
  20. # brown yellow
  21. # blue brightblue
  22. # magenta brightmagenta
  23. # cyan brightcyan
  24. # lightgray white
  25. # Note that with 8/16 color terminal settings (such as TERM=xterm), colors
  26. # of the second column can only be used for the foreground, and their actual
  27. # interpretation varies across terminals. Some terminals show the colors
  28. # from the first column instead (that is, you only have 8 colors), but make
  29. # them bold. Others show the brighter version (16 foreground colors). Yet
  30. # others make them bold and bright at the same time. Switching to 256 colors
  31. # should end this ambiguity: you should have 16 separate colors according to
  32. # their names, none of them are bold by default but any of them can be
  33. # switched to bold, and all of them are available for background, too. This
  34. # is the intended behavior, the actual behavior might vary across terminals.
  35. #
  36. # Colors of the 6x6x6 cube ("color16" to "color231") can alternatively be
  37. # referred to as "rgb000" to "rgb555", all three digits ranging from 0 to 5,
  38. # corresponding to the R, G and B color components.
  39. #
  40. # The 24 grayscale colors ("color232" to "color255") have the aliases "gray0"
  41. # to "gray23".
  42. #
  43. # In addition to the 256 colors, the special word "default" means the
  44. # default foreground or background color of your terminal, while "base" means
  45. # mc's main colors. A missing value means falling back to the _default_ of the
  46. # given section.
  47. #
  48. # Following the foreground and background colors, the third (optional) value
  49. # can specify special attributes to enable. Valid values are bold, underline,
  50. # reverse and blink. Append more with a plus sign, e.g. "underline+bold".
  51. # Leaving the field empty makes it fall back to the attributes of _default_.
  52. # Use any other word (e.g. "none") to prevent fallback and disable all flags.
  53. [skin]
  54. description=Sand skin using 256 colors
  55. 256colors=true
  56. [Lines]
  57. horiz=─
  58. vert=│
  59. lefttop=┌
  60. righttop=┐
  61. leftbottom=└
  62. rightbottom=┘
  63. topmiddle=─
  64. bottommiddle=─
  65. leftmiddle=├
  66. rightmiddle=┤
  67. cross=┼
  68. dhoriz=─
  69. dvert=│
  70. dlefttop=┌
  71. drighttop=┐
  72. dleftbottom=└
  73. drightbottom=┘
  74. dtopmiddle=─
  75. dbottommiddle=─
  76. dleftmiddle=├
  77. drightmiddle=┤
  78. [core]
  79. _default_=black;rgb554
  80. selected=;rgb452
  81. marked=rgb400
  82. markselect=rgb400;rgb452
  83. gauge=;rgb452
  84. input=;rgb452
  85. inputunchanged=gray;rgb452
  86. inputmark=rgb452;gray
  87. disabled=gray;rgb553
  88. reverse=;rgb452
  89. commandlinemark=white;gray
  90. header=red
  91. [dialog]
  92. _default_=black;rgb553
  93. dfocus=;rgb452
  94. dhotnormal=;;underline
  95. dhotfocus=;rgb452;underline
  96. dtitle=;;underline
  97. [error]
  98. _default_=rgb554;rgb320;bold
  99. errdfocus=black;rgb452;bold
  100. errdhotnormal=;;bold+underline
  101. errdhotfocus=black;rgb452;bold+underline
  102. errdtitle=;;bold+underline
  103. [filehighlight]
  104. directory=
  105. executable=rgb030
  106. symlink=rgb202
  107. hardlink=
  108. # 404 Not Found :)
  109. stalelink=rgb404
  110. device=rgb231
  111. special=rgb331
  112. core=rgb430
  113. temp=gray15
  114. archive=rgb012
  115. doc=rgb103
  116. source=rgb310
  117. media=rgb024
  118. graph=rgb033
  119. database=rgb421
  120. [menu]
  121. _default_=black;rgb452
  122. menuhot=;;underline
  123. menusel=;rgb551
  124. menuhotsel=;rgb551;underline
  125. menuinactive=
  126. [popupmenu]
  127. _default_=black;rgb553
  128. menusel=;rgb452;underline
  129. menutitle=;;underline
  130. [buttonbar]
  131. hotkey=black;rgb554
  132. button=black;rgb452
  133. [statusbar]
  134. _default_=black;rgb452
  135. [help]
  136. _default_=black;rgb553
  137. helpitalic=green
  138. helpbold=red
  139. helplink=blue;;underline
  140. helpslink=blue;;reverse
  141. [editor]
  142. _default_=black;rgb554
  143. editbold=rgb400
  144. editmarked=;rgb452
  145. editwhitespace=rgb400;rgb553
  146. editlinestate=;rgb553
  147. bookmark=;rgb551
  148. bookmarkfound=;rgb530
  149. editrightmargin=rgb400;rgb553
  150. # editbg=
  151. editframe=rgb530;
  152. editframeactive=black;
  153. editframedrag=rgb400;
  154. window-state-char = ↕
  155. window-close-char = ✕
  156. [viewer]
  157. viewunderline=;;underline
  158. [diffviewer]
  159. added=;rgb450
  160. changedline=blue;rgb553
  161. changednew=rgb400;rgb553
  162. changed=;rgb553
  163. removed=;rgb511
  164. folder=;rgb530
  165. error=rgb554;rgb320
  166. [widget-common]
  167. sort-sign-up = ↓
  168. sort-sign-down = ↑
  169. [widget-panel]
  170. hiddenfiles-sign-show = •
  171. hiddenfiles-sign-hide = ○
  172. history-prev-item-sign = «
  173. history-next-item-sign = »
  174. history-show-list-sign = ^
  175. filename-scroll-left-char = «
  176. filename-scroll-right-char = »
  177. [widget-scollbar]
  178. first-vert-char=↑
  179. last-vert-char=↓
  180. first-horiz-char=«
  181. last-horiz-char=»
  182. current-char=■
  183. background-char=▒