1. Version 4.7.1
  2. - Core
  3. * Minimal required GLib version is 2.8 (#1980)
  4. * Reorganization of source tree structure (#1866, #2037)
  5. * States of all 'Find File' dialog checkboxes are saved in user configuration file (#1874, #1965)
  6. * New file type bindings:
  7. o viewing .lyx with lyxcat, opening with lyx (#1693)
  8. * Added shortcut (Meta-,) to toggle panels split (#1991)
  9. * Capability to remove history items. !WListbox widget was fully reimplemented (#1445)
  10. * Autodetect codepages of edited/viewed files with enca program (#1838)
  11. * Custom/locale-based date format (#1767)
  12. * New quick search behavior, allow wildcard characters - '*' and '?'(#2022)
  13. * Panels: new sort type 'by version' (#1994)
  14. * Added 'menuinactive' skin item to draw inactive visible main menu (#1999)
  15. * Added ability to show progressbars (when copy files) from right to left (#1443)
  16. * Added indication of total BPS and ETA for file operations; fully rewrited FileOperations dialog (#1443)
  17. - VFS
  18. * Small reorganizing (#1931)
  19. * Easy plugable EXTFS VFS (#1909)
  20. - Editor
  21. * Some simple optimization of syntax highlighting engine (#1843)
  22. * Show right margin using 'editor_show_right_margin' option. Keybind EditToggleShowMargin in [editor] section is used to toggle the state (#1514)
  23. * New editor action 'Mark all', new keybind EditMarkAll (#1945)
  24. * Changed default for 'Cursor beyond EOL', now it switched off by default (#1946)
  25. * Changed default color pair for 'editbold' (search result) to be more sensible (#1559)
  26. - Viewer
  27. * Viewer is now very fast (#1585)
  28. * Added new confirm box for repeat search from begining of file (#1917)
  29. - Misc
  30. * Lots of code cleanup (#1780, #1915, #1990)
  31. * Removed obsolete checks in configuration scripts (#262, #1932)
  32. * Documentation updates
  33. * Translation updates
  34. - Fixes
  35. * MC won't compile on Solaris due to undefined constant NAME_MAX (#1943)
  36. * MC won't compile on AIX (#1957)
  37. * Missing includes (#1930, #2017)
  38. * Missing printf format (#1960)
  39. * Memory and file descriptors leaks (#1953, #2028, #2053, #2058)
  40. * Small error in versioning (#1905)
  41. * Incorrect start up with some special paths (#1992)
  42. * Segfault in input line history (#1936)
  43. * MC crashes on exit when using C locale (#1942)
  44. * MC crashes at exit due to race conditions of destroying subshell and file manager (#2008)
  45. * Assertion failed for g_array_free (#1954)
  46. * Broken transparency if MC is built with NCurses (#1657)
  47. * Selections not visible on monochrome terminals (#1972)
  48. * Colors of visible inactive menu (#1702)
  49. * Incorrect input line length in 'Edit symlink' dialog window (#1955)
  50. * Unquoted shell variables in user menu (#1967)
  51. * Ctrl-\ key closes the NCurses-based MC (#1926)
  52. * verbose option is always on after MC start (#1940)
  53. * Show total progressbar (and related info) when copying just one subdirdir with lot of files (#1443)
  54. * Incorrecy movement in last line in editor (moving cursor to the empty last line) (#1956)
  55. * Incorrect editor lock files check (#1935)
  56. * Segfault at try of edit (F4) archives with utf-8 names (x86_64 specified) (#1982)
  57. * Editor's search parameters are not retained across editing session (#1572)
  58. * EditColumnMark can't go up through newline (#1998)
  59. * 'Confirm replace' dialog is not converted from UTF-8 to user defined charset (#1986)
  60. * Missed \s symbol in Syntax file (#2010)
  61. * Viewer in QuickView mode corrupts screen (#1918, #1944)
  62. * ViewContinueSearch segfault on empty search (#1996)
  63. * MC crashes if file name in archves contains '@' symbol (#1605)
  64. * deba and debd VFS: items from DEBIAN directory are not accessible (#1920)
  65. * Samba is not built with tcc (#1933)
  66. * Incorrect conditional compilation of mcserver (#1925)
  67. * Potencial security risk in mcserv (#1902)
  68. * The lslR VFS doesn't work with ls-lR files created in en_US.UTF-8 locale and with files and directories started with whitespaces (#1921)
  69. * Contents of RAR archives with filenames that contain / \d\d:\d\d / are not listed correctly (#2029)
  70. * FTPFS: strcpy() is used for overlaping strings (#2018)
  71. Version
  72. - Fixes
  73. * Fixed double free of memory in editor;
  74. * Fixed build with --disable-vfs option;
  75. * Fixed compile warnings about unused variables;
  76. * Fixed Fedora/RH RPM versioning scheme.
  77. Version 4.7.0
  78. - Core
  79. * Removed charset confirmation on startup and added the automatic recognize
  80. of system charset (#1613)
  81. * Some startup speed up (#1781)
  82. * Save flags of select/unselet file group (#1776)
  83. * Don't set TOSTOP attribute on slave terminal (#1637)
  84. * Keybindings for button bars (F1-F10 keys) (#212)
  85. * Keybindings for Tree widget
  86. * Enlarged sizes of Directory Tree dialog window
  87. * Added missed esc sequencies for qansi terminals (#1803)
  88. * New file type bindings:
  89. + adeed mkv, 3gp video types
  90. + use exif(1) output when viewing jpeg files
  91. + opening .chm with kchmviewer with fallback to xchm
  92. + viewing .mo files with msgunfmt
  93. - VFS
  94. * FISH: add the user name to the ssh command line only if it's not the same as
  95. the local logged-in user (#1867)
  96. * FTP: support active mode (#1796)
  97. * FTP: improved symlink handling
  98. * FTP: some FTP-servers don't have chmon support. Ignore FTP errors related
  99. to chmod operations (#1708)
  100. * EXTFS: added S3 backend by Jakob Kemi (#272)
  101. * SFS: use single script for RPM and SRPM packets handling (#1590)
  102. - Editor
  103. * New syntax files: Cabal
  104. * Updated syntax files: Python, PHP
  105. * Syntax highlighting: added '.hh' and '.hpp' file extensions as C++ sources
  106. - Misc
  107. * Lots of code cleanup and optimization
  108. * Workaround for SunStudio compiler bug #6888373 (#1749)
  109. * Removed obsolete checks in configuration scripts
  110. * Allow save empty value in history (#1814)
  111. * Use ctrl-g instead of ctrl-c for SIGINT signal (#1876).
  112. * RPM spec: rewritten and simplified static build procedure for legacy distros (#1848)
  113. * Translation updated
  114. * Documentation updates
  115. * Added skin: darker color style (#1659)
  116. - Fixes
  117. * Memory and file descriptors leaks
  118. * Crash on start if ~/.mc/panels.ini contains incorrect value of 'sort_order' key (#1790)
  119. * MC aborts when ctrl-c is pressed (#1793)
  120. * Build w/o internal editor (#1826)
  121. * Compilation warings of --disable-nls and --disable-charset options (#1831)
  122. * Incorrect handling of '--with-search-engine' configure option (#1396)
  123. * Segmentation fault when search in different encodings (#1858)
  124. * C-w does not delete whole command line (#407)
  125. * Wrong shortcuts in menu items (#1836)
  126. * Panels state saves and restores despite disabled 'Auto save setup' (#1663)
  127. * Case insensitive file sorting in UTF-8 locales (#1536)
  128. * Incorrect handling of 0xFF char that is valid char in CP1251 locale (#1883)
  129. * Segfault in TreeView loading (#1794)
  130. * Incorect stat info of ".." directory in file panel (#1757)
  131. * Incorect stat info of ".." directory in info panel (#1757)
  132. * Setting "Use passive mode over proxy" is not remembered (#1746)
  133. * CK_Edit_Save_Mode command handling in editor (#1810)
  134. * Incorrect calculation of some utf-8 characters width (#1768)
  135. * Handling CJK chars in editor (#1628)
  136. * Incorrect cursor positioning in editor (#1809, #1884)
  137. * Vertical block handling in editor (#1839)
  138. * Incorrect text scrolling in editor (#1877)
  139. * Incorrect mouse movement in editor when text scrolled to the right (#1792)
  140. * Newlines are lost when pasting multiline text in editor (#1710)
  141. * Mismatched hotkeys EditBeginRecordMacro, EditEndRecordMacro in editor
  142. * íismatched hotkeys EditBeginningOfText, EditEndOfText, EditBeginPage, EditEndPage (#1724)
  143. * Some syntax files are not installable (#1779)
  144. * Date & time insertion in editor (#1759)
  145. * "Matches not found" message is not shown in viewer
  146. * Hangup after search in archive in viewer (#1873)
  147. * SFS: CPIO VFS skips empty directories in the root of archive (#1732)
  148. * Incorrect parsing FTP-string (#1605)
  149. * LZMA files detect (#1798)
  150. * FISH: broken filenames and timestamps on really poor busybox devices (#1450)
  151. * Minor mistakes and mistypes in man files
  152. * Various doxygen warnings
  153. Version 4.7.0-pre4
  154. - Core
  155. * Added feature of sort files by mouse click on column header
  156. * Added keybindings to change files sort type via shortcuts
  157. (PanelSelectSortOrder, PanelToggleSortOrderPrev, PanelToggleSortOrderNext,
  158. PanelReverseSort, PanelSortOrderByName, PanelSortOrderByExt,
  159. PanelSortOrderBySize, PanelSortOrderByMTime)
  160. * Now the letter of sort type and sort direction is always drawn in panel
  161. header (direction of sort is drown near the current sort column in long
  162. file list mode only)
  163. * Skin-files: added new parameters 'sort-sign-up' and 'sort-sign-down' in
  164. the section '[widget-common]' to draw sign of sort direction
  165. * Added option 'extensions_case' in filehighlight.ini file.
  166. * Menu engine was reimplemented: 1) now menu is build dynamically, 2)
  167. shortcut displayed in menu item is not a part of menu item text and it is
  168. synchronized with keybinding defined in mc.keymap file (#1563).
  169. - VFS
  170. * Fixed view *.tar files with a colon in name
  171. * Allow 'exit' command on non-local filesystems
  172. * Added partial support of Microsoft CAB-archives
  173. * Added support of ico files
  174. * Added support of *.djvu files
  175. * Fix segfaults in various cases while browsing various VFSs
  176. * Fixed warnings when file copy inside archive.
  177. - Editor
  178. * Added scrolled percentage in status bar (only in "simple statusbar" mode)
  179. * Fixed Misbehaving rectangular select in editor (wrong when selected from
  180. right to left and/or bottom to top)
  181. * Split editor menu 'Command' to 'Command' and 'Format'
  182. * Added option 'Check POSIX new line' into 'Save mode...' dialog, add notification
  183. before save when no newline at EOF (#46)
  184. * Added bindings ('EditShiftBlockLeft', 'EditShiftBlockRight') for shift block
  185. * Fixed incorrect drawing CJK (double width) character
  186. - Viewer
  187. * Fixed tabs alignment (#1664)
  188. * Fixed view of next/prev file (#1750)
  189. - Misc
  190. * Shared clipboard for the mc editor, form fields, panel and command prompt
  191. * Refactoring: now all filename constants are placed in src/fileloc.h file
  192. * Testing & development: added ability for change user config dir. For example,
  193. type make CFLAGS='-DMC_USERCONF_DIR=\".mc2\"'
  194. * Changed Alt+Backspace behavior in command line
  195. - Fixes
  196. * Fixed broken building under uclibc <0.9.29
  197. * Autoindent regression
  198. * Viewer Hex editor regression
  199. * Incorrect indentation block when selecting with F3 + keys
  200. * Fixed ownership of config files
  201. * fix broken check of option '--disable-vfs-undelfs'
  202. * Learn keys: fixed incorrect save of keys configuration
  203. * Fixed bug with 'The shell is already running a command'
  204. * Fixed 'B' artefact into OpenSuse console of root user
  205. Version 4.7.0-pre3
  206. - Core
  207. * removed own popt stuff (command line options parser). Now used glib parser
  208. * added feature for filenames highlighting in panels
  209. * Copy/Move overwrite query dialog is more friendly for long file names
  210. * at first run find file dialog now contain latest item from history
  211. * charset support enabled by default (--enable-charset option)
  212. * added support of skins
  213. * added support of key bindings
  214. - VFS
  215. * fixed recognize of tar.xz archives
  216. * added recognize of lzma archives by extention
  217. - Editor
  218. * 'Save as' dialog enhancement: select line break type: Windows/UNIX/Mac
  219. (CR LF/LF/CR)
  220. * syntax hightlighting updated: VerilogHDL, Shell script
  221. * Added syntax highlighting for *.repo files of yum
  222. * Added syntax highlighting of pacman's PKGBUILD and .install files
  223. - Viewer
  224. * Fixed showing Windows/Mac (CR LF/CR) line terminator
  225. - Misc
  226. * hotlist: support for environment variables ($HOME, ~username, etc.)
  227. * hotlist: support for completion in path input
  228. * all list widgets: support for fast navigation by number keys (i.e. 1 -
  229. first list item, 2 - second)
  230. - Fixes
  231. * restored action of 'ctrl-t' keybinding (mark files&dirs). For selecting
  232. charset use 'alt-e'
  233. * segfault on incorrect color pair in [Color] section
  234. * incorrect position of panel codeset dialog
  235. * limit of 9 digits for of file size display
  236. * lines drawing in -a stickchars mode
  237. * segfault when you try to use non-anonymous FTP
  238. * Ctrl-O handling under GNU Screen in altscreen mode
  239. * support of CP866 (IBM866) locale
  240. * checking for minimal version of glib and exit if version less
  241. than 2.6
  242. * segfault by mouse wheel action in history list and menu
  243. * Fixed behvior with Meta+PgDn? in editor
  244. * Fixed behvior with cursor movement by Ctrl+arrows when cursor besides EOL
  245. * Fixed editor autocompleting
  246. * Fixed Copy/Move dialogs steal Kill Word shortcut
  247. * Fixed autoconf issue when configure with --with-gpm-mouse option
  248. Version 4.7.0-pre2
  249. - Core
  250. * cycle menu navigation
  251. * change behaviour of C-space, now it calculate size on "..", and for selected
  252. dirs if there is one.
  253. * new find file option: find only first hit in file (make search faster)
  254. * new find file option: Whole words - find whole words only
  255. * scalable TUI
  256. - VFS
  257. * FTPFS: support of IPv6 protocol
  258. * extfs/iso9660 updated to support Joliet "UCS level 1"
  259. - Editor
  260. * new search/replace flag added "In selection"
  261. * new hotkeys for bookmarks, now bookmark displayed in state line and editor
  262. * new cursor behavior. Option "Cursor beyond end of line" - allow moving cursor
  263. beyond the end of line
  264. * new syntax hightlights added: erlang, ebuild, named, strace, j
  265. * syntax hightlights updated: mail, vhdl, html
  266. - Viewer
  267. * Reworked for improve perfomance
  268. * Implemented interruptable long-distance movements
  269. * splitted src/view.[ch] into many files in src/viewer/ subdir for more simple
  270. support of code
  271. * fixed build of format string in runtime (for better i18n)
  272. * add 'Whole words' option into the viewer 'Search' dialog
  273. - Misc
  274. * new option mouse_close_dialog, if mouse_close_dialog=1 click on outside the
  275. dialog close them
  276. * new: SI-based size show
  277. * make shared history for find file, editor search/replace, viever
  278. - Fixes
  279. * linking error with --enable-vfs-undelfs
  280. * external editor won't open if there are spaces in EDITOR variable
  281. * C-c kill mc if mc built with --without-subshell option is run with -d option
  282. * directory hotlist rendering
  283. * segfault on empty replace string
  284. * fixes for vfs/tarfs
  285. * removing bashizm from vfs/extfs/u7z
  286. * crash mc on create new file (Shift-F4) in external editor
  287. * File copy/move dialog: in replacement field now handled asterisks as search groups
  288. * VFS: Fixed SIGSERV(or heap corruption) on large filenames
  289. * Fixed broken backward search
  290. * Fixed uninitialised value for mouse event in in find.c#check_find_events() function
  291. * Fixed ctrl+z signal handling
  292. * Fixed incorrect showing prompt
  293. * Fixed incorrect vertical selection (if line state swiched on)
  294. * Fixed screen resize handle if mouse support is disabled
  295. * Restore correct current directory after switch from Info panel to List one
  296. * Fixed mouse support in 'konsole-256color' terminal
  297. * Fixed keycodes in 'xterm-256color' terminal
  298. * Fixed incorrect regexp search by content in 'file find' dialog
  299. * Fixed incorrect backwards search
  300. * Fixed incorrect detection of compressed patchfs
  301. * Fixed incorrect detecting codeset when <no translation> codeset selected
  302. Version 4.7.0-pre1
  303. - Core
  304. * native UTF-8 support
  305. * filenames charset selection support in panels
  306. * new 'Find File' dialog
  307. * new unified search/replace engine with search types: Plain, Wildcard, Regexp, Hex
  308. * extended learn keys
  309. * locale based codepage autodetection
  310. * initial support for doxygen generated docs
  311. * refresh of autoconf stuff
  312. * translation updates
  313. * x86_64 fixes
  314. - Editor
  315. * various editor enchancements (vertical block marking/moving/copy/paste)
  316. * navigate across source code through ctags/etags TAGS file
  317. * new option 'Persistent selection'
  318. * Del/Backspace - delete selected block if 'Persistent selection' switched off
  319. * shift block right with TAB key by TAB size or TAB symbol, shift block left with COMPLETE key
  320. if 'Persistent selection' switched off
  321. * optional showing of line numbers
  322. * various syntax files updates
  323. * optional highlighting of the tabs and trailing spaces
  324. * add some hot-keys
  325. - Misc
  326. * showing of the free space on current file system
  327. * showing of the size selected files in mini-status bar
  328. - Fixes
  329. * editor's undo fixes
  330. * many fixes from other distributions are included
  331. * fish handling for symlinks is fixed
  332. * escaping of fancy names is fixed
  333. * segfault in fish permission checks is fixed
  334. * various mc.ext fixes
  335. * commandline completion fixes (mainly, escaping hadling)
  336. * small fixes in history handling (locale independent .mc/history entries)
  337. * code cleanups, various memleak/etc fixes (many thanks to valgrind)