Sergei Trofimovich 80a6897271 cleanup: mhl_str_dir_plus_file(): int -> size_t (suggested by Andrew Borodin) 16 years ago
.gitignore 521fe2fefb Add .gitignore to mhl dir. 16 years ago
README b79649fd54 Corrected names of the header files in the README for mhl 16 years ago
env.h 272754a8f5 renamed ../mhl/mhl* to <mhl/...> 16 years ago
escape.h 7a51b50d5c mhl: mhl_shell_unescape_buf(): fixed memory array OOB. 16 years ago
memory.h 272754a8f5 renamed ../mhl/mhl* to <mhl/...> 16 years ago
strhash.h 272754a8f5 renamed ../mhl/mhl* to <mhl/...> 16 years ago
string.h 80a6897271 cleanup: mhl_str_dir_plus_file(): int -> size_t (suggested by Andrew Borodin) 16 years ago
types.h 6674647676 added mhl/types.h which defines bool enum, escape.h now using this type 16 years ago


Micro helper library.

This is a tiny library of helper functions/macros.

* MACRO-FUNC: macro w/ function syntax. (might become inline func)
* INLINE-FUNC: inline function (might become macro func)
* MACRO: strictly a macro (may never become a inline func)


mhl/memory.h: Memory management functions

* mhl_mem_alloc_u(sz) [MACRO-FUNC]

Allocate sz bytes on stack, unitialized

* mhl_mem_alloc_z(sz) [INLINE-FUNC]

Allocate sz bytes on stack, zero'ed

* mhl_mem_free(ptr) [INLINE-FUNC]

Free chunk @ptr (MUST be allocated w/ mhl_mem_alloc_*()),
passing NULL is graciously allowed

* mhl_mem_realloc(ptr,newsize) -> returns newptr

Re-allocates a heap chunk, just like realloc()


like mhl_mem_free(), but with ptr as a variable that gets cleared
(use this as shortcut to "mhl_mem_free(foo); foo = NULL")

mhl/string.h: String helpers

* mhl_str_dup(const char*s) -> char*

[MACRO-FUNC] Safe version of strdup(), when NULL passed, returns strdup("")

* mhl_str_ndup(const char* s) -> char*

[MACRO-FUNC] Safe version of strndup(), when NULL passed, returns strdup("")

* mhl_str_trim(char* s) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] Trims the string (removing leading and trailing whitespacs),
WITHIN the passed buffer, returning the string s itself.
When NULL passed returns NULL.

* mhl_str_toupper(char* s) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] Converts the string in passed buffer to uppercase, returns that
buffer. When NULL passed returns NULL.

* mhl_str_concat_1(const char* base, const char* one) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] Concatenates the string one onto the string base and returns the
result in a newly allocated buffer (free it w/ mhl_mem_free()).
For NULL strings, "" is assumed.

* mhl_str_concat_2(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_3(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_4(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_5(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_6(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five,const char* six) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_7(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five,const char* six,const char* seven) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] Like str_concat_1() but adding more strings.

* mhl_str_reverse(char* str) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] Reverses the string in passed buffer and returns the buffer ptr itself.
If NULL is passed, returns NULL.

mhl/escape.h: Shell-style string escaping

* mhl_shell_escape_toesc(char c) -> bool

[MACRO-FUNC] returns true when given char has to be escaped

* mhl_shell_escape_nottoesc(char c) -> bool

[MACRO-FUNC] opposite of mhl_shell_escape_toesc()

* mhl_shell_escape_dup(const char* s) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] escapes an string and returns the result in a malloc()'ed chunk
Passing NULL returns an empty malloc()ed string.

* mhl_shell_unescape_buf(char* s) -> char*

[INLINE-FUNC] unescapes the string into given buffer (changes buffer!) and
returns ptr to the buffer itself. When NULL passed returns NULL.

mhl/env.h: Environment variable helpers

* mhl_getenv_dup(const char* n) -> char*

[MACRO-FUNC] like getenv() but returns an strdup()'ed copy. When NULL passed,
returns strdup("")