7.8 KB

  1. # Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
  2. %define ver @VERSION@
  3. %define RELEASE 1
  5. Summary: Midnight Commander visual shell
  6. Name: mc
  7. Version: %ver
  8. Release: %rel
  9. Epoch: 1
  10. Copyright: GPL
  11. Group: Applications/File
  12. Source0:{PACKAGE_VERSION}.tar.gz
  13. URL:
  14. BuildRoot: /var/tmp/mc-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
  15. Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
  16. BuildPrereq: glib-devel, slang-devel
  17. %description
  18. Midnight Commander is a visual shell much like a file manager, only with way
  19. more features. It is text mode, but also includes mouse support if you are
  20. running GPM. Its coolest feature is the ability to ftp, view tar, zip
  21. files, and poke into RPMs for specific files. :-)
  22. %prep
  23. %setup -q
  24. %build
  25. CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
  26. --prefix=%{_prefix} \
  27. --mandir=%{_mandir} \
  28. --sysconfdir=/etc
  29. if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
  30. (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0)
  31. make
  32. else
  33. make
  34. fi
  35. %install
  36. echo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  37. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  38. make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  39. install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d
  40. install lib/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d
  41. install lib/mc.csh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d
  42. %clean
  43. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  44. %files
  45. %defattr(-, root, root)
  47. %{_prefix}/bin/mc
  48. %{_prefix}/bin/mcedit
  49. %{_prefix}/bin/mcview
  50. %{_prefix}/lib/mc/bin/cons.saver
  51. %{_prefix}/lib/mc/term/*
  52. %{_mandir}/man1/*
  53. %config /etc/profile.d/*
  54. %dir %{_prefix}/lib/mc/bin
  55. %dir %{_prefix}/lib/mc/term
  56. %defattr(-, root, root)
  57. %{_prefix}/bin/mcmfmt
  58. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/
  59. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/edit.indent.rc
  60. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/extfs/*
  61. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/mc.ext
  62. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/mc.lib
  63. %config %{_prefix}/lib/mc/
  64. %{_prefix}/lib/mc/mc.hint*
  65. %{_prefix}/lib/mc/mc.hlp*
  66. %{_prefix}/lib/mc/syntax/*
  67. %{_prefix}/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*
  68. %config /etc/
  69. %dir %{_prefix}/lib/mc
  70. %dir %{_prefix}/lib/mc/extfs
  71. %dir %{_prefix}/lib/mc/syntax
  72. %changelog
  73. * Mon Jan 21 2002 Pavel Roskin <>
  74. - Remove --with-gnome and --with-included-slang from configure options.
  75. - Add BuildPrereq.
  76. * Fri Aug 24 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  77. - Remove gmc. Reunite mc and mc-common.
  78. * Sun Aug 05 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  79. - Set epoch.
  80. * Sun Jul 15 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  81. - Remove /usr/lib/mc/layout.
  82. * Sat Jun 09 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  83. - Use %{_prefix} and %{_mandir}. Specify --mandir to configure.
  84. * Fri May 25 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  85. - Change groups. Don't include locale directories. More config files.
  86. * Sun May 20 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  87. - Don't require stylesheets, since HTML files are now in the tarball.
  88. * Thu Apr 19 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  89. - Remove package mcserv. Drop dependency on PAM.
  90. * Mon Feb 26 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  91. - Remove mc-gnome.ext.
  92. * Thu Jan 11 2001 Pavel Roskin <>
  93. - Include mcview.
  94. * Mon Oct 23 2000 Pavel Roskin <>
  95. - Allow mcserv.8 to be gzipped.
  96. * Sat Sep 30 2000 Pavel Roskin <>
  97. - New package mc-common.
  98. - Use DESTDIR instead of misusing prefix.
  99. - Don't install old icons - they don't exist
  100. * Sat Sep 23 2000 Pavel Roskin <>
  101. - Include translations with mc, not gmc
  102. - chkconfig --del in %preun, not %postun
  103. - --without-debug not needed
  104. - /etc/X11/wmconfig not needed
  105. - /etc/pam.d/mcserv shouldn't be executable
  106. - New files in %{prefix}/lib/mc/ - translated hints, editor files
  107. * Thu Sep 09 1999 Elliot Lee <>
  108. - Include .idl files in the package.
  109. * Sat Sep 04 1999 Gregory McLean <>
  110. - Added a build prereq so that rpms get built with documentation ;)
  111. * Mon Jul 12 1999 Kjartan Maraas <>
  112. - added help and locale files to %files
  113. * Tue Jun 22 1999 Vladimir Kondratiev <>
  114. - added syntax files to %files
  115. * Wed May 26 1999 Cody Russell <>
  116. - chmod cons.saver at $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib rather than at
  117. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib. We can now install to somewhere other than /usr.
  118. * Sun Apr 18 1999 Gregory McLean <>
  119. - Updated the specfile, removed some kludges.
  120. * Thu Aug 20 1998 Michael Fulbright <>
  121. - rebuilt against gnome-libs 0.27 and gtk+-1.1
  122. * Thu Jul 09 1998 Michael Fulbright <>
  123. - made cons.saver not setuid
  124. * Sun Apr 19 1998 Marc Ewing <>
  125. - removed tkmc
  126. * Wed Apr 8 1998 Marc Ewing <>
  127. - add /usr/lib/mc/layout to gmc
  128. * Tue Dec 23 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  129. - added --without-debug to configure,
  130. - modification in %build and %install and cosmetic modification in packages
  131. headers,
  132. - added %%{PACKAGE_VERSION} macro to Buildroot,
  133. - removed "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" from %prep.
  134. - removed Packager field.
  135. * Thu Dec 18 1997 Michele Marziani <>
  136. - Merged spec file with that from RedHat-5.0 distribution
  137. (now a Hurricane-based distribution is needed)
  138. - Added patch for RPM script (didn't always work with rpm-2.4.10)
  139. - Corrected patch for mcserv init file (chkconfig init levels)
  140. - Added more documentation files on termcap, terminfo, xterm
  141. * Thu Oct 30 1997 Michael K. Johnson <>
  142. - Added dependency on portmap
  143. * Wed Oct 29 1997 Michael K. Johnson <>
  144. - fixed spec file.
  145. - Updated to 4.1.8
  146. * Sun Oct 26 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  147. - updated to 4.1.6
  148. - added %attr macros in %files,
  149. - a few simplification in %install,
  150. - removed glibc patch,
  151. - fixed installing /etc/X11/wmconfig/tkmc.
  152. * Thu Oct 23 1997 Michael K. Johnson <>
  153. - updated to 4.1.5
  154. - added wmconfig
  155. * Wed Oct 15 1997 Erik Troan <>
  156. - chkconfig is for mcserv package, not mc one
  157. * Tue Oct 14 1997 Erik Troan <>
  158. - patched init script for chkconfig
  159. - don't turn on the service by default
  160. * Fri Oct 10 1997 Michael K. Johnson <>
  161. - Converted to new PAM conventions.
  162. - Updated to 4.1.3
  163. - No longer needs glibc patch.
  164. * Thu May 22 1997 Michele Marziani <>
  165. - added support for mc alias in /etc/profile.d/mc.csh (for csh and tcsh)
  166. - lowered number of SysV init scripts in /etc/rc.d/rc[0,1,6].d
  167. (mcserv needs to be killed before inet)
  168. - removed all references to $RPM_SOURCE_DIR
  169. - restored $RPM_OPT_FLAGS when compiling
  170. - minor cleanup of spec file: redundant directives and comments removed
  171. * Sun May 18 1997 Michele Marziani <>
  172. - removed all references to non-existent mc.rpmfs
  173. - added mcedit.1 to the %files section
  174. - reverted to un-gzipped man pages (RedHat style)
  175. - removed double install line for mcserv.pamd
  176. * Tue May 13 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  177. - added new rpmfs script,
  178. - removed mcfn_install from mc (adding mc() to bash enviroment is in
  179. /etc/profile.d/,
  180. - /etc/profile.d/ changed to %config,
  181. - removed /usr/lib/mc/bin/create_vcs,
  182. - removed /usr/lib/mc/term.
  183. * Wed May 9 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  184. - changed source url,
  185. - fixed link mcedit to mc,
  186. * Tue May 7 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  187. - new version 3.5.27,
  188. - %dir /usr/lib/mc/icons and icons removed from tkmc,
  189. - added commented xmc part.
  190. * Tue Apr 22 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  191. - FIX spec:
  192. - added URL field,
  193. - in mc added missing /usr/lib/mc/mc.ext, /usr/lib/mc/mc.hint,
  194. /usr/lib/mc/mc.hlp, /usr/lib/mc/mc.lib, /usr/lib/mc/
  195. * Fri Apr 18 1997 Tomasz K³oczko <>
  196. - added making packages: tkmc, mcserv (xmc not work yet),
  197. - gziped man pages,
  198. - added /etc/pamd.d/mcserv PAM config file.
  199. - added instaling icons,
  200. - added /etc/profile.d/,
  201. - in %doc added NEWS README,
  202. - removed /usr/lib/mc/FAQ,
  203. - added mcserv.init script for mcserv (start/stop on level 86).