1. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Scenario #1
  3. As developer
  4. I Want To prepare release files for review by developers
  5. Given have latest version from 'git tag' output (saved to ${last_version})
  6. and latest version is increased (saved to ${next_version})
  7. When I want To: prepare to release
  8. Then I Should: sync PO translations from
  9. and sync mc.hint translations from
  10. and create new NEWS wiki page for ${next_version} with empty template
  11. and add content of NEWS-${last_version} wiki page to the doc/NEWS file in git repo
  12. and create new tag '${next_version}' in git
  13. and add new version '${last_version}' in Trac
  14. and add new milestone '${next_version}' in Trac
  15. and create tar.(bz2|xz) package files
  16. and create checksums for archives:
  17. and upload source packages and checksums to the special upload area
  18. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Scenario #2
  20. As developer
  21. I Want To review files prepared for release
  22. Given have prepared files for review
  23. When I Want To: release next version
  24. Then I Should: download archives from special upload area
  25. and download checksums for archives from special upload area
  26. and verify checksums and archives
  27. and unpack arhives
  28. and configure with default parameters
  29. and run 'make all install DESTDIR=/tmp/mc-release'
  30. and if everything is okay, keep vote in release ticket
  31. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. Scenario #3
  33. As developer
  34. I Want To complete the release procedure
  35. Given have votes from developers
  36. When I Want To: complete the release
  37. Then I Should: upload source packages and checksums to
  38. and update Wiki start page with ${next_version} release number
  39. and write an announcement in mc-dev and mc-users mailists: list user visible changes (bugs and features)
  40. and close milestone with '${last_version}' version
  41. and create new ticket (type=task, component=adm) for the next release
  42. and close ticket for release.
  43. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------