QNX.ORG.RU Community R and D QNX.ORG.RU Team Dmitry Alexeyev dmi@qnx.org.ru Mike Gorchak mike@malva.ua Application 2.0 Midnight Commander mc Public public GNU Midnight Commander (also referred to as mc) - is a user shell with text-mode full-screen interface. GNU Midnight Commander (also referred to as mc) - is a user shell with text-mode full-screen interface. It can be run on the OS console, in xterm and other terminal emulators. http://www.midnight-commander.org/ @VERSION@ Medium Stable GNU General Public License System/File Utilities/File Management mc, midnight, commander, mcedit, mcview qnx6 none Console User repdata://LicenseUrl/COPYING /usr/photon/bin/launchmenu_notify Post Use /usr/photon/bin/launchmenu_notify Post Unuse