Intended audience ================= This document is intended for everybody who wants to understand VFS code. Knowledge of programming is a must. Preface ======= While VFS should be considered an excellent idea, which came ahead of its time, the implementation used in GNU Midnight Commander is now showing its age. The VFS code was left us without any decent documentation. Most functions don't have comments explaining what they do. Most comments describe quirks and implementation details, rather than the intended functionality of the code. This document is an attempt to reconstruct understanding of the VFS code and help its future developers. Being the part of GNU Midnight Commander most exposed to potential security threats, the VFS code needs to be kept is a good shape. Understanding the code is the key to making and keeping it secure. Basics of code organization =========================== VFS code it to a certain extent object oriented. The code dealing with a certain type of data (e.g. tar archives of SMB shares) can be thought of as a class in the terms of object oriented programming. They may reuse some code from their parent classes. For instance, tar and cpio archives have a common parent class direntry, which contains some common code for archives. Individual archives or connections can be considered as instances of those classes. They provide POSIX like interface to their structure, but don't expose that structure directly to the common VFS layer. Each VFS object has a directory tree associated with it. The tree consists of entries for files and directories. In some VFS classes, the entries have names and a are associated with nameless inodes, which contain information such as size, timestamps and other data normally contained in POSIX "struct stat". File vfs.c serves as a multiplexor. It exports functions similar to POSIX but with "mc_" prepended to them. For example, mc_open() will act like open(), but will treat VFS names in a special way. Common utility functions not intended to be used outside the VFS code should go to utilvfs.c and possibly to other files. Presently, there is a lot of such code in vfs.c. Hierarchy of classes ==================== vfs ---- direntry ---- cpio } archives | | ---- tar } | | | | ---- fish } remote systems | | ---- ftpfs } | |---- extfs ---- extfs archives |---- localfs ---- sfs ---- sfs archives |---- smbfs |---- undelfs Properties of classes ===================== read only inode->entry local cache full tree mapping loaded cpio yes* yes* no yes tar yes* yes* no yes fish no yes yes no ftpfs no yes yes no extfs no no yes yes localfs no no N/A N/A sfs no yes yes N/A smbfs no yes no no undelfs no yes no yes "*" means that this property should change during further development. Mapping from inode to entry prevents implementing hard links. It is permissible for directories, which cannot be hardlinked. Not loading the full tree speeds up access to large archives and conserves memory. Stamping ======== Stamping is the VFS equivalent of garbage collection. It's purpose is to destroy unreferenced VFS objects, in other words close archives or connections once they are unused for some time. There is a tree of items representing VFS objects. The common layer doesn't know the structure of the pointers, but it knows the class that should handle the pointer. Every item has a timestamp. Once the timestamp becomes too old, the object is freed. There are ways to keep objects alive if they are used. Also, objects can have parent objects, which are freed together with there original object if they are otherwise unreferenced.