/* Widgets for the Midnight Commander Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Authors: 1994, 1995 Radek Doulik 1994, 1995 Miguel de Icaza 1995 Jakub Jelinek 1996 Andrej Borsenkow 1997 Norbert Warmuth 2009, 2010 Andrew Borodin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** \file input.c * \brief Source: WInput widget */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/tty/tty.h" #include "lib/tty/mouse.h" #include "lib/tty/key.h" /* XCTRL and ALT macros */ #include "lib/fileloc.h" #include "lib/skin.h" #include "lib/strutil.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/keybind.h" /* global_keymap_t */ #include "lib/widget.h" #include "lib/event.h" /* mc_event_raise() */ #include "input_complete.h" #include "src/main.h" /* home_dir */ #include "src/filemanager/midnight.h" /* current_panel */ /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ int quote = 0; const global_keymap_t *input_map; /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ #define LARGE_HISTORY_BUTTON 1 #ifdef LARGE_HISTORY_BUTTON #define HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH 3 #else #define HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH 1 #endif #define should_show_history_button(in) \ (in->history != NULL && in->field_width > HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH * 2 + 1 \ && in->widget.owner != NULL) /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ /* Input widgets have a global kill ring */ /* Pointer to killed data */ static char *kill_buffer = NULL; /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void draw_history_button (WInput * in) { char c; gboolean disabled = (((Widget *) in)->options & W_DISABLED) != 0; c = in->history->next ? (in->history->prev ? '|' : 'v') : '^'; widget_move (&in->widget, 0, in->field_width - HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH); tty_setcolor (disabled ? DISABLED_COLOR : in->color[WINPUTC_HISTORY]); #ifdef LARGE_HISTORY_BUTTON { Dlg_head *h; h = in->widget.owner; tty_print_string ("[ ]"); widget_move (&in->widget, 0, in->field_width - HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH + 1); } #endif tty_print_char (c); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void input_set_markers (WInput * in, long m1) { in->mark = m1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void input_mark_cmd (WInput * in, gboolean mark) { if (mark == 0) { in->highlight = FALSE; input_set_markers (in, 0); } else { in->highlight = TRUE; input_set_markers (in, in->point); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static gboolean input_eval_marks (WInput * in, long *start_mark, long *end_mark) { if (in->highlight) { *start_mark = min (in->mark, in->point); *end_mark = max (in->mark, in->point); return TRUE; } else { *start_mark = *end_mark = 0; return FALSE; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void delete_region (WInput * in, int x_first, int x_last) { int first = min (x_first, x_last); int last = max (x_first, x_last); size_t len; input_mark_cmd (in, FALSE); in->point = first; last = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, last); first = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, first); len = strlen (&in->buffer[last]) + 1; memmove (&in->buffer[first], &in->buffer[last], len); in->charpoint = 0; in->need_push = TRUE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void do_show_hist (WInput * in) { char *r; r = history_show (&in->history, &in->widget); if (r != NULL) { input_assign_text (in, r); g_free (r); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void push_history (WInput * in, const char *text) { /* input widget where urls with passwords are entered without any vfs prefix */ const char *password_input_fields[] = { " Link to a remote machine ", " FTP to machine ", " SMB link to machine " }; const size_t ELEMENTS = (sizeof (password_input_fields) / sizeof (password_input_fields[0])); char *t; size_t i; gboolean empty; if (text == NULL) return; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS; i++) password_input_fields[i] = _(password_input_fields[i]); #endif t = g_strstrip (g_strdup (text)); empty = *t == '\0'; g_free (t); t = g_strdup (empty ? "" : text); if (in->history_name != NULL) { /* FIXME: It is the strange code. Rewrite is needed. */ const char *p = in->history_name + 3; for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS; i++) if (strcmp (p, password_input_fields[i]) == 0) break; strip_password (t, i >= ELEMENTS); } in->history = list_append_unique (in->history, t); in->need_push = FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void move_buffer_backward (WInput * in, int start, int end) { int i, pos, len; int str_len; str_len = str_length (in->buffer); if (start >= str_len || end > str_len + 1) return; pos = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, start); len = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, end) - pos; for (i = pos; in->buffer[i + len - 1]; i++) in->buffer[i] = in->buffer[i + len]; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t insert_char (WInput * in, int c_code) { size_t i; int res; if (in->highlight) { long m1, m2; if (input_eval_marks (in, &m1, &m2)) delete_region (in, m1, m2); } if (c_code == -1) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; if (in->charpoint >= MB_LEN_MAX) return MSG_HANDLED; in->charbuf[in->charpoint] = c_code; in->charpoint++; res = str_is_valid_char (in->charbuf, in->charpoint); if (res < 0) { if (res != -2) in->charpoint = 0; /* broken multibyte char, skip */ return MSG_HANDLED; } in->need_push = TRUE; if (strlen (in->buffer) + 1 + in->charpoint >= in->current_max_size) { /* Expand the buffer */ size_t new_length = in->current_max_size + in->field_width + in->charpoint; char *narea = g_try_renew (char, in->buffer, new_length); if (narea) { in->buffer = narea; in->current_max_size = new_length; } } if (strlen (in->buffer) + in->charpoint < in->current_max_size) { /* bytes from begin */ size_t ins_point = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); /* move chars */ size_t rest_bytes = strlen (in->buffer + ins_point); for (i = rest_bytes + 1; i > 0; i--) in->buffer[ins_point + i + in->charpoint - 1] = in->buffer[ins_point + i - 1]; memcpy (in->buffer + ins_point, in->charbuf, in->charpoint); in->point++; } in->charpoint = 0; return MSG_HANDLED; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void beginning_of_line (WInput * in) { in->point = 0; in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void end_of_line (WInput * in) { in->point = str_length (in->buffer); in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void backward_char (WInput * in) { const char *act; act = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); if (in->point > 0) in->point -= str_cprev_noncomb_char (&act, in->buffer); in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void forward_char (WInput * in) { const char *act; act = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); if (act[0] != '\0') in->point += str_cnext_noncomb_char (&act); in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void forward_word (WInput * in) { const char *p; p = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); while (p[0] != '\0' && (str_isspace (p) || str_ispunct (p))) { str_cnext_char (&p); in->point++; } while (p[0] != '\0' && !str_isspace (p) && !str_ispunct (p)) { str_cnext_char (&p); in->point++; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void backward_word (WInput * in) { const char *p, *p_tmp; for (p = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); (p != in->buffer) && (p[0] == '\0'); str_cprev_char (&p), in->point--); while (p != in->buffer) { p_tmp = p; str_cprev_char (&p); if (!str_isspace (p) && !str_ispunct (p)) { p = p_tmp; break; } in->point--; } while (p != in->buffer) { str_cprev_char (&p); if (str_isspace (p) || str_ispunct (p)) break; in->point--; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void backward_delete (WInput * in) { const char *act = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); int start; if (in->point == 0) return; start = in->point - str_cprev_noncomb_char (&act, in->buffer); move_buffer_backward (in, start, in->point); in->charpoint = 0; in->need_push = TRUE; in->point = start; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void delete_char (WInput * in) { const char *act; int end = in->point; act = in->buffer + str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); end += str_cnext_noncomb_char (&act); move_buffer_backward (in, in->point, end); in->charpoint = 0; in->need_push = TRUE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void copy_region (WInput * in, int x_first, int x_last) { int first = min (x_first, x_last); int last = max (x_first, x_last); if (last == first) { /* Copy selected files to clipboard */ mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_FILEMANAGER, "panel_save_curent_file_to_clip_file", NULL); /* try use external clipboard utility */ mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL); return; } g_free (kill_buffer); first = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, first); last = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, last); kill_buffer = g_strndup (in->buffer + first, last - first); mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_text_to_file", kill_buffer); /* try use external clipboard utility */ mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void kill_word (WInput * in) { int old_point = in->point; int new_point; forward_word (in); new_point = in->point; in->point = old_point; delete_region (in, old_point, new_point); in->need_push = TRUE; in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void back_kill_word (WInput * in) { int old_point = in->point; int new_point; backward_word (in); new_point = in->point; in->point = old_point; delete_region (in, old_point, new_point); in->need_push = TRUE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void yank (WInput * in) { if (kill_buffer != NULL) { char *p; in->charpoint = 0; for (p = kill_buffer; *p != '\0'; p++) insert_char (in, *p); in->charpoint = 0; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void kill_line (WInput * in) { int chp; chp = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point); g_free (kill_buffer); kill_buffer = g_strdup (&in->buffer[chp]); in->buffer[chp] = '\0'; in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clear_line (WInput * in) { in->need_push = 1; in->buffer[0] = '\0'; in->point = 0; in->mark = 0; in->highlight = FALSE; in->charpoint = 0; } static void ins_from_clip (WInput * in) { char *p = NULL; ev_clipboard_text_from_file_t event_data; /* try use external clipboard utility */ mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_from_ext_clip", NULL); event_data.text = &p; mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_text_from_file", &event_data); if (event_data.ret) { char *pp; for (pp = p; *pp != '\0'; pp++) insert_char (in, *pp); g_free (p); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void hist_prev (WInput * in) { GList *prev; if (in->history == NULL) return; if (in->need_push) push_history (in, in->buffer); prev = g_list_previous (in->history); if (prev != NULL) { in->history = prev; input_assign_text (in, (char *) prev->data); in->need_push = FALSE; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void hist_next (WInput * in) { if (in->need_push) { push_history (in, in->buffer); input_assign_text (in, ""); return; } if (in->history == NULL) return; if (in->history->next == NULL) input_assign_text (in, ""); else { in->history = g_list_next (in->history); input_assign_text (in, (char *) in->history->data); in->need_push = FALSE; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void port_region_marked_for_delete (WInput * in) { in->buffer[0] = '\0'; in->point = 0; in->first = FALSE; in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t input_execute_cmd (WInput * in, unsigned long command) { cb_ret_t res = MSG_HANDLED; /* a highlight command like shift-arrow */ if (command == CK_MarkLeft || command == CK_MarkRight || command == CK_MarkToWordBegin || command == CK_MarkToWordEnd || command == CK_MarkToHome || command == CK_MarkToEnd) { if (!in->highlight) { input_mark_cmd (in, FALSE); /* clear */ input_mark_cmd (in, TRUE); /* marking on */ } } switch (command) { case CK_WordRight: case CK_WordLeft: case CK_Right: case CK_Left: if (in->highlight) input_mark_cmd (in, FALSE); } switch (command) { case CK_Home: case CK_MarkToHome: beginning_of_line (in); break; case CK_End: case CK_MarkToEnd: end_of_line (in); break; case CK_Left: case CK_MarkLeft: backward_char (in); break; case CK_WordLeft: case CK_MarkToWordBegin: backward_word (in); break; case CK_Right: case CK_MarkRight: forward_char (in); break; case CK_WordRight: case CK_MarkToWordEnd: forward_word (in); break; case CK_BackSpace: if (in->highlight) { long m1, m2; if (input_eval_marks (in, &m1, &m2)) delete_region (in, m1, m2); } else backward_delete (in); break; case CK_Delete: if (in->first) port_region_marked_for_delete (in); else if (in->highlight) { long m1, m2; if (input_eval_marks (in, &m1, &m2)) delete_region (in, m1, m2); } else delete_char (in); break; case CK_DeleteToWordEnd: kill_word (in); break; case CK_DeleteToWordBegin: back_kill_word (in); break; case CK_Mark: input_mark_cmd (in, TRUE); break; case CK_Remove: delete_region (in, in->point, in->mark); break; case CK_DeleteToEnd: kill_line (in); break; case CK_Clear: clear_line (in); break; case CK_Store: copy_region (in, in->mark, in->point); break; case CK_Cut: copy_region (in, in->mark, in->point); delete_region (in, in->point, in->mark); break; case CK_Yank: yank (in); break; case CK_Paste: ins_from_clip (in); break; case CK_HistoryPrev: hist_prev (in); break; case CK_HistoryNext: hist_next (in); break; case CK_History: do_show_hist (in); break; case CK_Complete: complete (in); break; default: res = MSG_NOT_HANDLED; } if (command != CK_MarkLeft && command != CK_MarkRight && command != CK_MarkToWordBegin && command != CK_MarkToWordEnd && command != CK_MarkToHome && command != CK_MarkToEnd) in->highlight = FALSE; return res; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void input_destroy (WInput * in) { if (in == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Internal error: null Input *\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } input_clean (in); if (in->history != NULL) { if (!in->is_password && (((Widget *) in)->owner->ret_value != B_CANCEL)) history_put (in->history_name, in->history); in->history = g_list_first (in->history); g_list_foreach (in->history, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_list_free (in->history); } g_free (in->buffer); input_free_completions (in); g_free (in->history_name); g_free (kill_buffer); kill_buffer = NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int input_event (Gpm_Event * event, void *data) { WInput *in = (WInput *) data; if ((event->type & GPM_DOWN) != 0) { in->first = FALSE; input_mark_cmd (in, FALSE); } if ((event->type & (GPM_DOWN | GPM_DRAG)) != 0) { dlg_select_widget (in); if (event->x >= in->field_width - HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH + 1 && should_show_history_button (in)) do_show_hist (in); else { in->point = str_length (in->buffer); if (event->x + in->term_first_shown - 1 < str_term_width1 (in->buffer)) in->point = str_column_to_pos (in->buffer, event->x + in->term_first_shown - 1); } input_update (in, TRUE); } /* A lone up mustn't do anything */ if (in->highlight && (event->type & (GPM_UP | GPM_DRAG)) != 0) return MOU_NORMAL; if ((event->type & GPM_DRAG) == 0) input_mark_cmd (in, TRUE); return MOU_NORMAL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Create new instance of WInput object. * @param y Y coordinate * @param x X coordinate * @param input_colors Array of used colors * @param width Widget width * @param def_text Default text filled in widget * @param histname Name of history * @param completion_flags Flags for specify type of completions * @returns WInput object */ WInput * input_new (int y, int x, const int *input_colors, int width, const char *def_text, const char *histname, input_complete_t completion_flags) { WInput *in = g_new (WInput, 1); size_t initial_buffer_len; init_widget (&in->widget, y, x, 1, width, input_callback, input_event); /* history setup */ in->history_name = NULL; in->history = NULL; if ((histname != NULL) && (*histname != '\0')) { in->history_name = g_strdup (histname); in->history = history_get (histname); } if (def_text == NULL) def_text = ""; else if (def_text == INPUT_LAST_TEXT) { if ((in->history != NULL) && (in->history->data != NULL)) def_text = (char *) in->history->data; else def_text = ""; } initial_buffer_len = strlen (def_text); initial_buffer_len = 1 + max ((size_t) width, initial_buffer_len); in->widget.options |= W_IS_INPUT; in->completions = NULL; in->completion_flags = completion_flags; in->current_max_size = initial_buffer_len; in->buffer = g_new (char, initial_buffer_len); memmove (in->color, input_colors, sizeof (input_colors_t)); in->field_width = width; in->first = TRUE; in->highlight = FALSE; in->term_first_shown = 0; in->disable_update = 0; in->mark = 0; in->need_push = TRUE; in->is_password = FALSE; strcpy (in->buffer, def_text); in->point = str_length (in->buffer); in->charpoint = 0; return in; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ cb_ret_t input_callback (Widget * w, widget_msg_t msg, int parm) { WInput *in = (WInput *) w; cb_ret_t v; switch (msg) { case WIDGET_KEY: if (parm == XCTRL ('q')) { quote = 1; v = input_handle_char (in, ascii_alpha_to_cntrl (tty_getch ())); quote = 0; return v; } /* Keys we want others to handle */ if (parm == KEY_UP || parm == KEY_DOWN || parm == ESC_CHAR || parm == KEY_F (10) || parm == '\n') return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; /* When pasting multiline text, insert literal Enter */ if ((parm & ~KEY_M_MASK) == '\n') { quote = 1; v = input_handle_char (in, '\n'); quote = 0; return v; } return input_handle_char (in, parm); case WIDGET_COMMAND: return input_execute_cmd (in, parm); case WIDGET_FOCUS: case WIDGET_UNFOCUS: case WIDGET_DRAW: input_update (in, FALSE); return MSG_HANDLED; case WIDGET_CURSOR: widget_move (&in->widget, 0, str_term_width2 (in->buffer, in->point) - in->term_first_shown); return MSG_HANDLED; case WIDGET_DESTROY: input_destroy (in); return MSG_HANDLED; default: return default_proc (msg, parm); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Get default colors for WInput widget. * @returns default colors */ const int * input_get_default_colors (void) { static input_colors_t standart_colors; standart_colors[WINPUTC_MAIN] = INPUT_COLOR; standart_colors[WINPUTC_MARK] = INPUT_MARK_COLOR; standart_colors[WINPUTC_UNCHANGED] = INPUT_UNCHANGED_COLOR; standart_colors[WINPUTC_HISTORY] = INPUT_HISTORY_COLOR; return standart_colors; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_set_origin (WInput * in, int x, int field_width) { in->widget.x = x; in->field_width = in->widget.cols = field_width; input_update (in, FALSE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ cb_ret_t input_handle_char (WInput * in, int key) { cb_ret_t v; unsigned long command; v = MSG_NOT_HANDLED; if (quote != 0) { input_free_completions (in); v = insert_char (in, key); input_update (in, TRUE); quote = 0; return v; } command = keybind_lookup_keymap_command (input_map, key); if (command == CK_IgnoreKey) { if (key > 255) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; if (in->first) port_region_marked_for_delete (in); input_free_completions (in); v = insert_char (in, key); } else { if (command != CK_Complete) input_free_completions (in); input_execute_cmd (in, command); v = MSG_HANDLED; if (in->first) input_update (in, TRUE); /* needed to clear in->first */ } input_update (in, TRUE); return v; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This function is a test for a special input key used in complete.c */ /* Returns 0 if it is not a special key, 1 if it is a non-complete key and 2 if it is a complete key */ int input_key_is_in_map (WInput * in, int key) { unsigned long command; (void) in; command = keybind_lookup_keymap_command (input_map, key); if (command == CK_IgnoreKey) return 0; return (command == CK_Complete) ? 2 : 1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_assign_text (WInput * in, const char *text) { input_free_completions (in); g_free (in->buffer); in->buffer = g_strdup (text); /* was in->buffer->text */ in->current_max_size = strlen (in->buffer) + 1; in->point = str_length (in->buffer); in->mark = 0; in->need_push = TRUE; in->charpoint = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Inserts text in input line */ void input_insert (WInput * in, const char *text, gboolean insert_extra_space) { input_disable_update (in); while (*text != '\0') input_handle_char (in, (unsigned char) *text++); /* unsigned extension char->int */ if (insert_extra_space) input_handle_char (in, ' '); input_enable_update (in); input_update (in, TRUE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_set_point (WInput * in, int pos) { int max_pos; max_pos = str_length (in->buffer); pos = min (pos, max_pos); if (pos != in->point) input_free_completions (in); in->point = pos; in->charpoint = 0; input_update (in, TRUE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_update (WInput * in, gboolean clear_first) { int has_history = 0; int i; int buf_len; const char *cp; int pw; if (should_show_history_button (in)) has_history = HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH; if (in->disable_update != 0) return; buf_len = str_length (in->buffer); pw = str_term_width2 (in->buffer, in->point); /* Make the point visible */ if ((pw < in->term_first_shown) || (pw >= in->term_first_shown + in->field_width - has_history)) { in->term_first_shown = pw - (in->field_width / 3); if (in->term_first_shown < 0) in->term_first_shown = 0; } /* Adjust the mark */ in->mark = min (in->mark, buf_len); if (has_history != 0) draw_history_button (in); if ((((Widget *) in)->options & W_DISABLED) != 0) tty_setcolor (DISABLED_COLOR); else if (in->first) tty_setcolor (in->color[WINPUTC_UNCHANGED]); else tty_setcolor (in->color[WINPUTC_MAIN]); widget_move (&in->widget, 0, 0); if (!in->is_password) { if (!in->highlight) tty_print_string (str_term_substring (in->buffer, in->term_first_shown, in->field_width - has_history)); else { long m1, m2; if (input_eval_marks (in, &m1, &m2)) { tty_setcolor (in->color[WINPUTC_MAIN]); cp = str_term_substring (in->buffer, in->term_first_shown, in->field_width - has_history); tty_print_string (cp); tty_setcolor (in->color[WINPUTC_MARK]); if (m1 < in->term_first_shown) { widget_move (&in->widget, 0, 0); tty_print_string (str_term_substring (in->buffer, in->term_first_shown, m2 - in->term_first_shown)); } else { int sel_width; widget_move (&in->widget, 0, m1 - in->term_first_shown); sel_width = min (m2 - m1, (in->field_width - has_history) - (str_term_width2 (in->buffer, m1) - in->term_first_shown)); tty_print_string (str_term_substring (in->buffer, m1, sel_width)); } } } } else { cp = str_term_substring (in->buffer, in->term_first_shown, in->field_width - has_history); for (i = 0; i < in->field_width - has_history; i++) { if (i >= 0) { tty_setcolor (in->color[WINPUTC_MAIN]); tty_print_char ((cp[0] != '\0') ? '*' : ' '); } if (cp[0] != '\0') str_cnext_char (&cp); } } if (clear_first) in->first = FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_enable_update (WInput * in) { in->disable_update--; input_update (in, FALSE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_disable_update (WInput * in) { in->disable_update++; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleans the input line and adds the current text to the history */ void input_clean (WInput * in) { push_history (in, in->buffer); in->need_push = TRUE; in->buffer[0] = '\0'; in->point = 0; in->charpoint = 0; in->mark = 0; in->highlight = FALSE; input_free_completions (in); input_update (in, FALSE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void input_free_completions (WInput * in) { g_strfreev (in->completions); in->completions = NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */