/** \file quick.h * \brief Header: quick dialog engine */ #ifndef MC__QUICK_H #define MC__QUICK_H /*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/ #define QUICK_CHECKBOX(txt, st, id_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_checkbox, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .checkbox = { .text = txt, .state = st } \ } \ } #define QUICK_BUTTON(txt, act, cb, id_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_button, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .button = { .text = txt, .action = act, .callback = cb } \ } \ } #define QUICK_INPUT(txt, hname, res, id_, is_passwd_, strip_passwd_, completion_flags_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_input, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .input = { .label_text = NULL, \ .label_location = input_label_none, \ .label = NULL, \ .text = txt, \ .completion_flags = completion_flags_, \ .is_passwd = is_passwd_, \ .strip_passwd = strip_passwd_, \ .histname = hname, \ .result = res } \ } \ } #define QUICK_LABELED_INPUT(label_, label_loc, txt, hname, res, id_, is_passwd_, strip_passwd_, \ completion_flags_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_input, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .input = { .label_text = label_, \ .label_location = label_loc, \ .label = NULL, \ .text = txt, \ .completion_flags = completion_flags_, \ .is_passwd = is_passwd_, \ .strip_passwd = strip_passwd_, \ .histname = hname, \ .result = res } \ } \ } #define QUICK_LABEL(txt, id_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_label, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .label = { .text = txt, .input = NULL } \ } \ } #define QUICK_RADIO(cnt, items_, val, id_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_radio, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = id_, .u = { \ .radio = { .count = cnt, .items = items_, .value = val } \ } \ } #define QUICK_START_GROUPBOX(t) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_start_groupbox, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, \ .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, .id = NULL, .u = { \ .groupbox = { .title = t } \ } \ } #define QUICK_STOP_GROUPBOX \ { \ .widget_type = quick_stop_groupbox, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, \ .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, .id = NULL, .u = { \ .input = { .text = NULL, .histname = NULL, .result = NULL } \ } \ } #define QUICK_SEPARATOR(line_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_separator, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = NULL, .u = { \ .separator = { .space = TRUE, .line = line_ } \ } \ } #define QUICK_START_COLUMNS \ { \ .widget_type = quick_start_columns, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, \ .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, .id = NULL, .u = { \ .input = { .text = NULL, .histname = NULL, .result = NULL } \ } \ } #define QUICK_NEXT_COLUMN \ { \ .widget_type = quick_next_column, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = NULL, .u = { \ .input = { .text = NULL, .histname = NULL, .result = NULL } \ } \ } #define QUICK_STOP_COLUMNS \ { \ .widget_type = quick_stop_columns, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = NULL, .u = { \ .input = { .text = NULL, .histname = NULL, .result = NULL } \ } \ } #define QUICK_START_BUTTONS(space_, line_) \ { \ .widget_type = quick_buttons, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = NULL, .u = { \ .separator = { .space = space_, .line = line_ } \ } \ } #define QUICK_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL \ QUICK_START_BUTTONS (TRUE, TRUE), QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL), \ QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL) #define QUICK_END \ { \ .widget_type = quick_end, .options = WOP_DEFAULT, .pos_flags = WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, \ .id = NULL, .u = { \ .input = { .text = NULL, .histname = NULL, .result = NULL } \ } \ } /*** enums ***************************************************************************************/ /* Quick Widgets */ typedef enum { quick_end = 0, quick_checkbox = 1, quick_button = 2, quick_input = 3, quick_label = 4, quick_radio = 5, quick_start_groupbox = 6, quick_stop_groupbox = 7, quick_separator = 8, quick_start_columns = 9, quick_next_column = 10, quick_stop_columns = 11, quick_buttons = 12 } quick_t; typedef enum { input_label_none = 0, input_label_above = 1, input_label_left = 2, input_label_right = 3, input_label_below = 4 } quick_input_label_location_t; /*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)*****************************************/ /* The widget is placed on relative_?/divisions_? of the parent widget */ typedef struct quick_widget_t quick_widget_t; struct quick_widget_t { quick_t widget_type; widget_options_t options; widget_state_t state; widget_pos_flags_t pos_flags; unsigned long *id; /* widget parameters */ union { struct { const char *text; gboolean *state; /* in/out */ } checkbox; struct { const char *text; int action; bcback_fn callback; } button; struct { const char *label_text; quick_input_label_location_t label_location; quick_widget_t *label; const char *text; input_complete_t completion_flags; gboolean is_passwd; /* TRUE -- is password */ gboolean strip_passwd; const char *histname; char **result; } input; struct { const char *text; quick_widget_t *input; } label; struct { int count; const char **items; int *value; /* in/out */ } radio; struct { const char *title; } groupbox; struct { gboolean space; gboolean line; } separator; } u; }; typedef struct { WRect rect; /* if rect.x == -1 or rect.y == -1, then dialog is ceneterd; * rect.lines is unused and ignored */ const char *title; const char *help; quick_widget_t *widgets; widget_cb_fn callback; widget_mouse_cb_fn mouse_callback; } quick_dialog_t; /*** global variables defined in .c file *********************************************************/ /*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/ int quick_dialog_skip (quick_dialog_t *quick_dlg, int nskip); /*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/ static inline int quick_dialog (quick_dialog_t *quick_dlg) { return quick_dialog_skip (quick_dlg, 1); } #endif /* MC__QUICK_H */