/* lib/vfs - test vfs_path_t manipulation functions Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Slava Zanko , 2011, 2013 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define TEST_SUITE_NAME "/lib/vfs" #include "tests/mctest.h" #include "lib/strutil.h" #include "lib/vfs/xdirentry.h" #include "lib/vfs/path.h" #include "src/vfs/local/local.c" struct vfs_s_subclass test_subclass1; struct vfs_class vfs_test_ops1; static int test_chdir (const vfs_path_t * vpath); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @CapturedValue */ static vfs_path_t *test_chdir__vpath__captured; /* @ThenReturnValue */ static int test_chdir__return_value; /* @Mock */ static int test_chdir (const vfs_path_t * vpath) { test_chdir__vpath__captured = vfs_path_clone (vpath); return test_chdir__return_value; } static void test_chdir__init (void) { test_chdir__vpath__captured = NULL; } static void test_chdir__deinit (void) { vfs_path_free (test_chdir__vpath__captured); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @Before */ static void setup (void) { str_init_strings (NULL); vfs_init (); init_localfs (); vfs_setup_work_dir (); test_subclass1.flags = VFS_S_REMOTE; vfs_s_init_class (&vfs_test_ops1, &test_subclass1); vfs_test_ops1.name = "testfs1"; vfs_test_ops1.flags = VFSF_NOLINKS; vfs_test_ops1.prefix = "test1"; vfs_test_ops1.chdir = test_chdir; vfs_register_class (&vfs_test_ops1); mc_global.sysconfig_dir = (char *) TEST_SHARE_DIR; vfs_local_ops.chdir = test_chdir; test_chdir__init (); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @After */ static void teardown (void) { test_chdir__deinit (); vfs_shut (); str_uninit_strings (); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @DataSource("test_relative_cd_ds") */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static const struct test_relative_cd_ds { const char *input_string; const vfs_path_flag_t input_flags; const char *expected_element_path; } test_relative_cd_ds[] = { { /* 0. */ "/test1://user:pass@some.host:12345/path/to/dir", VPF_NONE, "path/to/dir" }, { /* 1. */ "some-non-exists-dir", VPF_NO_CANON, "some-non-exists-dir" }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* @Test(dataSource = "test_relative_cd_ds") */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ START_PARAMETRIZED_TEST (test_relative_cd, test_relative_cd_ds) /* *INDENT-ON* */ { /* given */ vfs_path_t *vpath; int actual_result; test_chdir__return_value = 0; vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (data->input_string, data->input_flags); /* when */ actual_result = mc_chdir (vpath); /* then */ { const vfs_path_element_t *element; mctest_assert_int_eq (actual_result, 0); element = vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, -1); mctest_assert_str_eq (element->path, data->expected_element_path); vfs_path_free (vpath); } } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ END_PARAMETRIZED_TEST /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Relative to panel_correct_path_to_show() */ /* @Test */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ START_TEST (test_vpath_to_str_filter) /* *INDENT-ON* */ { /* given */ vfs_path_t *vpath, *last_vpath; char *filtered_path; const vfs_path_element_t *path_element; /* when */ vpath = vfs_path_from_str ("/test1://some.host/dir"); path_element = vfs_path_element_clone (vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, -1)); vfs_path_free (vpath); last_vpath = vfs_path_new (); last_vpath->relative = TRUE; vfs_path_add_element (last_vpath, path_element); filtered_path = vfs_path_to_str_flags (last_vpath, 0, VPF_STRIP_HOME | VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD | VPF_HIDE_CHARSET); /* then */ mctest_assert_str_eq (filtered_path, "test1://some.host/dir"); vfs_path_free (last_vpath); g_free (filtered_path); } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ END_TEST /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main (void) { int number_failed; Suite *s = suite_create (TEST_SUITE_NAME); TCase *tc_core = tcase_create ("Core"); SRunner *sr; tcase_add_checked_fixture (tc_core, setup, teardown); /* Add new tests here: *************** */ mctest_add_parameterized_test (tc_core, test_relative_cd, test_relative_cd_ds); tcase_add_test (tc_core, test_vpath_to_str_filter); /* *********************************** */ suite_add_tcase (s, tc_core); sr = srunner_create (s); srunner_set_log (sr, "relative_cd.log"); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed (sr); srunner_free (sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? 0 : 1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */