.TH mcserv 8 "August 2009" "MC Version 4.7.0-pre1" "GNU Midnight Commander" .SH NAME mcserv \- Midnight Commander file server. .SH USAGE .B mcserv [\-diqvf] [\-p portnum] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP mcserv is the server program for the Midnight Commander networking file system. It provides access to the host file system to clients running the Midnight file system (currently, only the Midnight Commander file manager). .PP If the program is run as root the program will try to get a reserved port otherwise it will use 9876 as the port. .PP If the system has a portmapper running, then the port will be registered with the portmapper and thus clients will automatically connect to the right port. If the system does not have a portmapper, then a port should be manually specified with the -p option (see below). .PP .SH OPTIONS .TP .I "-d" Become a daemon, you should use this flag if you start the program from one of the system startup files. This flag will make the program handle any number of incoming requests by forking a new copy of itself for each client. .TP .I "-q" Quiet mode. .TP .I "-p" To make the server listen on the specified .B portnum port. .TP .I "-f" Allow ftp authentication as a fallback if the other methods fail. This is only useful on systems where the password checking method is not supported by this version of mcserv. The local ftp server is contacted with the username and password. The user is authenticated if the ftp server accepts the credentials. Use this option with care and only when necessary. .TP .I "-v" Toggle on the verbose mode. .SH LICENSE This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. See the built-in help for details on the License and the lack of warranty. .SH BUGS This program currently uses port 9876, and not a system secure port. This is a potential security problem since it could be run by any user on the system if the system daemon is not running. .SH SEE ALSO mc(1), portmap(8) .PP .PP .nf The Midnight Commander page on the World Wide Web: http://www.midnight-commander.org/ .fi .PP .SH AUTHORS Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com).