#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Midnight Commander compatible EXTFS for accessing Amazon Web Services S3. # Written by Jakob Kemi 2009 # # Copyright (c) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # # Notes: # This EXTFS exposes buckets as directories and keys as files # Due to EXTFS limitations all buckets & keys have to be read initially which might # take quite some time. # Tested on Debian with Python 2.4-2.6 and boto 1.4c and 1.6b # (Python 2.6 might need -W ignore::DeprecationWarning due to boto using # deprecated module Popen2) # # # Installation: # Make sure that boto (python-boto in Debian) is installed. # Preferably pytz (package python-tz in Debian) should be installed as well. # # Save as executable file /share/mc/extfs/s3 (or wherever your mc expects to find extfs modules) # Add the the following to your extfs.ini (might exists as /usr/share/mc/extfs/extfs.ini): # ----- begin extfs.ini ----- # # Amazon S3 # s3: # ----- end extfs.ini ----- # # # Settings: (should be set via environment) # Required: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID : Amazon AWS acces key (required) # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY : Amazon AWS secret access key (required) # Optional: # MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_LOCATION : where to create new buckets, "EU"(default) or "US" # MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_DEBUGFILE : write debug info to this file (no info default) # # # Usage: # Open dialog "Quick cd" () and type: #s3 (or simply type ''cd #s3'' in shell line) # # # History: # 2009-02-07 Jakob Kemi # - Updated instructions. # - Improved error reporting. # # 2009-02-06 Jakob Kemi # - Threaded list command. # - Handle rm of empty "subdirectories" (as seen in mc). # - List most recent datetime and total size of keys as directory properties. # - List modification time in local time. # # 2009-02-05 Jakob Kemi # - Initial version. # import sys import os import time import re import datetime import boto from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.exception import BotoServerError # Get settings from environment USER=os.getenv('USER','0') AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') LOCATION = os.getenv('MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_LOCATION', 'EU').lower() DEBUGFILE = os.getenv('MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_DEBUGFILE') if not AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or not AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: sys.stderr.write('Missing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.\n') sys.exit(1) # Setup logging if DEBUGFILE: import logging logging.basicConfig( filename=DEBUGFILE, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: class Void(object): def __getattr__(self, attr): return self def __call__(self, *args, **kw): return self logging = Void() logger=logging.getLogger('s3extfs') def threadmap(fun, iterable, maxthreads=16): """ Quick and dirty threaded version of builtin method map. Propagates exception safely. """ from threading import Thread import Queue items = list(iterable) nitems = len(items) if nitems < 2: return map(fun, items) # Create and fill input queue input = Queue.Queue() output = Queue.Queue() for i,item in enumerate(items): input.put( (i,item) ) class WorkThread(Thread): """ Takes one item from input queue (thread terminates when input queue is empty), performs fun, puts result in output queue """ def run(self): while True: try: (i,item) = input.get_nowait() try: result = fun(item) output.put( (i,result) ) except: output.put( (None,sys.exc_info()) ) except Queue.Empty: return # Start threads for i in range( min(len(items), maxthreads) ): t = WorkThread() t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Wait for all threads to finish & collate results ret = [] for i in range(nitems): try: i,res = output.get() if i == None: raise res[0],res[1],res[2] except Queue.Empty: break ret.append(res) return ret logger.debug('started') # Global S3 connection s3 = S3Connection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) if LOCATION == 'eu': logger.debug('Using location EU for new buckets') S3LOCATION = boto.s3.connection.Location.EU else: logger.debug('Using location US for new buckets') S3LOCATION = boto.s3.connection.Location.US logger.debug('argv: ' + str(sys.argv)) try: cmd = sys.argv[1] args = sys.argv[2:] except: sys.stderr.write('This program should be called from within MC\n') sys.exit(1) def handleServerError(msg): e = sys.exc_info() msg += ', reason: ' + e[1].reason logger.error(msg, exc_info=e) sys.stderr.write(msg+'\n') sys.exit(1) # # Lists all S3 contents # if cmd == 'list': if len(args) > 0: path = args[0] else: path = '' logger.info('list') rs = s3.get_all_buckets() # Import python timezones (pytz) try: import pytz except: logger.warning('Missing pytz module, timestamps will be off') # A fallback UTC tz stub class pytzutc(datetime.tzinfo): def __init__(self): datetime.tzinfo.__init__(self) self.utc = self self.zone = 'UTC' def utcoffset(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0) def tzname(self, dt): return "UTC" def dst(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0) pytz = pytzutc() # Find timezone # (yes, timeZONE as in _geographic zone_ not EST/CEST or whatever crap we get from time.tzname) # http://regebro.wordpress.com/2008/05/10/python-and-time-zones-part-2-the-beast-returns/ def getGuessedTimezone(): # 1. check TZ env. var try: tz = os.getenv('TZ', '') return pytz.timezone(tz) except: pass # 2. check if /etc/timezone exists (Debian at least) try: if os.path.isfile('/etc/timezone'): tz = open('/etc/timezone', 'r').readline().strip() return pytz.timezone(tz) except: pass # 3. check if /etc/localtime is a _link_ to something useful try: if os.path.islink('/etc/localtime'): link = os.readlink('/etc/localtime') tz = '/'.join(p.split(os.path.sep)[-2:]) return pytz.timezone(tz) except: pass # 4. use time.tzname which will probably be wrong by an hour 50% of the time. try: return pytz.timezone(time.tzname[0]) except: pass # 5. use plain UTC ... return pytz.utc tz=getGuessedTimezone() logger.debug('Using timezone: ' + tz.zone) # AWS time is on format: 2009-01-07T16:43:39.000Z # we "want" MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm (in localtime) expr = re.compile(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.\d{3}Z$') def convDate(awsdatetime): m = expr.match(awsdatetime) ye,mo,da,ho,mi,se = map(int,m.groups()) dt = datetime.datetime(ye,mo,da,ho,mi,se, tzinfo=pytz.utc) return dt.astimezone(tz).strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M') def bucketList(b): totsz = 0 mostrecent = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' ret = [] for k in b.list(): mostrecent = max(mostrecent, k.last_modified) datetime = convDate(k.last_modified) ret.append('%10s %3d %-8s %-8s %d %s %s\n' % ( '-rw-r--r--', 1, USER, USER, k.size, datetime, b.name+'/'+k.name) ) totsz += k.size datetime=convDate(mostrecent) sys.stdout.write('%10s %3d %-8s %-8s %d %s %s\n' % ( 'drwxr-xr-x', 1, USER, USER, totsz, datetime, b.name) ) for line in ret: sys.stdout.write(line) threadmap(bucketList, rs) # # Fetch file from S3 # elif cmd == 'copyout': archivename = args[0] storedfilename = args[1] extractto = args[2] bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1) logger.info('copyout bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key)) try: b = s3.get_bucket(bucket) k = b.get_key(key) out = open(extractto, 'w') k.open(mode='r') for buf in k: out.write(buf) k.close() out.close() except BotoServerError: handleServerError('Unable to fetch key "%s"'%(key)) # # Upload file to S3 # elif cmd == 'copyin': archivename = args[0] storedfilename = args[1] sourcefile = args[2] bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1) logger.info('copyin bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key)) try: b = s3.get_bucket(bucket) k = b.new_key(key) k.set_contents_from_file(fp=open(sourcefile,'r')) except BotoServerError: handleServerError('Unable to upload key "%s"' % (key)) # # Remove file from S3 # elif cmd == 'rm': archivename = args[0] storedfilename = args[1] bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1) logger.info('rm bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key)) try: b = s3.get_bucket(bucket) b.delete_key(key) except BotoServerError: handleServerError('Unable to remove key "%s"' % (key)) # # Create directory # elif cmd == 'mkdir': archivename = args[0] dirname = args[1] logger.info('mkdir dir: %s' %(dirname)) if '/' in dirname: logger.warning('skipping mkdir') pass else: bucket = dirname try: s3.create_bucket(bucket, location=boto.s3.connection.Location.EU) except BotoServerError: handleServerError('Unable to create bucket "%s"' % (bucket)) # # Remove directory # elif cmd == 'rmdir': archivename = args[0] dirname = args[1] logger.info('rmdir dir: %s' %(dirname)) if '/' in dirname: logger.warning('skipping rmdir') pass else: bucket = dirname try: b = s3.get_bucket(bucket) s3.delete_bucket(b) except BotoServerError: handleServerError('Unable to delete bucket "%s"' % (bucket)) # # Run from S3 # elif cmd == 'run': archivename = args[0] storedfilename = args[1] arguments = args[2:] bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1) logger.info('run bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key)) os.execv(storedfilename, arguments) else: logger.error('unhandled, bye') sys.exit(1) logger.debug('command handled') sys.exit(0)