@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-do_compat_replace () {
- cp $1 $1.orig
- if test "$?" != "0"; then
- echo "Command \`cp $1 $1.orig' failed. File $1 not changed!"
- return 1
- fi
- sed '/^mc ()/ {
- # Add comment
- i\
-#Commented out by mc_fninstall. Source @prefix@/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh instead.
-/^mc ()[^}]*$/,/}[; ]*$/{
- # Function definition over several lines
- s/^\(.*\)$/#\1/g
-/^mc ().*}.*$/{
- # Function definition on one line
- s/^\(.*\)$/#\1/g
-}' < $1.orig > $1
- echo >> $1
- echo ". $suppbindir/mc.sh" >> $1
- echo ""
- echo "I commented out the mc () function definitions in $1 and added"
- echo "\`. $suppbindir/mc.sh'. Your previous profile has been saved as"
- echo "$1.orig."
-if test -n `echo $prefix | grep prefix`; then
- prefix=/usr/local
-if test x$BASH = x; then
- BASHRC=~/.bashrc
-if test "x$EUID" = x0; then
- PROFILE=/etc/profile
- PROFILE=~/.profile
-if test -f $PROFILE; then
- A=`grep "mc ()" $PROFILE`
- B=
- if test -n "$BASHRC"; then
- if test -f $BASHRC; then
- B=`grep "mc ()" $BASHRC`
- fi
- fi
- if test -n "$A" -o -n "$B"; then
- if test -n "$B"; then
- echo "While examining your $PROFILE and $BASHRC,"
- else
- echo "While examining your $PROFILE,"
- fi
- echo "I've found that you have a probably outdated mc () function definition"
- echo "there. Do you want to replace this function definition with "
- echo " . $suppbindir/mc.sh"
- read rep
- case $rep in
- [Yy]*) ;;
- *) exit ;;
- esac
- if test -n "$A"; then
- do_compat_replace $PROFILE
- fi
- if test -n "$B"; then
- do_compat_replace $BASHRC
- fi
- exit 0
- fi
- unset -f do_compat_replace
- # This doesn't handle the case that $prefix changed
- A=`grep "/mc.sh" $PROFILE`
- B=
- if test -n "$BASHRC"; then
- if test -f $BASHRC; then
- B=`grep "/mc.sh" $BASHRC`
- fi
- fi
- if test -n "$A"; then
- :
- else
- if test -n "$B"; then
- :
- else
- A=`typeset -f | grep "mc ()" 2>/dev/null`
- if test ! -n "$A"; then
- echo "mc () installation."
- if test -n "$BASHRC"; then
- echo "While examining your $PROFILE and $BASHRC,"
- else
- echo "While examining your $PROFILE,"
- fi
- echo "I've found that you do not source $suppbindir/mc.sh there."
- echo "This shell script defines a function which enables a feature of mc(1)"
- echo "that when you leave mc(1), you return to a directory where you were"
- echo "in mc just before exiting and not to the directory you've started mc"
- echo "from."
- echo "Would you like to append"
- echo "test -f $suppbindir/mc.sh && . $suppbindir/mc.sh"
- if test -n "$BASHRC"; then
- echo "to your (p) $PROFILE (mc function will be active in your login shells)"
- echo -n "or to your (b) $BASHRC (in every bash instance) or (n) no? [p|b|n] "
- else
- echo -n "function to your $PROFILE? [y|n] "
- fi
- read rep
- if test -n "$BASHRC"; then
- else
- fi
- case $rep in
- [Yy]*) ;;
- *) exit 1;;
- esac
- echo >>$INITFILE
- echo 'test -f $suppbindir/mc.sh && . $suppbindir/mc.sh' >>$INITFILE
- echo "mc () function appended to your $INITFILE"
- fi
- fi
- fi