@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ please read this file. I'm integral part of midnight commander, but I
try to go out and live my life myself as a shared library, too. That
means that I should try to use as little functions from midnight as
possible (so I'm tiny, nice and people like me), that I should not
-pollute namespace by unneccessary symbols (so I do not crash fellow
+pollute name space by unnecessary symbols (so I do not crash fellow
programs) and that I should have a clean interface between myself and
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ And because I'm trying to live life on my own as libvfs.so, try to:
* Do not make any references from midnight into modules like tar. It
-would probably pollute namespace and midnight would depend on concrete
+would probably pollute name space and midnight would depend on concrete
configuration of libvfs. mc_setctl() and mc_ctl() are your
friends. (And mine too :-).