@@ -37,31 +37,14 @@ if test $gettext_ver -ge 01100; then
$AUTOPOINT || exit 1
- $GETTEXTIZE --copy --force >tmpout || exit 1
+ $GETTEXTIZE --copy --force || exit 1
if test -e po/ChangeLog~; then
rm -f po/ChangeLog
mv po/ChangeLog~ po/ChangeLog
-rm -f aclocal.m4
-if test -f `aclocal --print-ac-dir`/gettext.m4; then
- : # gettext macro files are available to aclocal.
- # gettext macro files are not available.
- # Find them and copy to a local directory.
- # Ugly way to parse the instructions gettexize gives us.
- m4files="`cat tmpout | sed -n -e '/^Please/,/^from/s/^ *//p'`"
- fromdir=`cat tmpout | sed -n -e '/^Please/,/^from/s/^from the \([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/p'`
- rm -rf gettext.m4
- mkdir gettext.m4
- for i in $m4files; do
- cp -f $fromdir/$i gettext.m4
- done
- ACLOCAL_INCLUDES="-I gettext.m4"
-rm -f tmpout
# Some old version of GNU build tools fail to set error codes.
# Check that they generate some of the files they should.