@@ -392,9 +392,37 @@ void
size_trunc_len (char *buffer, unsigned int len, uintmax_t size, int units, gboolean use_si)
/* Avoid taking power for every file. */
- static const uintmax_t power10[] =
- {
- 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000
+ static const uintmax_t power10[] = {
+ /* we hope that size of uintmax_t is 4 bytes at least */
+ 1ULL,
+ 10ULL,
+ 100ULL,
+ 1000ULL,
+ 10000ULL,
+ 100000ULL,
+ 1000000ULL,
+ 10000000ULL,
+ 100000000ULL,
+ 1000000000ULL
+ /* maximmum value of uintmax_t (in case of 4 bytes) is
+ 4294967295
+ */
+ ,
+ 10000000000ULL,
+ 100000000000ULL,
+ 1000000000000ULL,
+ 10000000000000ULL,
+ 100000000000000ULL,
+ 1000000000000000ULL,
+ 10000000000000000ULL,
+ 100000000000000000ULL,
+ 1000000000000000000ULL,
+ 10000000000000000000ULL
+ /* maximmum value of uintmax_t (in case of 8 bytes) is
+ 18447644073710439615
+ */
static const char *const suffix[] = { "", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", NULL };
static const char *const suffix_lc[] = { "", "k", "m", "g", "t", "p", "e", "z", "y", NULL };
@@ -403,6 +431,15 @@ size_trunc_len (char *buffer, unsigned int len, uintmax_t size, int units, gbool
if (len == 0)
len = 9;
+ /* 20 decimal digits are required to represent 8 bytes */
+ else if (len > 19)
+ len = 19;
+ /* 10 decimal digits are required to represent 4 bytes */
+ else if (len > 9)
+ len = 9;
* recalculate from 1024 base to 1000 base if units>0
@@ -435,7 +472,7 @@ size_trunc_len (char *buffer, unsigned int len, uintmax_t size, int units, gbool
- if (size < power10[len - (j > 0)])
+ if (size < power10[len - (j > 0 ? 1 : 0)])
g_snprintf (buffer, len + 1, "%" PRIuMAX "%s", size, use_si ? suffix_lc[j] : suffix[j]);