@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ format_file (char *dest, int limit, WPanel *panel, int file_index, int width, in
add_permission_string (preperad_text, format->field_len, fe,
attr, color, perm - 1);
- addstr (preperad_text);
+ tty_print_string (preperad_text);
length+= len;
} else {
@@ -632,8 +632,8 @@ display_mini_info (WPanel *panel)
if (panel->searching){
tty_setcolor (INPUT_COLOR);
- addstr ("/");
- addstr (str_fit_to_term (panel->search_buffer,
+ tty_print_string ("/");
+ tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (panel->search_buffer,
panel->widget.cols - 3, J_LEFT));
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
@@ -651,18 +651,18 @@ display_mini_info (WPanel *panel)
g_free (link);
if (len > 0){
link_target[len] = 0;
- addstr ("-> ");
- addstr (str_fit_to_term (link_target, panel->widget.cols - 5,
+ tty_print_string ("-> ");
+ tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (link_target, panel->widget.cols - 5,
} else
- addstr (str_fit_to_term (_("<readlink failed>"),
+ tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (_("<readlink failed>"),
panel->widget.cols - 2, J_LEFT));
} else if (strcmp (panel->dir.list [panel->selected].fname, "..") == 0) {
* while loading directory (do_load_dir() and do_reload_dir(),
* the actual stat info about ".." directory isn't got;
* so just don't display incorrect info about ".." directory */
- addstr (str_fit_to_term (_("UP--DIR"), panel->widget.cols - 2, J_LEFT));
+ tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (_("UP--DIR"), panel->widget.cols - 2, J_LEFT));
} else
/* Default behavior */
repaint_file (panel, panel->selected, 0, STATUS, 1);
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ show_free_space (WPanel *panel)
widget_move (&panel->widget, panel->widget.lines - 1,
panel->widget.cols - 2 - (int) strlen (tmp));
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
- addstr (tmp);
+ tty_print_string (tmp);
@@ -819,15 +819,15 @@ show_dir (WPanel *panel)
addch (' ');
len = min (max (panel->widget.cols - 9, 0), panel->widget.cols);
- addstr (str_term_trim (strip_home_and_password (panel->cwd), len));
+ tty_print_string (str_term_trim (strip_home_and_password (panel->cwd), len));
addch (' ');
widget_move (&panel->widget, 0, 1);
- addstr ("<");
+ tty_print_string ("<");
widget_move (&panel->widget, 0, panel->widget.cols - 2);
- addstr (">");
+ tty_print_string (">");
widget_move (&panel->widget, 0, panel->widget.cols - 3);
- addstr ("v");
+ tty_print_string ("v");
if (!show_mini_info) {
if (panel->marked == 0) {
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ show_dir (WPanel *panel)
size_trunc_sep (panel->dir.list [panel->selected].st.st_size));
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
widget_move (&panel->widget, panel->widget.lines - 1, 2);
- addstr (buffer);
+ tty_print_string (buffer);
} else {
/* Show total size of marked files
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ paint_frame (WPanel *panel)
header_len = format->field_len;
tty_setcolor (MARKED_COLOR);
- addstr (str_fit_to_term (txt, format->field_len, J_CENTER_LEFT));
+ tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (txt, format->field_len, J_CENTER_LEFT));
width -= format->field_len;
} else {