@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ int verbose = 1;
int file_op_compute_totals = 1;
-/* If on, it gets a little scrict with dangerous operations */
-int know_not_what_am_i_doing = 0;
+/* If on, default for "No" in delete operations */
+int safe_delete = 0;
/* This is a hard link cache */
struct link {
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ panel_operate (void *source_panel, FileOperation operation,
/* Show confirmation dialog */
if (operation == OP_DELETE && confirm_delete) {
- if (know_not_what_am_i_doing)
+ if (safe_delete)
query_set_sel (1);
i = query_dialog (_(op_names[operation]), cmd_buf,
@@ -2204,47 +2204,31 @@ files_error (char *format, char *file1, char *file2)
static int
real_query_recursive (FileOpContext *ctx, enum OperationMode mode, char *s)
- char *confirm;
gchar *text;
- if (ctx->recursive_result < RECURSIVE_ALWAYS){
+ if (ctx->recursive_result < RECURSIVE_ALWAYS) {
char *msg =
- mode == Foreground ? _("\n Directory not empty. \n Delete it recursively? ")
- : _("\n Background process: Directory not empty \n Delete it recursively? ");
+ mode ==
+ Foreground ?
+ _("\n Directory not empty. \n"
+ " Delete it recursively? ")
+ : _("\n Background process: Directory not empty \n"
+ " Delete it recursively? ");
text = g_strconcat (_(" Delete: "), name_trunc (s, 30), " ", NULL);
- if (know_not_what_am_i_doing)
+ if (safe_delete)
query_set_sel (1);
- ctx->recursive_result = query_dialog (text, msg, D_ERROR, 5,
+ ctx->recursive_result = query_dialog (text, msg, D_ERROR, 5,
_("&Yes"), _("&No"),
_("a&ll"), _("non&E"),
if (ctx->recursive_result != RECURSIVE_ABORT)
do_refresh ();
g_free (text);
- if (know_not_what_am_i_doing){
- if (ctx->recursive_result == RECURSIVE_YES ||
- ctx->recursive_result == RECURSIVE_ALWAYS){
- text = g_strconcat (
- _(" Type 'yes' if you REALLY want to delete "),
- ctx->recursive_result == RECURSIVE_YES
- ? name_trunc (s, 19) : _("all the directories "), " ", NULL);
- confirm = input_dialog (
- mode == Foreground ? _(" Recursive Delete ")
- : _(" Background process: Recursive Delete "),
- text, NULL);
- do_refresh ();
- /* TRANSLATORS: user types this text to confirm deletion */
- if (!confirm || strcmp (confirm, _("yes")))
- ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_NEVER;
- g_free (confirm);
- g_free (text);
- }
- }
- switch (ctx->recursive_result){
+ switch (ctx->recursive_result) {
return FILE_CONT;