@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+UC1541 Virtual filesystem
+This extfs provides an access to disk image files for the Commodore
+VIC20/C64/C128. It requires the utility c1541 that comes bundled with Vice,
+the emulator for the VIC20, C64, C128 and other computers made by Commodore.
+ 1.2 Added configuration env variables: UC1541_VERBOSE and UC1541_HIDE_DEL.
+ First one, if set to any value, will cause that error messages from
+ c1541 program will be redirected as a failure messages visible in MC.
+ The other variable, when set to any value, cause "del" entries to be
+ not shown in the lister.
+ 1.1 Added protect bits, added failsafe for argparse module
+ 1.0 Initial release
+Author: Roman 'gryf' Dobosz <gryf73@gmail.com>
+Date: 2012-08-16
+Version: 1.2
+Licence: BSD
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+class Uc1541(object):
+ """
+ Class for interact with c1541 program and MC
+ """
+ PRG = re.compile(r'(\d+)\s+"([^"]*)".+?\s(del|prg)([\s<])')
+ def __init__(self, archname):
+ self.arch = archname
+ self.out = ''
+ self.err = ''
+ self._verbose = os.getenv("UC1541_VERBOSE", False)
+ self._hide_del = os.getenv("UC1541_HIDE_DEL", False)
+ def list(self):
+ """
+ List contents of D64 image.
+ Convert filenames to be unix filesystem friendly
+ Add suffix to show user what kind of file do he dealing with.
+ """
+ if not self._call_command('list'):
+ return self._show_error()
+ for line in self.out.split("\n"):
+ if Uc1541.PRG.match(line):
+ blocks, fname, ext, rw = Uc1541.PRG.match(line).groups()
+ if ext == 'del' and self._hide_del:
+ continue
+ if '/' in fname:
+ fname = fname.replace('/', '\\')
+ if ext == 'del':
+ perms = "----------"
+ else:
+ perms = "-r%s-r--r--" % (rw.strip() and "-" or "w")
+ fname = ".".join([fname, ext])
+ sys.stdout.write("%s 1 %-8d %-8d %8d Jan 01 1980"
+ " %s\n" % (perms, os.getuid(), os.getgid(),
+ int(blocks) * 256, fname))
+ return 0
+ def rm(self, dst):
+ """
+ Remove file from D64 image
+ """
+ dst = self._correct_fname(dst)
+ if not self._call_command('delete', dst=dst):
+ return self._show_error()
+ # During removing, a message containing ERRORCODE is sent to stdout
+ # instead of stderr. Everything other than 'ERRORCODE 1' (which means:
+ # 'everything fine') is actually a failure. In case of verbose error
+ # output it is needed to copy self.out to self.err.
+ if '\nERRORCODE 1\n' not in self.out:
+ self.err = self.out
+ return self._show_error()
+ return 0
+ def copyin(self, dst, src):
+ """
+ Copy file to the D64 image. Destination filename has to be corrected.
+ """
+ dst = self._correct_fname(dst)
+ if not self._call_command('write', src=src, dst=dst):
+ return self._show_error()
+ return 0
+ def copyout(self, src, dst):
+ """
+ Copy file form the D64 image. Source filename has to be corrected,
+ since it's representaion differ from the real one inside D64 image.
+ """
+ src = self._correct_fname(src)
+ if not self._call_command('read', src=src, dst=dst):
+ return self._show_error()
+ return 0
+ def _correct_fname(self, fname):
+ """
+ Correct filenames containing backslashes (since in unices slash in
+ filenames is forbidden, and on PET ASCII there is no backslash, but
+ slash in filenames is accepted) and make it into slash. Also remove
+ .del/.prg suffix, since destination, correct file will always be prg.
+ """
+ if "\\" in fname:
+ fname = fname.replace('\\', '/')
+ if fname.lower().endswith('.prg') or fname.lower().endswith('.del'):
+ fname = fname[:-4]
+ return fname
+ def _show_error(self):
+ """
+ Pass out error output from c1541 execution
+ """
+ if self._verbose:
+ sys.exit(self.err)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def _call_command(self, cmd, src=None, dst=None):
+ """
+ Return status of the provided command, which can be one of:
+ write
+ read
+ delete
+ dir/list
+ """
+ command = ['c1541', '-attach', self.arch, '-%s' % cmd]
+ if src and dst:
+ command.append(src)
+ command.append(dst)
+ elif src or dst:
+ command.append(src and src or dst)
+ self.out, self.err = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE,
+ stderr=PIPE).communicate()
+ return not self.err
+CALL_MAP = {'list': lambda a: Uc1541(a.ARCH).list(),
+ 'copyin': lambda a: Uc1541(a.ARCH).copyin(a.SRC, a.DST),
+ 'copyout': lambda a: Uc1541(a.ARCH).copyout(a.SRC, a.DST),
+ 'rm': lambda a: Uc1541(a.ARCH).rm(a.DST)}
+def parse_args():
+ """
+ Use ArgumentParser to check for script arguments and execute.
+ """
+ parser = ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='supported commands')
+ parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help="List contents of D64 "
+ "image")
+ parser_copyin = subparsers.add_parser('copyin', help="Copy file into D64 "
+ "image")
+ parser_copyout = subparsers.add_parser('copyout', help="Copy file out of "
+ "D64 image")
+ parser_rm = subparsers.add_parser('rm', help="Delete file from D64 image")
+ parser_list.add_argument('ARCH', help="D64 Image filename")
+ parser_list.set_defaults(func=CALL_MAP['list'])
+ parser_copyin.add_argument('ARCH', help="D64 Image filename")
+ parser_copyin.add_argument('SRC', help="Source filename")
+ parser_copyin.add_argument('DST', help="Destination filename (to be "
+ "written into D64 image)")
+ parser_copyin.set_defaults(func=CALL_MAP['copyin'])
+ parser_copyout.add_argument('ARCH', help="D64 Image filename")
+ parser_copyout.add_argument('SRC', help="Source filename (to be read from"
+ " D64 image")
+ parser_copyout.add_argument('DST', help="Destination filename")
+ parser_copyout.set_defaults(func=CALL_MAP['copyout'])
+ parser_rm.add_argument('ARCH', help="D64 Image filename")
+ parser_rm.add_argument('DST', help="File inside D64 image to be deleted")
+ parser_rm.set_defaults(func=CALL_MAP['rm'])
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ return args.func(args)
+def no_parse():
+ """
+ Failsafe argument "parsing". Note, that it blindly takes positional
+ arguments without checking them. In case of wrong arguments it will
+ silently exit
+ """
+ try:
+ if sys.argv[1] not in ('list', 'copyin', 'copyout', 'rm'):
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except IndexError:
+ sys.exit(2)
+ class Arg(object):
+ DST = None
+ SRC = None
+ ARCH = None
+ arg = Arg()
+ try:
+ arg.ARCH = sys.argv[2]
+ if sys.argv[1] in ('copyin', 'copyout'):
+ arg.SRC = sys.argv[3]
+ arg.DST = sys.argv[4]
+ elif sys.argv[1] == 'rm':
+ arg.DST = sys.argv[3]
+ except IndexError:
+ sys.exit(2)
+ CALL_MAP[sys.argv[1]](arg)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ parse_func = parse_args
+ except ImportError:
+ parse_func = no_parse
+ parse_func()