@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+/* editor syntax highlighting.
+ Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998 the Free Software Foundation
+ Authors: 1998 Paul Sheer
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#include <config.h>
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+#include "edit.h"
+#include "coolwidget.h"
+#if !defined(MIDNIGHT) || defined(HAVE_SYNTAXH)
+int option_syntax_highlighting = 1;
+/* these three functions are called from the outside */
+void edit_load_syntax (WEdit * edit, char **names, char *type);
+void edit_free_syntax_rules (WEdit * edit);
+void edit_get_syntax_color (WEdit * edit, long byte_index, int *fg, int *bg);
+static void *syntax_malloc (size_t x)
+ void *p;
+ p = malloc (x);
+ memset (p, 0, x);
+ return p;
+#define syntax_free(x) {if(x){free(x);(x)=0;}}
+static int compare_word_to_right (WEdit * edit, long i, char *text, char *whole_left, char *whole_right, int line_start)
+ char *p;
+ int c;
+ if (!*text)
+ return 0;
+ c = edit_get_byte (edit, i - 1);
+ if (line_start)
+ if (c != '\n')
+ return 0;
+ if (whole_left)
+ if (strchr (whole_left, c))
+ return 0;
+ for (p = text; *p; p++, i++) {
+ if (*p == '\001') {
+ p++;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ if (c == '\n')
+ return 0;
+ if (c == *p)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (*p != edit_get_byte (edit, i))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (whole_right)
+ if (strchr (whole_right, edit_get_byte (edit, i)))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int compare_word_to_left (WEdit * edit, long i, char *text, char *whole_left, char *whole_right, int line_start)
+ char *p;
+ int c;
+ if (!*text)
+ return 0;
+ if (whole_right)
+ if (strchr (whole_right, edit_get_byte (edit, i + 1)))
+ return 0;
+ for (p = text + strlen (text) - 1; (unsigned long) p >= (unsigned long) text; p--, i--) {
+ if (*p == '\001') {
+ p--;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ if (c == '\n')
+ return 0;
+ if (c == *p)
+ break;
+ i--;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (*p != edit_get_byte (edit, i))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ c = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ if (line_start)
+ if (c != '\n')
+ return 0;
+ if (whole_left)
+ if (strchr (whole_left, c))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+#define debug_printf(x,y) printf(x,y)
+#define debug_printf(x,y)
+static unsigned long apply_rules_going_right (WEdit * edit, long i, unsigned long rule)
+ struct context_rule *r;
+ int context, keyword, c1, c2;
+ unsigned long border;
+ context = (rule & RULE_CONTEXT) >> RULE_CONTEXT_SHIFT;
+ keyword = (rule & RULE_WORD) >> RULE_WORD_SHIFT;
+ c1 = edit_get_byte (edit, i - 1);
+ c2 = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ debug_printf ("%c->", c1);
+ debug_printf ("%c ", c2);
+/* check to turn off a context */
+ if (context && !keyword) {
+ r = edit->rules[context];
+ if (r->first_right == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("3 ", 0);
+ if (r->between_delimiters) {
+ context = 0;
+ debug_printf ("context=off ", 0);
+ keyword = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!r->between_delimiters && r->last_right == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i - 1, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("4 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ if (!(rule & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER)) {
+ context = 0;
+ debug_printf ("context=off ", 0);
+ keyword = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (r->last_left == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i - 1, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("2 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ keyword = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_printf ("border=%s ", border ? ((border & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER) ? "left" : "right") : "off");
+ debug_printf ("\n", 0);
+/* check to turn off a keyword */
+ if (keyword) {
+ struct key_word *k;
+ k = edit->rules[context]->keyword[keyword];
+ if (k->last == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i - 1, k->keyword, k->whole_word_chars_left, k->whole_word_chars_right, k->line_start)) {
+ keyword = 0;
+ debug_printf ("keyword=%d ", keyword);
+ }
+ }
+/* check to turn on a context */
+ if (!context && !keyword) {
+ int count;
+ for (count = 1; edit->rules[count]; count++) {
+ r = edit->rules[count];
+ if (r->between_delimiters && r->last_right == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i - 1, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("4 count=%d", count);
+ border = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if (r->first_left == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("1 ", 0);
+ if (!r->between_delimiters) {
+ context = count;
+ debug_printf ("context=%d ", context);
+ keyword = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (r->between_delimiters && r->last_left == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i - 1, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("2 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ if (!(rule & RULE_ON_RIGHT_BORDER)) {
+ if (r->between_delimiters) {
+ context = count;
+ debug_printf ("context=%d ", context);
+ keyword = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* check to turn on a keyword */
+ if (!keyword) {
+ int count;
+ r = edit->rules[context];
+ for (count = 1; r->keyword[count]; count++) {
+ struct key_word *k;
+ k = r->keyword[count];
+ if (k->first == c2)
+ if (compare_word_to_right (edit, i, k->keyword, k->whole_word_chars_left, k->whole_word_chars_right, k->line_start)) {
+ keyword = count;
+ debug_printf ("keyword=%d ", keyword);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug_printf ("border=%s ", border ? ((border & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER) ? "left" : "right") : "off");
+ debug_printf ("keyword=%d ", keyword);
+ debug_printf (" %d#\n", context);
+ return (context << RULE_CONTEXT_SHIFT) | (keyword << RULE_WORD_SHIFT) | border;
+static inline int resolve_left_delim (WEdit * edit, long i, struct context_rule *r, int s)
+ int c, count;
+ if (!r->conflicts)
+ return s;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ if (c == '\n')
+ break;
+ for (count = 1; r->conflicts[count]; count++) {
+ struct context_rule *p;
+ p = edit->rules[r->conflicts[count]];
+ if (!p)
+ break;
+ if (p->first_left == c && r->between_delimiters == p->between_delimiters && compare_word_to_right (edit, i, p->left, p->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, p->line_start_left))
+ return r->conflicts[count];
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* we don't concern ourselves with single words here, 'cos we will always
+ start at the beginning of a line and then go right */
+static unsigned long apply_rules_going_left (WEdit * edit, long i, unsigned long rule)
+ struct context_rule *r;
+ int context, keyword, c1, c2;
+ unsigned long border;
+ context = (rule & RULE_CONTEXT) >> RULE_CONTEXT_SHIFT;
+ keyword = (rule & RULE_WORD) >> RULE_WORD_SHIFT;
+ c1 = edit_get_byte (edit, i);
+ c2 = edit_get_byte (edit, i + 1);
+ debug_printf ("%c<-", c1);
+ debug_printf ("%c ", c2);
+/* check to turn off a context */
+ if (context && !keyword) {
+ r = edit->rules[context];
+ if (r->first_left == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i + 1, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("1 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ if (!(rule & RULE_ON_RIGHT_BORDER)) {
+ context = 0;
+ keyword = 0;
+ debug_printf ("context=off ", 0);
+ }
+ } else if (!r->between_delimiters && r->first_right == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i + 1, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("3 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ keyword = 0;
+ } else if (r->last_left == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("2 ", 0);
+ if (r->between_delimiters) {
+ context = 0;
+ keyword = 0;
+ debug_printf ("context=off ", 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* check to turn off a keyword */
+ if (keyword) {
+ struct key_word *k;
+ k = edit->rules[context]->keyword[keyword];
+ if (k->first == c2)
+ if (compare_word_to_right (edit, i + 1, k->keyword, k->whole_word_chars_left, k->whole_word_chars_right, k->line_start)) {
+ keyword = 0;
+ debug_printf ("keyword=%d ", keyword);
+ }
+ }
+ debug_printf ("border=%s ", border ? ((border & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER) ? "left" : "right") : "off");
+ debug_printf ("\n", 0);
+/* check to turn on a context */
+ if (!context && !keyword) {
+ int count;
+ for (count = 1; edit->rules[count]; count++) {
+ r = edit->rules[count];
+ if (r->first_left == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i + 1, r->left, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_left)) {
+ debug_printf ("1 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ keyword = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if (r->last_right == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("4 count=%d", count);
+ if (!r->between_delimiters && !(c1 == '\n' && r->single_char)) {
+ context = resolve_left_delim (edit, i - 1, r, count);
+ debug_printf ("context=%d ", context);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (r->between_delimiters && r->first_right == c2 && compare_word_to_right (edit, i + 1, r->right, r->whole_word_chars_left, r->whole_word_chars_right, r->line_start_right)) {
+ debug_printf ("3 ", 0);
+ border = 0;
+ if (!(rule & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER))
+ if (r->between_delimiters && !(c2 == '\n' && r->single_char)) {
+ context = resolve_left_delim (edit, i, r, count);
+ keyword = 0;
+ debug_printf ("context=%d ", context);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* check to turn on a keyword */
+ if (!keyword) {
+ int count;
+ r = edit->rules[context];
+ for (count = 1; r->keyword[count]; count++) {
+ struct key_word *k;
+ k = r->keyword[count];
+ if (k->last == c1 && compare_word_to_left (edit, i, k->keyword, k->whole_word_chars_left, k->whole_word_chars_right, k->line_start)) {
+ keyword = count;
+ debug_printf ("keyword=%d ", keyword);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug_printf ("border=%s ", border ? ((border & RULE_ON_LEFT_BORDER) ? "left" : "right") : "off");
+ debug_printf (" %d#\n", context);
+ return (context << RULE_CONTEXT_SHIFT) | (keyword << RULE_WORD_SHIFT) | border;
+static unsigned long edit_get_rule (WEdit * edit, long byte_index)
+ long i;
+ if (byte_index < 0) {
+ edit->last_get_rule = -1;
+ edit->rule = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (byte_index > edit->last_get_rule) {
+ for (i = edit->last_get_rule + 1; i <= byte_index; i++)
+ edit->rule = apply_rules_going_right (edit, i, edit->rule);
+ } else if (byte_index < edit->last_get_rule) {
+ for (i = edit->last_get_rule - 1; i >= byte_index; i--)
+ edit->rule = apply_rules_going_left (edit, i, edit->rule);
+ }
+ edit->last_get_rule = byte_index;
+ return edit->rule;
+static void translate_rule_to_color (WEdit * edit, unsigned long rule, int *fg, int *bg)
+ struct key_word *k;
+ k = edit->rules[(rule & RULE_CONTEXT) >> RULE_CONTEXT_SHIFT]->keyword[(rule & RULE_WORD) >> RULE_WORD_SHIFT];
+ *bg = k->bg;
+ *fg = k->fg;
+void edit_get_syntax_color (WEdit * edit, long byte_index, int *fg, int *bg)
+ unsigned long rule;
+ if (!edit->rules || byte_index >= edit->last_byte || !option_syntax_highlighting) {
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ *fg = NO_COLOR;
+ *bg = NO_COLOR;
+ } else {
+ rule = edit_get_rule (edit, byte_index);
+ translate_rule_to_color (edit, rule, fg, bg);
+ }
+ Returns 0 on error/eof or a count of the number of bytes read
+ including the newline. Result must be free'd.
+ */
+static int read_one_line (char **line, FILE * f)
+ char *p;
+ int len = 256, c, r = 0, i = 0;
+ p = syntax_malloc (len);
+ for (;;) {
+ c = fgetc (f);
+ if (c == -1) {
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if (c == '\n') {
+ r = i + 1; /* extra 1 for the newline just read */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (i >= len - 1) {
+ char *q;
+ q = syntax_malloc (len * 2);
+ memcpy (q, p, len);
+ syntax_free (p);
+ p = q;
+ len *= 2;
+ }
+ p[i++] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ p[i] = 0;
+ *line = p;
+ return r;
+static char *strdup_convert (char *s)
+ char *r, *p;
+ p = r = strdup (s);
+ while (*s) {
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\\':
+ s++;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case 'n':
+ *p = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ *p = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ *p = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ *p = ' ';
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ *p = '*';
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ *p = '\\';
+ break;
+ default:
+ *p = *s;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '*':
+/* a * at the beginning or end of the line must be interpreted literally */
+ if ((unsigned long) p == (unsigned long) r || strlen (s) == 1)
+ *p = '*';
+ else
+ *p = '\001';
+ break;
+ default:
+ *p = *s;
+ break;
+ }
+ s++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ return r;
+#define whiteness(x) ((x) == '\t' || (x) == '\n' || (x) == ' ')
+static void get_args (char *l, char **args, int *argc)
+ *argc = 0;
+ l--;
+ for (;;) {
+ char *p;
+ for (p = l + 1; *p && whiteness (*p); p++);
+ if (!*p)
+ break;
+ for (l = p + 1; *l && !whiteness (*l); l++);
+ *l = '\0';
+ *args = strdup_convert (p);
+ (*argc)++;
+ args++;
+ }
+ *args = 0;
+static void free_args (char **args)
+ while (*args) {
+ syntax_free (*args);
+ *args = 0;
+ args++;
+ }
+#define check_a {if(!*a){result=line;break;}}
+#define check_not_a {if(*a){result=line;break;}}
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+int try_alloc_color_pair (char *fg, char *bg);
+/* returns line number on error */
+static int edit_read_syntax_rules (WEdit * edit, FILE * f)
+ char *fg, *bg;
+ char whole_right[256];
+ char whole_left[256];
+ char *args[1024], *l = 0;
+ int line = 0;
+ struct context_rule **r, *c;
+ int num_words = -1, num_contexts = -1;
+ int argc, result = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ args[0] = 0;
+ strcpy (whole_left, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_");
+ strcpy (whole_right, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_");
+ r = edit->rules = syntax_malloc (256 * sizeof (struct context_rule *));
+ for (;;) {
+ char **a;
+ line++;
+ if (!read_one_line (&l, f))
+ break;
+ get_args (l, args, &argc);
+ a = args + 1;
+ if (!args[0]) {
+ /* do nothing */
+ } else if (!strcmp (args[0], "wholechars")) {
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "left")) {
+ a++;
+ strcpy (whole_left, *a);
+ } else if (!strcmp (*a, "right")) {
+ a++;
+ strcpy (whole_right, *a);
+ } else {
+ strcpy (whole_left, *a);
+ strcpy (whole_right, *a);
+ }
+ a++;
+ check_not_a;
+ } else if (!strcmp (args[0], "context")) {
+ check_a;
+ if (num_contexts == -1) {
+ if (strcmp (*a, "default")) { /* first context is the default */
+ *a = 0;
+ check_a;
+ }
+ a++;
+ c = r[0] = syntax_malloc (sizeof (struct context_rule));
+ c->left = strdup (" ");
+ c->right = strdup (" ");
+ num_contexts = 0;
+ } else {
+ c = r[num_contexts] = syntax_malloc (sizeof (struct context_rule));
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "exclusive")) {
+ a++;
+ c->between_delimiters = 1;
+ }
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "whole")) {
+ a++;
+ c->whole_word_chars_left = strdup (whole_left);
+ c->whole_word_chars_right = strdup (whole_right);
+ } else if (!strcmp (*a, "wholeleft")) {
+ a++;
+ c->whole_word_chars_left = strdup (whole_left);
+ } else if (!strcmp (*a, "wholeright")) {
+ a++;
+ c->whole_word_chars_right = strdup (whole_right);
+ }
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "linestart")) {
+ a++;
+ c->line_start_left = 1;
+ }
+ check_a;
+ c->left = strdup (*a++);
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "linestart")) {
+ a++;
+ c->line_start_right = 1;
+ }
+ check_a;
+ c->right = strdup (*a++);
+ c->last_left = c->left[strlen (c->left) - 1];
+ c->last_right = c->right[strlen (c->right) - 1];
+ c->first_left = *c->left;
+ c->first_right = *c->right;
+ c->single_char = (strlen (c->right) == 1);
+ }
+ c->keyword = syntax_malloc (1024 * sizeof (struct key_word *));
+ num_words = 1;
+ c->keyword[0] = syntax_malloc (sizeof (struct key_word));
+ fg = *a;
+ if (*a)
+ a++;
+ bg = *a;
+ if (*a)
+ a++;
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ c->keyword[0]->fg = try_alloc_color_pair (fg, bg);
+ c->keyword[0]->fg = allocate_color (fg);
+ c->keyword[0]->bg = allocate_color (bg);
+ c->keyword[0]->keyword = strdup (" ");
+ check_not_a;
+ num_contexts++;
+ } else if (!strcmp (args[0], "keyword")) {
+ struct key_word *k;
+ if (num_words == -1)
+ *a = 0;
+ check_a;
+ k = r[num_contexts - 1]->keyword[num_words] = syntax_malloc (sizeof (struct key_word));
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "whole")) {
+ a++;
+ k->whole_word_chars_left = strdup (whole_left);
+ k->whole_word_chars_right = strdup (whole_right);
+ } else if (!strcmp (*a, "wholeleft")) {
+ a++;
+ k->whole_word_chars_left = strdup (whole_left);
+ } else if (!strcmp (*a, "wholeright")) {
+ a++;
+ k->whole_word_chars_right = strdup (whole_right);
+ }
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "linestart")) {
+ a++;
+ k->line_start = 1;
+ }
+ check_a;
+ if (!strcmp (*a, "whole")) {
+ *a = 0;
+ check_a;
+ }
+ k->keyword = strdup (*a++);
+ k->last = k->keyword[strlen (k->keyword) - 1];
+ k->first = *k->keyword;
+ fg = *a;
+ if (*a)
+ a++;
+ bg = *a;
+ if (*a)
+ a++;
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ k->fg = try_alloc_color_pair (fg, bg);
+ k->fg = allocate_color (fg);
+ k->bg = allocate_color (bg);
+ check_not_a;
+ num_words++;
+ } else if (!strncmp (args[0], "#", 1)) {
+ /* do nothing for comment */
+ } else if (!strcmp (args[0], "file")) {
+ break;
+ } else { /* anything else is an error */
+ *a = 0;
+ check_a;
+ }
+ free_args (args);
+ syntax_free (l);
+ }
+ free_args (args);
+ syntax_free (l);
+ if (result)
+ return result;
+ if (num_contexts == -1) {
+ result = line;
+ return result;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; edit->rules[i]; i++) {
+ for (j = i + 1; edit->rules[j]; j++) {
+ if (strstr (edit->rules[j]->right, edit->rules[i]->right) && strcmp (edit->rules[i]->right, "\n")) {
+ unsigned char *s;
+ if (!edit->rules[i]->conflicts)
+ edit->rules[i]->conflicts = syntax_malloc (sizeof (unsigned char) * 260);
+ s = edit->rules[i]->conflicts;
+ s[strlen ((char *) s)] = (unsigned char) j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void (*syntax_change_callback) (CWidget *) = 0;
+void edit_set_syntax_change_callback (void (*callback) (CWidget *))
+ syntax_change_callback = callback;
+void edit_free_syntax_rules (WEdit * edit)
+ int i, j;
+ if (!edit)
+ return;
+ if (!edit->rules)
+ return;
+ syntax_free (edit->syntax_type);
+ if (syntax_change_callback)
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ (*syntax_change_callback) (&edit->widget);
+ (*syntax_change_callback) (edit->widget);
+ for (i = 0; edit->rules[i]; i++) {
+ if (edit->rules[i]->keyword) {
+ for (j = 0; edit->rules[i]->keyword[j]; j++) {
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->keyword[j]->keyword);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->keyword[j]->whole_word_chars_left);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->keyword[j]->whole_word_chars_right);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->keyword[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->conflicts);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->left);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->right);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->whole_word_chars_left);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->whole_word_chars_right);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]->keyword);
+ syntax_free (edit->rules[i]);
+ }
+ syntax_free (edit->rules);
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+char *syntax_text =
+"# Allowable colors for mc are\n"
+"# black\n"
+"# red\n"
+"# green\n"
+"# brown\n"
+"# blue\n"
+"# magenta\n"
+"# cyan\n"
+"# lightgray\n"
+"# gray\n"
+"# brightred\n"
+"# brightgreen\n"
+"# yellow\n"
+"# brightblue\n"
+"# brightmagenta\n"
+"# brightcyan\n"
+"# white\n"
+"file ..\\*\\\\.([chC]|CC|cxx|cc|cpp|CPP|CXX)$ C/C++\\sProgram\n"
+"context default\n"
+" keyword whole void yellow\n"
+" keyword whole int yellow\n"
+" keyword whole unsigned yellow\n"
+" keyword whole char yellow\n"
+" keyword whole long yellow\n"
+" keyword whole if yellow\n"
+" keyword whole for yellow\n"
+" keyword whole while yellow\n"
+" keyword whole do yellow\n"
+" keyword whole else yellow\n"
+" keyword whole double yellow\n"
+" keyword whole switch yellow\n"
+" keyword whole case yellow\n"
+" keyword whole default yellow\n"
+" keyword whole static yellow\n"
+" keyword whole extern yellow\n"
+" keyword whole struct yellow\n"
+" keyword whole typedef yellow\n"
+" keyword whole ... yellow\n"
+" keyword whole inline yellow\n"
+" keyword whole return yellow\n"
+" keyword '*' yellow\n"
+" keyword > yellow\n"
+" keyword < yellow\n"
+" keyword + yellow\n"
+" keyword - yellow\n"
+" keyword \\* yellow\n"
+" keyword / yellow\n"
+" keyword % yellow\n"
+" keyword = yellow\n"
+" keyword != yellow\n"
+" keyword == yellow\n"
+" keyword { brightcyan\n"
+" keyword } brightcyan\n"
+" keyword ( brightcyan\n"
+" keyword ) brightcyan\n"
+" keyword [ brightcyan\n"
+" keyword ] brightcyan\n"
+" keyword , brightcyan\n"
+" keyword : brightcyan\n"
+" keyword ; brightmagenta\n"
+"context /\\* \\*/ brown\n"
+"context linestart # \\n brightred\n"
+" keyword \\\\\\n yellow\n"
+" keyword /\\**\\*/ brown\n"
+" keyword \"*\" red\n"
+" keyword <*> red\n"
+"context \" \" green\n"
+" keyword %d yellow\n"
+" keyword %s yellow\n"
+" keyword %c yellow\n"
+" keyword %lu yellow\n"
+" keyword \\\\\" yellow\n";
+char *syntax_text =
+"file ..\\*\\\\.([chC]|CC|cxx|cc|cpp|CPP|CXX)$ C/C++\\sProgram\n"
+"context default\n"
+" keyword whole void 24\n"
+" keyword whole int 24\n"
+" keyword whole unsigned 24\n"
+" keyword whole char 24\n"
+" keyword whole long 24\n"
+" keyword whole if 24\n"
+" keyword whole for 24\n"
+" keyword whole while 24\n"
+" keyword whole do 24\n"
+" keyword whole else 24\n"
+" keyword whole double 24\n"
+" keyword whole switch 24\n"
+" keyword whole case 24\n"
+" keyword whole default 24\n"
+" keyword whole static 24\n"
+" keyword whole extern 24\n"
+" keyword whole struct 24\n"
+" keyword whole typedef 24\n"
+" keyword whole ... 24\n"
+" keyword whole inline 24\n"
+" keyword whole return 24\n"
+" keyword '*' 6\n"
+" keyword > 24\n"
+" keyword < 24\n"
+" keyword + 24\n"
+" keyword - 24\n"
+" keyword \\* 24\n"
+" keyword / 24\n"
+" keyword % 24\n"
+" keyword = 24\n"
+" keyword != 24\n"
+" keyword == 24\n"
+" keyword { 14\n"
+" keyword } 14\n"
+" keyword ( 15\n"
+" keyword ) 15\n"
+" keyword [ 14\n"
+" keyword ] 14\n"
+" keyword , 14\n"
+" keyword : 14\n"
+" keyword ; 19\n"
+"context /\\* \\*/ 22\n"
+"context linestart # \\n 18\n"
+" keyword \\\\\\n 24\n"
+" keyword /\\**\\*/ 22\n"
+" keyword \"*\" 19\n"
+" keyword <*> 19\n"
+"context \" \" 6\n"
+" keyword %d 24\n"
+" keyword %s 24\n"
+" keyword %c 24\n"
+" keyword %lu 24\n"
+" keyword \\\\\" 24\n"
+"file \\.\\* Help\\ssupport\\sother\\sfile\\stypes\n"
+"context default\n"
+"file \\.\\* by\\scoding\\srules\\sin\\s~/.cedit/syntax.\n"
+"context default\n"
+"file \\.\\* See\\sman/syntax\\sin\\sthe\\ssource\\sdistribution\n"
+"context default\n"
+"file \\.\\* and\\sconsult\\sthe\\sman\\spage.\n"
+"context default\n";
+/* returns -1 on file error, line number on error in file syntax */
+static int edit_read_syntax_file (WEdit * edit, char **names, char *syntax_file, char *editor_file, char *type)
+ FILE *f;
+ regex_t r;
+ regmatch_t pmatch[1];
+ char *args[1024], *l;
+ int line = 0;
+ int argc;
+ int result = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ f = fopen (syntax_file, "r");
+ if (!f) {
+ f = fopen (syntax_file, "w");
+ if (!f)
+ return -1;
+ fprintf (f, "%s", syntax_text);
+ fclose (f);
+ f = fopen (syntax_file, "r");
+ if (!f)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ args[0] = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ line++;
+ if (!read_one_line (&l, f))
+ break;
+ get_args (l, args, &argc);
+ if (!args[0]) {
+ } else if (!strcmp (args[0], "file")) {
+ if (!args[1] || !args[2]) {
+ result = line;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (regcomp (&r, args[1], REG_EXTENDED)) {
+ result = line;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (names) {
+ names[count++] = strdup (args[2]);
+ names[count] = 0;
+ } else if (type) {
+ if (!strcmp (type, args[2]))
+ goto found_type;
+ } else if (editor_file && edit) {
+ if (!regexec (&r, editor_file, 1, pmatch, 0)) {
+ int line_error;
+ found_type:
+ line_error = edit_read_syntax_rules (edit, f);
+ if (line_error)
+ result = line + line_error;
+ else {
+ syntax_free (edit->syntax_type);
+ edit->syntax_type = strdup (args[2]);
+ if (syntax_change_callback)
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ (*syntax_change_callback) (&edit->widget);
+ (*syntax_change_callback) (edit->widget);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free_args (args);
+ syntax_free (l);
+ }
+ free_args (args);
+ syntax_free (l);
+ fclose (f);
+ return result;
+/* loads rules into edit struct. one of edit or names must be zero. if
+ edit is zero, a list of types will be stored into name. type may be zero
+ in which case the type will be selected according to the filename. */
+void edit_load_syntax (WEdit * edit, char **names, char *type)
+ int r;
+ char *f;
+ edit_free_syntax_rules (edit);
+#ifdef MIDNIGHT
+ if (!SLtt_Use_Ansi_Colors)
+ return;
+ if (edit) {
+ if (!edit->filename)
+ return;
+ if (!*edit->filename)
+ return;
+ }
+ f = catstrs (home_dir, SYNTAX_FILE, 0);
+ r = edit_read_syntax_file (edit, names, f, edit ? edit->filename : 0, type);
+ if (r == -1) {
+ edit_free_syntax_rules (edit);
+ edit_error_dialog (_ (" Load syntax file "), _ (" File access error "));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (r) {
+ char s[80];
+ edit_free_syntax_rules (edit);
+ sprintf (s, _ (" Syntax error in file %s on line %d "), f, r);
+ edit_error_dialog (_ (" Load syntax file "), s);
+ return;
+ }
+int option_syntax_highlighting = 0;
+void edit_load_syntax (WEdit * edit, char **names, char *type)
+ return;
+void edit_free_syntax_rules (WEdit * edit)
+ return;
+void edit_get_syntax_color (WEdit * edit, long byte_index, int *fg, int *bg)
+#endif /* !defined(MIDNIGHT) || defined(HAVE_SYNTAXH) */