@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in.
+## FIXME: this is not nearly finished. It is pointless to try to use
+## it without fixing it, and libvfs, first. Feel free!
+## This file is used only by the Gnome libvfs build. If you make
+## changes here, they must be synchronized with Make-mc.in.
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = libvfs.la
+libvfs_la_SOURCES = callback.h container.c container.h extfs.c extfs.h \
+ftpfs.c ftpfs.h libvfs.c local.c mad.c mad.h mcfs.c mcfs.h mcserv.c \
+names.c names.h shared.c tar.c tar.h tcputil.c tcputil.h undelfs.c \
+undelfs.h util-alone.c util-alone.h utilvfs.c vfs.c vfs.h