@@ -114,37 +114,33 @@ status_string (WEdit * edit, char *s, int w)
* otherwise print the current character as is (if printable),
* as decimal and as hex.
- if (edit->buffer.curs1 < edit->buffer.size)
- {
+ if (edit->buffer.curs1 >= edit->buffer.size)
+ strcpy (byte_str, "<EOF> ");
- if (edit->utf8)
- {
- unsigned int cur_utf;
- int char_length = 1;
+ else if (edit->utf8)
+ {
+ unsigned int cur_utf;
+ int char_length = 1;
- cur_utf = edit_buffer_get_utf (&edit->buffer, edit->buffer.curs1, &char_length);
- if (char_length > 0)
- g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%04u 0x%03X",
- (unsigned) cur_utf, (unsigned) cur_utf);
- else
- {
- cur_utf = edit_buffer_get_current_byte (&edit->buffer);
- g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%04d 0x%03X",
- (int) cur_utf, (unsigned) cur_utf);
- }
- }
+ cur_utf = edit_buffer_get_utf (&edit->buffer, edit->buffer.curs1, &char_length);
+ if (char_length > 0)
+ g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%04u 0x%03X",
+ (unsigned) cur_utf, (unsigned) cur_utf);
- unsigned char cur_byte;
- cur_byte = edit_buffer_get_current_byte (&edit->buffer);
- g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%4d 0x%03X",
- (int) cur_byte, (unsigned) cur_byte);
+ cur_utf = edit_buffer_get_current_byte (&edit->buffer);
+ g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%04d 0x%03X",
+ (int) cur_utf, (unsigned) cur_utf);
- strcpy (byte_str, "<EOF> ");
+ {
+ unsigned char cur_byte;
+ cur_byte = edit_buffer_get_current_byte (&edit->buffer);
+ g_snprintf (byte_str, sizeof (byte_str), "%4d 0x%03X", (int) cur_byte, (unsigned) cur_byte);
+ }
/* The field lengths just prevent the status line from shortening too much */
if (simple_statusbar)
@@ -469,21 +465,18 @@ print_to_widget (WEdit * edit, long row, int start_col, int start_col_real,
style = p->style & 0xFF00;
textchar = p->ch;
- color = p->style >> 16;
- if ((style & MOD_ABNORMAL) != 0)
- /* Non-printable - use black background */
- color = 0;
+ /* If non-printable - use black background */
+ color = (style & MOD_ABNORMAL) != 0 ? 0 : p->style >> 16;
if ((style & MOD_WHITESPACE) != 0)
- if ((style & MOD_MARKED) != 0)
+ if ((style & MOD_MARKED) == 0)
+ else
textchar = ' ';
tty_setcolor (EDITOR_MARKED_COLOR);
- else
else if ((style & MOD_BOLD) != 0)
tty_setcolor (EDITOR_BOLD_COLOR);
@@ -562,7 +555,9 @@ edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, off_t b, long row, long start_col, long end_c
g_snprintf (line_stat, 2, "*");
- if (col + 16 > -edit->start_col)
+ if (col <= -(edit->start_col + 16))
+ start_col_real = start_col = 0;
+ else
off_t m1 = 0, m2 = 0;
@@ -573,18 +568,14 @@ edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, off_t b, long row, long start_col, long end_c
off_t tws = 0;
if (tty_use_colors () && visible_tws)
- {
- tws = edit_buffer_get_eol (&edit->buffer, b);
- while (tws > b)
+ for (tws = edit_buffer_get_eol (&edit->buffer, b); tws > b; tws--)
unsigned int c;
c = edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, tws - 1);
if (!whitespace (c))
- tws--;
- }
while (col <= end_col - edit->start_col)
@@ -594,25 +585,28 @@ edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, off_t b, long row, long start_col, long end_c
gboolean control_char = FALSE;
p->ch = 0;
- p->style = 0;
- if (q == edit->buffer.curs1)
- p->style |= MOD_CURSOR;
+ p->style = q == edit->buffer.curs1 ? MOD_CURSOR : 0;
if (q >= m1 && q < m2)
- if (edit->column_highlight)
+ if (!edit->column_highlight)
+ p->style |= MOD_MARKED;
+ else
long x;
- long c1, c2;
+ long c;
x = (long) edit_move_forward3 (edit, b, 0, q);
- c1 = MIN (edit->column1, edit->column2);
- c2 = MAX (edit->column1, edit->column2);
- if (x >= c1 && x < c2)
- p->style |= MOD_MARKED;
+ c = MIN (edit->column1, edit->column2);
+ if (x >= c)
+ {
+ c = MAX (edit->column1, edit->column2);
+ if (x < c)
+ p->style |= MOD_MARKED;
+ }
- else
- p->style |= MOD_MARKED;
if (q == edit->bracket)
p->style |= MOD_BOLD;
if (q >= edit->found_start && q < (off_t) (edit->found_start + edit->found_len))
@@ -650,8 +644,8 @@ edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, off_t b, long row, long start_col, long end_c
if (tab_over < 0)
i += tab_over;
col += i;
- if (tty_use_colors () &&
- ((visible_tabs || (visible_tws && q >= tws)) && enable_show_tabs_tws))
+ if (tty_use_colors () && (visible_tabs || (visible_tws && q >= tws))
+ && enable_show_tabs_tws)
if ((p->style & MOD_MARKED) != 0)
c = p->style;
@@ -825,10 +819,6 @@ edit_draw_this_line (WEdit * edit, off_t b, long row, long start_col, long end_c
- else
- {
- start_col_real = start_col = 0;
- }
p->ch = 0;
@@ -915,15 +905,13 @@ render_edit_text (WEdit * edit, long start_row, long start_column, long end_row,
if ((force & REDRAW_PAGE) != 0)
- row = start_row;
b = edit_buffer_get_forward_offset (&edit->buffer, edit->start_display, start_row, 0);
- while (row <= end_row)
+ for (row = start_row; row <= end_row; row++)
if (key_pending (edit))
edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column);
b = edit_buffer_get_forward_offset (&edit->buffer, b, 1, 0);
- row++;
@@ -936,7 +924,7 @@ render_edit_text (WEdit * edit, long start_row, long start_column, long end_row,
row = start_row;
b = edit->start_display;
- upto = curs_row - 1 <= end_row ? curs_row - 1 : end_row;
+ upto = MIN (curs_row - 1, end_row);
while (row <= upto)
if (key_pending (edit))
@@ -957,15 +945,13 @@ render_edit_text (WEdit * edit, long start_row, long start_column, long end_row,
if ((force & REDRAW_AFTER_CURSOR) != 0 && end_row > curs_row)
- row = curs_row + 1 < start_row ? start_row : curs_row + 1;
b = edit_buffer_get_forward_offset (&edit->buffer, b, 1, 0);
- while (row <= end_row)
+ for (row = MAX (curs_row + 1, start_row); row <= end_row; row++)
if (key_pending (edit))
edit_draw_this_line (edit, b, row, start_column, end_column);
b = edit_buffer_get_forward_offset (&edit->buffer, b, 1, 0);
- row++;