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- This directory is intended for the project specific (private) libraries.
- PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link to executable file.
- The source code of each library should be placed in separate directory, like
- "lib/private_lib/[here are source files]".
- For example, see how can be organized `Foo` and `Bar` libraries:
- |--lib
- | |--Bar
- | | |--docs
- | | |--examples
- | | |--src
- | | |- Bar.c
- | | |- Bar.h
- | |--Foo
- | | |- Foo.c
- | | |- Foo.h
- | |- readme.txt --> THIS FILE
- |- platformio.ini
- |--src
- |- main.c
- Then in `src/main.c` you should use:
- #include <Foo.h>
- #include <Bar.h>
- // rest H/C/CPP code
- PlatformIO will find your libraries automatically, configure preprocessor's
- include paths and build them.
- More information about PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder
- - http://docs.platformio.org/page/librarymanager/ldf.html