123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
- # Check for broken URLs in Marlin files
- #
- [ -d "Marlin/src" ] || { echo "Run this script from the Marlin project folder!" ; exit 1 ; }
- UA="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G996U Build/QP1A.190711.020; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/537.36"
- UTMP=$(mktemp)
- #echo "[debug 1] UTMP = ${UTMP}"
- echo "Gathering URLs. Please wait..."
- grep -R -E "https?:\/\/[^ \"''\(\)\<\>]+" . 2>/dev/null \
- | grep -v "Binary file" \
- | sed -E "s/\/https?:\/\//\//" \
- | sed -E 's/.*\((https?:\/\/[^ ]+)\).*$/\1/' \
- | sed -E 's/.*\[(https?:\/\/[^ ]+)\].*$/\1/' \
- | sed -E 's/.*(https?:\/\/[^ \"''()<>]+).*/\1/' \
- | grep -vE "(127\.0\.0\.1|localhost|myserver|doc\.qt\.io|docs\.google\.com|raw\.githubusercontent\.com|[\${}])" \
- | sed -E 's/]$//' | sed -E "s/'$//" | sed -E "s/[#.',]+$//" \
- | sed -E 's/youtu\.be\/(.+)/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=\1/' \
- | sort -u -R \
- >"$UTMP"
- #echo "[debug 2] link count = $(wc -l $UTMP)"
- declare -a BADURLS
- while IFS= read -r URL
- do
- #echo -n "Checking ${URL} ... "
- HEAD=$(curl -s -I -A "${UA}" --request GET "${URL}" 2>/dev/null) ; HERR=$?
- if [[ $HERR > 0 ]]; then
- # Error 92 may be domain blocking curl / wget
- [[ $HERR == 92 ]] || { ISERR=1 ; BADURLS+=($URL) ; }
- echo "[FAIL ($HERR)]"
- else
- HEAD1=$(echo $HEAD | head -n1)
- case "$HEAD1" in
- *" 301"*) EMSG="[Moved Permanently]" ; WHERE=1 ;;
- *" 302"*) EMSG="[Moved Temporarily]" ; WHERE=1 ;;
- *" 303"*) echo "[See Other]" ;;
- *" 400"*) EMSG="[Invalid Request]" ;;
- *" 403"*) EMSG="[Forbidden]" ;;
- *" 404"*) EMSG="[Not Found]" ;;
- *" 503"*) EMSG="[Unavailable]" ;;
- *" 200"*) echo "[ OK ]" ;;
- *) EMSG="[Other Err]" ;;
- esac
- if [[ -n $EMSG ]]; then
- if [[ -n $WHERE ]]; then
- [[ ${HEAD,,} =~ "location: " ]] && EMSG+=" to $(echo "$HEAD" | grep -i "location: " | sed -E 's/location: (.*)/\1/')"
- else
- fi
- echo $EMSG
- fi
- fi
- done <"$UTMP"
- #echo "[debug 3]"
- if [[ -n $ISERR ]]; then
- # Join bad URLs into a bulleted markdown list
- printf -v BADSTR -- "- %s\n" "${BADURLS[@]}"
- echo -e "\nURL Checker reports one or more URLs could not be reached:\n${BADSTR}"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo -e "\nURL Check Passed."
- exit 0