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- blank_issues_enabled: false
- contact_links:
- - name: 📖 Marlin Documentation
- url: https://marlinfw.org/
- about: Lots of documentation on installing and using Marlin.
- - name: 👤 MarlinFirmware Facebook group
- url: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1049718498464482
- about: Please ask and answer questions here.
- - name: 🕹 Marlin on Discord
- url: https://discord.com/servers/marlin-firmware-461605380783472640
- about: Join the Discord server for support and discussion.
- - name: 🔗 Marlin Discussion Forum
- url: https://reprap.org/forum/list.php?415
- about: A searchable web forum hosted by RepRap dot org.
- - name: 📺 Marlin Videos on YouTube
- url: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=marlin+firmware
- about: Tutorials and more from Marlin users all around the world. Great for new users!
- - name: 💸 Want to donate?
- url: https://www.thinkyhead.com/donate-to-marlin
- about: Please take a look at the various options to support Marlin Firmware's development financially!