123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # signature.py
- #
- import schema, subprocess, re, json, hashlib
- from datetime import datetime
- from pathlib import Path
- from functools import reduce
- def enabled_defines(filepath):
- '''
- Return all enabled #define items from a given C header file in a dictionary.
- A "#define" in a multi-line comment could produce a false positive if it's not
- preceded by a non-space character (like * in a multi-line comment).
- Output:
- Each entry is a dictionary with a 'name' and a 'section' key. We end up with:
- { MOTHERBOARD: { name: "MOTHERBOARD", section: "hardware" }, ... }
- TODO: Drop the 'name' key as redundant. For now it's useful for debugging.
- This list is only used to filter config-defined options from those defined elsewhere.
- Because the option names are the keys, only the last occurrence is retained.
- This means the actual used value might not be reflected by this function.
- The Schema class does more complete parsing for a more accurate list of options.
- While the Schema class parses the configurations on its own, this script will
- get the preprocessor output and get the intersection of the enabled options from
- our crude scraping method and the actual compiler output.
- We end up with the actual configured state,
- better than what the config files say. You can then use the
- resulting config.ini to produce more exact configuration files.
- '''
- outdict = {}
- section = "user"
- spatt = re.compile(r".*@section +([-a-zA-Z0-9_\s]+)$") # @section ...
- f = open(filepath, encoding="utf8").read().split("\n")
- incomment = False
- for line in f:
- sline = line.strip()
- m = re.match(spatt, sline) # @section ...
- if m: section = m.group(1).strip() ; continue
- if incomment:
- if '*/' in sline:
- incomment = False
- continue
- else:
- mpos, spos = sline.find('/*'), sline.find('//')
- if mpos >= 0 and (spos < 0 or spos > mpos):
- incomment = True
- continue
- if sline[:7] == "#define":
- # Extract the key here (we don't care about the value)
- kv = sline[8:].strip().split()
- outdict[kv[0]] = { 'name':kv[0], 'section': section }
- return outdict
- # Compute the SHA256 hash of a file
- def get_file_sha256sum(filepath):
- sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256()
- with open(filepath,"rb") as f:
- # Read and update hash string value in blocks of 4K
- for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096),b""):
- sha256_hash.update(byte_block)
- return sha256_hash.hexdigest()
- #
- # Compress a JSON file into a zip file
- #
- import zipfile
- def compress_file(filepath, storedname, outpath):
- with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False, compresslevel=9) as zipf:
- zipf.write(filepath, arcname=storedname)
- #
- # Compute a build signature and/or export the configuration
- #
- def compute_build_signature(env):
- '''
- Compute the build signature by extracting all configuration settings and
- building a unique reversible signature that can be included in the binary.
- The signature can be reversed to get a 1:1 equivalent configuration file.
- Used by common-dependencies.py after filtering build files by feature.
- '''
- if 'BUILD_SIGNATURE' in env: return
- env.Append(BUILD_SIGNATURE=1)
- build_path = Path(env['PROJECT_BUILD_DIR'], env['PIOENV'])
- json_name = 'marlin_config.json'
- marlin_json = build_path / json_name
- marlin_zip = build_path / 'mc.zip'
- # ANSI colors
- green = "\u001b[32m"
- yellow = "\u001b[33m"
- red = "\u001b[31m"
- # Definitions from these files will be kept
- header_paths = ('Marlin/Configuration.h', 'Marlin/Configuration_adv.h')
- # Check if we can skip processing
- hashes = ''
- for header in header_paths:
- hashes += get_file_sha256sum(header)[0:10]
- # Read a previously exported JSON file
- # Same configuration, skip recomputing the build signature
- same_hash = False
- try:
- with marlin_json.open() as infile:
- conf = json.load(infile)
- same_hash = conf['__INITIAL_HASH'] == hashes
- if same_hash:
- compress_file(marlin_json, json_name, marlin_zip)
- except:
- pass
- # Extract "enabled" #define lines by scraping the configuration files.
- # This data also contains the @section for each option.
- conf_defines = {}
- conf_names = []
- for hpath in header_paths:
- # Get defines in the form of { name: { name:..., section:... }, ... }
- defines = enabled_defines(hpath)
- # Get all unique define names into a flat array
- conf_names += defines.keys()
- # Remember which file these defines came from
- conf_defines[hpath.split('/')[-1]] = defines
- # Get enabled config options based on running GCC to preprocess the config files.
- # The result is a list of line strings, each starting with '#define'.
- from preprocessor import run_preprocessor
- build_output = run_preprocessor(env)
- # Dumb regex to filter out some dumb macros
- r = re.compile(r"\(+(\s*-*\s*_.*)\)+")
- # Extract all the #define lines in the build output as key/value pairs
- build_defines = {}
- for line in build_output:
- # Split the define from the value.
- key_val = line[8:].strip().decode().split(' ')
- key, value = key_val[0], ' '.join(key_val[1:])
- # Ignore values starting with two underscore, since it's low level
- if len(key) > 2 and key[0:2] == "__": continue
- # Ignore values containing parentheses (likely a function macro)
- if '(' in key and ')' in key: continue
- # Then filter dumb values
- if r.match(value): continue
- build_defines[key] = value if len(value) else ""
- #
- # Continue to gather data for CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING or CONFIG_EXPORT
- #
- is_embed = 'CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING' in build_defines
- if not (is_embed or 'CONFIG_EXPORT' in build_defines):
- return
- # Filter out useless macros from the output
- cleaned_build_defines = {}
- for key in build_defines:
- # Remove all boards now
- if key.startswith("BOARD_") and key != "BOARD_INFO_NAME": continue
- # Remove all keys ending by "_T_DECLARED" as it's a copy of extraneous system stuff
- if key.endswith("_T_DECLARED"): continue
- # Remove keys that are not in the #define list in the Configuration list
- if key not in conf_names + [ 'DETAILED_BUILD_VERSION', 'STRING_DISTRIBUTION_DATE' ]: continue
- # Add to a new dictionary for simplicity
- cleaned_build_defines[key] = build_defines[key]
- # And we only care about defines that (most likely) came from the config files
- # Build a dictionary of dictionaries with keys: 'name', 'section', 'value'
- # { 'file1': { 'option': { 'name':'option', 'section':..., 'value':... }, ... }, 'file2': { ... } }
- real_config = {}
- for header in conf_defines:
- real_config[header] = {}
- for key in cleaned_build_defines:
- if key in conf_defines[header]:
- if key[0:2] == '__': continue
- val = cleaned_build_defines[key]
- real_config[header][key] = { 'file':header, 'name': key, 'value': val, 'section': conf_defines[header][key]['section']}
- def tryint(key):
- try: return int(build_defines[key])
- except: return 0
- # Get the CONFIG_EXPORT value and do an extended dump if > 100
- # For example, CONFIG_EXPORT 102 will make a 'config.ini' with a [config:] group for each schema @section
- config_dump = tryint('CONFIG_EXPORT')
- extended_dump = config_dump > 100
- if extended_dump: config_dump -= 100
- # Get the schema class for exports that require it
- if config_dump in (3, 4) or (extended_dump and config_dump in (2, 5)):
- try:
- conf_schema = schema.extract()
- except Exception as exc:
- print(red + "Error: " + str(exc))
- conf_schema = None
- def optsort(x, optorder):
- return optorder.index(x) if x in optorder else float('inf')
- #
- # CONFIG_EXPORT 102 = config.ini, 105 = Config.h
- # Get sections using the schema class
- #
- if extended_dump and config_dump in (2, 5):
- if not conf_schema: exit(1)
- # Start with a preferred @section ordering
- preorder = ('test','custom','info','machine','eeprom','stepper drivers','multi stepper','idex','extruder','geometry','homing','kinematics','motion','motion control','endstops','filament runout sensors','probe type','probes','bltouch','leveling','temperature','hotend temp','mpctemp','pid temp','mpc temp','bed temp','chamber temp','fans','tool change','advanced pause','calibrate','calibration','media','lcd','lights','caselight','interface','custom main menu','custom config menu','custom buttons','develop','debug matrix','delta','scara','tpara','polar','polargraph','cnc','nozzle park','nozzle clean','gcode','serial','host','filament width','i2c encoders','i2cbus','joystick','multi-material','nanodlp','network','photo','power','psu control','reporting','safety','security','servos','stats','tmc/config','tmc/hybrid','tmc/serial','tmc/smart','tmc/spi','tmc/stallguard','tmc/status','tmc/stealthchop','tmc/tmc26x','units','volumetrics','extras')
- sections = { key:{} for key in preorder }
- # Group options by schema @section
- for header in real_config:
- for name in real_config[header]:
- #print(f" name: {name}")
- if name in ignore: continue
- ddict = real_config[header][name]
- #print(f" real_config[{header}][{name}]:", ddict)
- sect = ddict['section']
- if sect not in sections: sections[sect] = {}
- sections[sect][name] = ddict
- #
- # CONFIG_EXPORT 2 or 102 = config.ini
- #
- if config_dump == 2:
- print(yellow + "Generating config.ini ...")
- ini_fmt = '{0:40} = {1}'
- ext_fmt = '{0:40} {1}'
- if extended_dump:
- # Extended export will dump config options by section
- # We'll use Schema class to get the sections
- if not conf_schema: exit(1)
- # Then group options by schema @section
- sections = {}
- for header in real_config:
- for name in real_config[header]:
- #print(f" name: {name}")
- if name not in ignore:
- ddict = real_config[header][name]
- #print(f" real_config[{header}][{name}]:", ddict)
- sect = ddict['section']
- if sect not in sections: sections[sect] = {}
- sections[sect][name] = ddict
- # Get all sections as a list of strings, with spaces and dashes replaced by underscores
- long_list = [ re.sub(r'[- ]+', '_', x).lower() for x in sections.keys() ]
- # Make comma-separated lists of sections with 64 characters or less
- sec_lines = []
- while len(long_list):
- line = long_list.pop(0) + ', '
- while len(long_list) and len(line) + len(long_list[0]) < 64 - 1:
- line += long_list.pop(0) + ', '
- sec_lines.append(line.strip())
- sec_lines[-1] = sec_lines[-1][:-1] # Remove the last comma
- else:
- sec_lines = ['all']
- # Build the ini_use_config item
- sec_list = ini_fmt.format('ini_use_config', sec_lines[0])
- for line in sec_lines[1:]: sec_list += '\n' + ext_fmt.format('', line)
- config_ini = build_path / 'config.ini'
- with config_ini.open('w') as outfile:
- filegrp = { 'Configuration.h':'config:basic', 'Configuration_adv.h':'config:advanced' }
- vers = build_defines["CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION"]
- dt_string = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S")
- outfile.write(
- f'''#
- # Marlin Firmware
- # config.ini - Options to apply before the build
- #
- # Generated by Marlin build on {dt_string}
- #
- [config:base]
- #
- # ini_use_config - A comma-separated list of actions to apply to the Configuration files.
- # The actions will be applied in the listed order.
- # - none
- # Ignore this file and don't apply any configuration options
- #
- # - base
- # Just apply the options in config:base to the configuration
- #
- # - minimal
- # Just apply the options in config:minimal to the configuration
- #
- # - all
- # Apply all 'config:*' sections in this file to the configuration
- #
- # - another.ini
- # Load another INI file with a path relative to this config.ini file (i.e., within Marlin/)
- #
- # - https://me.myserver.com/path/to/configs
- # Fetch configurations from any URL.
- #
- # - example/Creality/Ender-5 Plus @ bugfix-2.1.x
- # Fetch example configuration files from the MarlinFirmware/Configurations repository
- # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/bugfix-2.1.x/config/examples/Creality/Ender-5%20Plus/
- #
- # - example/default @ release-
- # Fetch default configuration files from the MarlinFirmware/Configurations repository
- # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/release-
- #
- # - [disable]
- # Comment out all #defines in both Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h. This is useful
- # to start with a clean slate before applying any config: options, so only the options explicitly
- # set in config.ini will be enabled in the configuration.
- #
- # - [flatten] (Not yet implemented)
- # Produce a flattened set of Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files with only the enabled
- # #defines and no comments. A clean look, but context-free.
- #
- {sec_list}
- {ini_fmt.format('ini_config_vers', vers)}
- ''' )
- if extended_dump:
- # Loop through the sections
- for skey in sorted(sections):
- #print(f" skey: {skey}")
- sani = re.sub(r'[- ]+', '_', skey).lower()
- outfile.write(f"\n[config:{sani}]\n")
- opts = sections[skey]
- opts_keys = sorted(opts.keys(), key=lambda x: optsort(x, optorder))
- for name in opts_keys:
- if name in ignore: continue
- val = opts[name]['value']
- if val == '': val = 'on'
- #print(f" {name} = {val}")
- outfile.write(ini_fmt.format(name.lower(), val) + '\n')
- else:
- # Standard export just dumps config:basic and config:advanced sections
- for header in real_config:
- outfile.write(f'\n[{filegrp[header]}]\n')
- opts = real_config[header]
- opts_keys = sorted(opts.keys(), key=lambda x: optsort(x, optorder))
- for name in opts_keys:
- if name in ignore: continue
- val = opts[name]['value']
- if val == '': val = 'on'
- outfile.write(ini_fmt.format(name.lower(), val) + '\n')
- #
- # CONFIG_EXPORT 5 or 105 = Config.h
- #
- if config_dump == 5:
- print(yellow + "Generating Config-export.h ...")
- config_h = Path('Marlin', 'Config-export.h')
- with config_h.open('w') as outfile:
- filegrp = { 'Configuration.h':'config:basic', 'Configuration_adv.h':'config:advanced' }
- vers = build_defines["CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION"]
- dt_string = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S")
- out_text = f'''/**
- * Config.h - Marlin Firmware distilled configuration
- * Usage: Place this file in the 'Marlin' folder with the name 'Config.h'.
- *
- * Exported by Marlin build on {dt_string}.
- */
- '''
- subs = (('Bltouch','BLTouch'),('hchop','hChop'),('Eeprom','EEPROM'),('Gcode','G-code'),('lguard','lGuard'),('Idex','IDEX'),('Lcd','LCD'),('Mpc','MPC'),('Pid','PID'),('Psu','PSU'),('Scara','SCARA'),('Spi','SPI'),('Tmc','TMC'),('Tpara','TPARA'))
- define_fmt = '#define {0:40} {1}'
- if extended_dump:
- # Loop through the sections
- for skey in sections:
- #print(f" skey: {skey}")
- opts = sections[skey]
- headed = False
- opts_keys = sorted(opts.keys(), key=lambda x: optsort(x, optorder))
- for name in opts_keys:
- if name in ignore: continue
- val = opts[name]['value']
- if not headed:
- head = reduce(lambda s, r: s.replace(*r), subs, skey.title())
- out_text += f"\n//\n// {head}\n//\n"
- headed = True
- out_text += define_fmt.format(name, val).strip() + '\n'
- else:
- # Dump config options in just two sections, by file
- for header in real_config:
- out_text += f'\n/**\n * Overrides for {header}\n */\n'
- opts = real_config[header]
- opts_keys = sorted(opts.keys(), key=lambda x: optsort(x, optorder))
- for name in opts_keys:
- if name in ignore: continue
- val = opts[name]['value']
- out_text += define_fmt.format(name, val).strip() + '\n'
- outfile.write(out_text)
- #
- # CONFIG_EXPORT 3 = schema.json, 13 = schema_grouped.json, 4 = schema.yml
- #
- if config_dump in (3, 4, 13):
- if conf_schema:
- #
- # 3 = schema.json
- #
- if config_dump in (3, 13):
- print(yellow + "Generating schema.json ...")
- schema.dump_json(conf_schema, build_path / 'schema.json')
- if config_dump == 13:
- schema.group_options(conf_schema)
- schema.dump_json(conf_schema, build_path / 'schema_grouped.json')
- #
- # 4 = schema.yml
- #
- elif config_dump == 4:
- print(yellow + "Generating schema.yml ...")
- try:
- import yaml
- except ImportError:
- env.Execute(env.VerboseAction(
- '$PYTHONEXE -m pip install "pyyaml"',
- "Installing YAML for schema.yml export",
- ))
- import yaml
- schema.dump_yaml(conf_schema, build_path / 'schema.yml')
- #
- # Produce a JSON file for CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING or CONFIG_EXPORT == 1 or 101
- # Skip if an identical JSON file was already present.
- #
- if not same_hash and (config_dump == 1 or is_embed):
- with marlin_json.open('w') as outfile:
- json_data = {}
- if extended_dump:
- print(yellow + "Extended dump ...")
- for header in real_config:
- confs = real_config[header]
- json_data[header] = {}
- for name in confs:
- if name in ignore: continue
- c = confs[name]
- s = c['section']
- if s not in json_data[header]: json_data[header][s] = {}
- json_data[header][s][name] = c['value']
- else:
- for header in real_config:
- json_data[header] = {}
- conf = real_config[header]
- #print(f"real_config[{header}]", conf)
- for name in conf:
- if name in ignore: continue
- json_data[header][name] = conf[name]['value']
- json_data['__INITIAL_HASH'] = hashes
- # Append the source code version and date
- json_data['VERSION'] = {
- }
- try:
- curver = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--match=NeVeRmAtCh", "--always"]).strip()
- json_data['VERSION']['GIT_REF'] = curver.decode()
- except:
- pass
- json.dump(json_data, outfile, separators=(',', ':'))
- #
- # The rest only applies to CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING
- #
- if not is_embed:
- (build_path / 'mc.zip').unlink(missing_ok=True)
- return
- # Compress the JSON file as much as we can
- if not same_hash:
- compress_file(marlin_json, json_name, marlin_zip)
- # Generate a C source file containing the entire ZIP file as an array
- with open('Marlin/src/mczip.h','wb') as result_file:
- result_file.write(
- + b' #warning "Generated file \'mc.zip\' is embedded (Define NO_CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING_WARNING to suppress this warning.)"\n'
- + b'#endif\n'
- + b'const unsigned char mc_zip[] PROGMEM = {\n '
- )
- count = 0
- for b in (build_path / 'mc.zip').open('rb').read():
- result_file.write(b' 0x%02X,' % b)
- count += 1
- if count % 16 == 0: result_file.write(b'\n ')
- if count % 16: result_file.write(b'\n')
- result_file.write(b'};\n')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Build required. From command line just explain usage.
- print("*** THIS SCRIPT USED BY common-dependencies.py ***\n\n"
- + "Current options for config and schema export:\n"
- + " - marlin_config.json : Build Marlin with CONFIG_EXPORT 1 or 101. (Use CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING for 'mc.zip')\n"
- + " - config.ini : Build Marlin with CONFIG_EXPORT 2 or 102.\n"
- + " - schema.json : Run 'schema.py json' (CONFIG_EXPORT 3).\n"
- + " - schema_grouped.json : Run 'schema.py group' (CONFIG_EXPORT 13).\n"
- + " - schema.yml : Run 'schema.py yml' (CONFIG_EXPORT 4).\n"
- + " - Config-export.h : Build Marlin with CONFIG_EXPORT 5 or 105.\n"
- )