22 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. #
  4. #
  5. # Used by via to generate a schema file during the PlatformIO build
  6. # when CONFIG_EXPORT is defined in the configuration.
  7. #
  8. # This script can also be run standalone from within the Marlin repo to generate JSON and YAML schema files.
  9. #
  10. # This script is a companion to abm/js/schema.js in the MarlinFirmware/AutoBuildMarlin project, which has
  11. # been extended to evaluate conditions and can determine what options are actually enabled, not just which
  12. # options are uncommented. That will be migrated to this script for standalone migration.
  13. #
  14. import re, json
  15. from pathlib import Path
  16. def extend_dict(d:dict, k:tuple):
  17. if len(k) >= 1 and k[0] not in d:
  18. d[k[0]] = {}
  19. if len(k) >= 2 and k[1] not in d[k[0]]:
  20. d[k[0]][k[1]] = {}
  21. if len(k) >= 3 and k[2] not in d[k[0]][k[1]]:
  22. d[k[0]][k[1]][k[2]] = {}
  23. grouping_patterns = [
  24. re.compile(r'^([XYZIJKUVW]|[XYZ]2|Z[34]|E[0-7])$'),
  25. re.compile(r'^AXIS\d$'),
  26. re.compile(r'^(MIN|MAX)$'),
  27. re.compile(r'^[0-8]$'),
  28. re.compile(r'^HOTEND[0-7]$'),
  29. re.compile(r'^(HOTENDS|BED|PROBE|COOLER)$'),
  30. re.compile(r'^[XYZIJKUVW]M(IN|AX)$')
  31. ]
  32. # If the indexed part of the option name matches a pattern
  33. # then add it to the dictionary.
  34. def find_grouping(gdict, filekey, sectkey, optkey, pindex):
  35. optparts = optkey.split('_')
  36. if 1 < len(optparts) > pindex:
  37. for patt in grouping_patterns:
  38. if patt.match(optparts[pindex]):
  39. subkey = optparts[pindex]
  40. modkey = '_'.join(optparts)
  41. optparts[pindex] = '*'
  42. wildkey = '_'.join(optparts)
  43. kkey = f'{filekey}|{sectkey}|{wildkey}'
  44. if kkey not in gdict: gdict[kkey] = []
  45. gdict[kkey].append((subkey, modkey))
  46. # Build a list of potential groups. Only those with multiple items will be grouped.
  47. def group_options(schema):
  48. for pindex in range(10, -1, -1):
  49. found_groups = {}
  50. for filekey, f in schema.items():
  51. for sectkey, s in f.items():
  52. for optkey in s:
  53. find_grouping(found_groups, filekey, sectkey, optkey, pindex)
  54. fkeys = [ k for k in found_groups.keys() ]
  55. for kkey in fkeys:
  56. items = found_groups[kkey]
  57. if len(items) > 1:
  58. f, s, w = kkey.split('|')
  59. extend_dict(schema, (f, s, w)) # Add wildcard group to schema
  60. for subkey, optkey in items: # Add all items to wildcard group
  61. schema[f][s][w][subkey] = schema[f][s][optkey] # Move non-wildcard item to wildcard group
  62. del schema[f][s][optkey]
  63. del found_groups[kkey]
  64. # Extract all board names from boards.h
  65. def load_boards():
  66. bpath = Path("Marlin/src/core/boards.h")
  67. if bpath.is_file():
  68. with as bfile:
  69. boards = []
  70. for line in bfile:
  71. if line.startswith("#define BOARD_"):
  72. bname = line.split()[1]
  73. if bname != "BOARD_UNKNOWN": boards.append(bname)
  74. return "['" + "','".join(boards) + "']"
  75. return ''
  76. #
  77. # Extract the specified configuration files in the form of a structured schema.
  78. # Contains the full schema for the configuration files, not just the enabled options,
  79. # Contains the current values of the options, not just data structure, so "schema" is a slight misnomer.
  80. #
  81. # The returned object is a nested dictionary with the following indexing:
  82. #
  83. # - schema[filekey][section][define_name] = define_info
  84. #
  85. # Where the define_info contains the following keyed fields:
  86. # - section = The @section the define is in
  87. # - name = The name of the define
  88. # - enabled = True if the define is enabled (not commented out)
  89. # - line = The line number of the define
  90. # - sid = A serial ID for the define
  91. # - value = The value of the define, if it has one
  92. # - type = The type of the define, if it has one
  93. # - requires = The conditions that must be met for the define to be enabled
  94. # - comment = The comment for the define, if it has one
  95. # - units = The units for the define, if it has one
  96. # - options = The options for the define, if it has any
  97. #
  98. def extract_files(filekey):
  99. # Load board names from boards.h
  100. boards = load_boards()
  101. # Parsing states
  102. class Parse:
  103. NORMAL = 0 # No condition yet
  104. BLOCK_COMMENT = 1 # Looking for the end of the block comment
  105. EOL_COMMENT = 2 # EOL comment started, maybe add the next comment?
  106. SLASH_COMMENT = 3 # Block-like comment, starting with aligned //
  107. GET_SENSORS = 4 # Gathering temperature sensor options
  108. ERROR = 9 # Syntax error
  109. # A JSON object to store the data
  110. sch_out = { key:{} for key in filekey.values() }
  111. # Regex for #define NAME [VALUE] [COMMENT] with sanitized line
  112. defgrep = re.compile(r'^(//)?\s*(#define)\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*(//.+)?$')
  113. # Pattern to match a float value
  114. flt = r'[-+]?\s*(\d+\.|\d*\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?[fF]?'
  115. # Start with unknown state
  116. state = Parse.NORMAL
  117. # Serial ID
  118. sid = 0
  119. # Loop through files and parse them line by line
  120. for fn, fk in filekey.items():
  121. with Path("Marlin", fn).open() as fileobj:
  122. section = 'none' # Current Settings section
  123. line_number = 0 # Counter for the line number of the file
  124. conditions = [] # Create a condition stack for the current file
  125. comment_buff = [] # A temporary buffer for comments
  126. prev_comment = '' # Copy before reset for an EOL comment
  127. options_json = '' # A buffer for the most recent options JSON found
  128. eol_options = False # The options came from end of line, so only apply once
  129. join_line = False # A flag that the line should be joined with the previous one
  130. line = '' # A line buffer to handle \ continuation
  131. last_added_ref = {} # Reference to the last added item
  132. # Loop through the lines in the file
  133. for the_line in fileobj.readlines():
  134. line_number += 1
  135. # Clean the line for easier parsing
  136. the_line = the_line.strip()
  137. if join_line: # A previous line is being made longer
  138. line += (' ' if line else '') + the_line
  139. else: # Otherwise, start the line anew
  140. line, line_start = the_line, line_number
  141. # If the resulting line ends with a \, don't process now.
  142. # Strip the end off. The next line will be joined with it.
  143. join_line = line.endswith("\\")
  144. if join_line:
  145. line = line[:-1].strip()
  146. continue
  147. else:
  148. line_end = line_number
  149. defmatch = defgrep.match(line)
  150. # Special handling for EOL comments after a #define.
  151. # At this point the #define is already digested and inserted,
  152. # so we have to extend it
  153. if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT:
  154. # If the line is not a comment, we're done with the EOL comment
  155. if not defmatch and the_line.startswith('//'):
  156. comment_buff.append(the_line[2:].strip())
  157. else:
  158. state = Parse.NORMAL
  159. cline = ' '.join(comment_buff)
  160. comment_buff = []
  161. if cline != '':
  162. # A (block or slash) comment was already added
  163. if 'comment' in last_added_ref:
  164. cfield = 'notes'
  165. last_added_ref[cfield] = cline
  166. #
  167. # Add the given comment line to the comment buffer, unless:
  168. # - The line starts with ':' and JSON values to assign to 'opt'.
  169. # - The line starts with '@section' so a new section needs to be returned.
  170. # - The line starts with '======' so just skip it.
  171. #
  172. def use_comment(c, opt, sec, bufref):
  173. if c.startswith(':'): # If the comment starts with : then it has magic JSON
  174. d = c[1:].strip() # Strip the leading :
  175. cbr = c.rindex('}') if d.startswith('{') else c.rindex(']') if d.startswith('[') else 0
  176. if cbr:
  177. opt, cmt = c[1:cbr+1].strip(), c[cbr+1:].strip()
  178. if cmt != '': bufref.append(cmt)
  179. else:
  180. opt = c[1:].strip()
  181. elif c.startswith('@section'): # Start a new section
  182. sec = c[8:].strip()
  183. elif not c.startswith('========'):
  184. bufref.append(c)
  185. return opt, sec
  186. # For slash comments, capture consecutive slash comments.
  187. # The comment will be applied to the next #define.
  188. if state == Parse.SLASH_COMMENT:
  189. if not defmatch and the_line.startswith('//'):
  190. options_json, section = use_comment(the_line[2:].strip(), options_json, section, comment_buff)
  191. continue
  192. else:
  193. state = Parse.NORMAL
  194. # In a block comment, capture lines up to the end of the comment.
  195. # Assume nothing follows the comment closure.
  196. if state in (Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT, Parse.GET_SENSORS):
  197. endpos = line.find('*/')
  198. if endpos < 0:
  199. cline = line
  200. else:
  201. cline, line = line[:endpos].strip(), line[endpos+2:].strip()
  202. # Temperature sensors are done
  203. if state == Parse.GET_SENSORS:
  204. options_json = f'[ {options_json[:-2]} ]'
  205. state = Parse.NORMAL
  206. # Strip the leading '* ' from block comments
  207. cline = re.sub(r'^\* ?', '', cline)
  208. # Collect temperature sensors
  209. if state == Parse.GET_SENSORS:
  210. sens = re.match(r'^(-?\d+)\s*:\s*(.+)$', cline)
  211. if sens:
  212. s2 = sens[2].replace("'", "''")
  213. options_json += f"{sens[1]}:'{sens[1]} - {s2}', "
  214. elif state == Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT:
  215. # Look for temperature sensors
  216. if re.match(r'temperature sensors.*:', cline, re.IGNORECASE):
  217. state, cline = Parse.GET_SENSORS, "Temperature Sensors"
  218. options_json, section = use_comment(cline, options_json, section, comment_buff)
  219. # For the normal state we're looking for any non-blank line
  220. elif state == Parse.NORMAL:
  221. # Skip a commented define when evaluating comment opening
  222. st = 2 if re.match(r'^//\s*#define', line) else 0
  223. cpos1 = line.find('/*') # Start a block comment on the line?
  224. cpos2 = line.find('//', st) # Start an end of line comment on the line?
  225. # Only the first comment starter gets evaluated
  226. cpos = -1
  227. if cpos1 != -1 and (cpos1 < cpos2 or cpos2 == -1):
  228. cpos = cpos1
  229. comment_buff = []
  230. state = Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT
  231. eol_options = False
  232. elif cpos2 != -1 and (cpos2 < cpos1 or cpos1 == -1):
  233. cpos = cpos2
  234. # Comment after a define may be continued on the following lines
  235. if defmatch is not None and cpos > 10:
  236. state = Parse.EOL_COMMENT
  237. prev_comment = '\n'.join(comment_buff)
  238. comment_buff = []
  239. else:
  240. state = Parse.SLASH_COMMENT
  241. # Process the start of a new comment
  242. if cpos != -1:
  243. comment_buff = []
  244. cline, line = line[cpos+2:].strip(), line[:cpos].strip()
  245. if state == Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT:
  246. # Strip leading '*' from block comments
  247. cline = re.sub(r'^\* ?', '', cline)
  248. else:
  249. # Expire end-of-line options after first use
  250. if cline.startswith(':'): eol_options = True
  251. # Buffer a non-empty comment start
  252. if cline != '':
  253. options_json, section = use_comment(cline, options_json, section, comment_buff)
  254. # If the line has nothing before the comment, go to the next line
  255. if line == '':
  256. options_json = ''
  257. continue
  258. # Parenthesize the given expression if needed
  259. def atomize(s):
  260. if s == '' \
  261. or re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]*(\([^)]+\))?$', s) \
  262. or re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+ == \d+?$', s):
  263. return s
  264. return f'({s})'
  265. #
  266. # The conditions stack is an array containing condition-arrays.
  267. # Each condition-array lists the conditions for the current block.
  268. # IF/N/DEF adds a new condition-array to the stack.
  269. # ELSE/ELIF/ENDIF pop the condition-array.
  270. # ELSE/ELIF negate the last item in the popped condition-array.
  271. # ELIF adds a new condition to the end of the array.
  272. # ELSE/ELIF re-push the condition-array.
  273. #
  274. cparts = line.split()
  275. iselif, iselse = cparts[0] == '#elif', cparts[0] == '#else'
  276. if iselif or iselse or cparts[0] == '#endif':
  277. if len(conditions) == 0:
  278. raise Exception(f'no #if block at line {line_number}')
  279. # Pop the last condition-array from the stack
  280. prev = conditions.pop()
  281. if iselif or iselse:
  282. prev[-1] = '!' + prev[-1] # Invert the last condition
  283. if iselif: prev.append(atomize(line[5:].strip()))
  284. conditions.append(prev)
  285. elif cparts[0] == '#if':
  286. conditions.append([ atomize(line[3:].strip()) ])
  287. elif cparts[0] == '#ifdef':
  288. conditions.append([ f'defined({line[6:].strip()})' ])
  289. elif cparts[0] == '#ifndef':
  290. conditions.append([ f'!defined({line[7:].strip()})' ])
  291. # Handle a complete #define line
  292. elif defmatch is not None:
  293. # Get the match groups into vars
  294. enabled, define_name, val = defmatch[1] is None, defmatch[3], defmatch[4]
  295. # Increment the serial ID
  296. sid += 1
  297. # Create a new dictionary for the current #define
  298. define_info = {
  299. 'section': section,
  300. 'name': define_name,
  301. 'enabled': enabled,
  302. 'line': line_start,
  303. 'sid': sid
  304. }
  305. # Type is based on the value
  306. value_type = \
  307. 'switch' if val == '' \
  308. else 'bool' if re.match(r'^(true|false)$', val) \
  309. else 'int' if re.match(r'^[-+]?\s*\d+$', val) \
  310. else 'ints' if re.match(r'^([-+]?\s*\d+)(\s*,\s*[-+]?\s*\d+)+$', val) \
  311. else 'floats' if re.match(rf'({flt}(\s*,\s*{flt})+)', val) \
  312. else 'float' if re.match(f'^({flt})$', val) \
  313. else 'string' if val[0] == '"' \
  314. else 'char' if val[0] == "'" \
  315. else 'state' if re.match(r'^(LOW|HIGH)$', val) \
  316. else 'enum' if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,}$', val) \
  317. else 'int[]' if re.match(r'^{\s*[-+]?\s*\d+(\s*,\s*[-+]?\s*\d+)*\s*}$', val) \
  318. else 'float[]' if re.match(r'^{{\s*{flt}(\s*,\s*{flt})*\s*}}$', val) \
  319. else 'array' if val[0] == '{' \
  320. else ''
  321. val = (val == 'true') if value_type == 'bool' \
  322. else int(val) if value_type == 'int' \
  323. else val.replace('f','') if value_type == 'floats' \
  324. else float(val.replace('f','')) if value_type == 'float' \
  325. else val
  326. if val != '': define_info['value'] = val
  327. if value_type != '': define_info['type'] = value_type
  328. # Join up accumulated conditions with &&
  329. if conditions: define_info['requires'] = '(' + ') && ('.join(sum(conditions, [])) + ')'
  330. # If the comment_buff is not empty, add the comment to the info
  331. if comment_buff:
  332. full_comment = '\n'.join(comment_buff).strip()
  333. # An EOL comment will be added later
  334. # The handling could go here instead of above
  335. if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT:
  336. define_info['comment'] = ''
  337. else:
  338. define_info['comment'] = full_comment
  339. comment_buff = []
  340. # If the comment specifies units, add that to the info
  341. units = re.match(r'^\(([^)]+)\)', full_comment)
  342. if units:
  343. units = units[1]
  344. if units == 's' or units == 'sec': units = 'seconds'
  345. define_info['units'] = units
  346. if 'comment' not in define_info or define_info['comment'] == '':
  347. if prev_comment:
  348. define_info['comment'] = prev_comment
  349. prev_comment = ''
  350. if 'comment' in define_info and define_info['comment'] == '':
  351. del define_info['comment']
  352. # Set the options for the current #define
  353. if define_name == "MOTHERBOARD" and boards != '':
  354. define_info['options'] = boards
  355. elif options_json != '':
  356. define_info['options'] = options_json
  357. if eol_options: options_json = ''
  358. # Create section dict if it doesn't exist yet
  359. if section not in sch_out[fk]: sch_out[fk][section] = {}
  360. # If define has already been seen...
  361. if define_name in sch_out[fk][section]:
  362. info = sch_out[fk][section][define_name]
  363. if isinstance(info, dict): info = [ info ] # Convert a single dict into a list
  364. info.append(define_info) # Add to the list
  365. else:
  366. # Add the define dict with name as key
  367. sch_out[fk][section][define_name] = define_info
  368. if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT:
  369. last_added_ref = define_info
  370. return sch_out
  371. #
  372. # Extract the current configuration files in the form of a structured schema.
  373. #
  374. def extract():
  375. # List of files to process, with shorthand
  376. return extract_files({ 'Configuration.h':'basic', 'Configuration_adv.h':'advanced' })
  377. def dump_json(schema:dict, jpath:Path):
  378. with'w') as jfile:
  379. json.dump(schema, jfile, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
  380. def dump_yaml(schema:dict, ypath:Path):
  381. import yaml
  382. with'w') as yfile:
  383. yaml.dump(schema, yfile, default_flow_style=False, width=120, indent=2)
  384. def main():
  385. try:
  386. schema = extract()
  387. except Exception as exc:
  388. print("Error: " + str(exc))
  389. schema = None
  390. if schema:
  391. # Get the command line arguments after the script name
  392. import sys
  393. args = sys.argv[1:]
  394. if len(args) == 0: args = ['some']
  395. # Does the given array intersect at all with args?
  396. def inargs(c): return len(set(args) & set(c)) > 0
  397. # Help / Unknown option
  398. unk = not inargs(['some','json','jsons','group','yml','yaml'])
  399. if (unk): print(f"Unknown option: '{args[0]}'")
  400. if inargs(['-h', '--help']) or unk:
  401. print("Usage: [some|json|jsons|group|yml|yaml]...")
  402. print(" some = json + yml")
  403. print(" jsons = json + group")
  404. return
  405. # JSON schema
  406. if inargs(['some', 'json', 'jsons']):
  407. print("Generating JSON ...")
  408. dump_json(schema, Path('schema.json'))
  409. # JSON schema (wildcard names)
  410. if inargs(['group', 'jsons']):
  411. group_options(schema)
  412. dump_json(schema, Path('schema_grouped.json'))
  413. # YAML
  414. if inargs(['some', 'yml', 'yaml']):
  415. try:
  416. import yaml
  417. except ImportError:
  418. print("Installing YAML module ...")
  419. import subprocess
  420. try:
  421.['python3', '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'pyyaml'])
  422. import yaml
  423. except:
  424. print("Failed to install YAML module")
  425. return
  426. print("Generating YML ...")
  427. dump_yaml(schema, Path('schema.yml'))
  428. if __name__ == '__main__':
  429. main()