CuraSettings.txt 3.8 KB

  2. The firmware for the Atmel chip used for USB on the Mighty Board is the same as the Arduino Mega's, but it doesn't do an automatic reset. If you want the printer to reset on DTR you will need to flash it with the firmware for the Arduino Mega.
  3. ### Use with all nozzle settings
  4. Build plate shape: Rectangular
  5. [X] Origin at center
  6. [X] Heated bed
  7. G-code flavor: Marlin
  8. ### Right Nozzle
  9. Number of Extruders: 1
  10. X (Width) 227
  11. Y (Depth) 148
  12. Z (Heigth) 150
  13. Extruder 1 -
  14. Nozzle size: 0.4
  15. Compatible material diameter: 1.75
  16. Nozzle offset X: 0
  17. Nozzle offset Y: 0
  18. Cooling Fan Number:0
  19. ;START G-CODE;
  20. M104 T0 S{material_print_temperature}
  21. M140 S{material_bed_temperature}
  22. G28
  23. T0
  24. G1 X150 Y-70 Z30 F4800 ; move to wait position left hand side of the table
  25. M190 S{material_bed_temperature}
  26. M109 T0 S{material_print_temperature}
  27. G92 E0
  28. G1 Z0.4 F1800
  29. G1 X110 Y-70 E20 F300 ; purge nozzle
  30. G1 X120 Y-70 Z0.15 F1200 ; slow wipe
  31. G1 X110 Y-70 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift
  32. G92 E0
  33. ;START G-CODE;
  34. ;END G-CODE;
  35. G1 X150 Y75 Z150 F1000 ; send Z axis to bottom of machine
  36. M140 S0; cool down HBP
  37. M104 T0 S0 ; cool down right extruder
  38. M104 T1 S0 ; cool down left extruder
  39. M127 ; stop blower fan
  40. M18 ; disable stepper
  41. ;END G-CODE;
  42. ***Left Nozzle***
  43. Number of Extruders: 1
  44. X (Width) 227
  45. Y (Depth) 148
  46. Z (Heigth) 150
  47. Extruder 1 -
  48. Nozzle size: 0.4
  49. Compatible material diameter: 1.75
  50. Nozzle offset X: -34
  51. Nozzle offset Y: 0
  52. Cooling Fan Number:0
  53. ;START G-CODE;
  54. M104 S{material_print_temperature}
  55. M140 S{material_bed_temperature}
  56. G28
  57. T1
  58. G1 X-110 Y-70 Z30 F4800 ; move to wait position left hand side of the table
  59. M104 S{material_print_temperature}
  60. M190 S{material_bed_temperature}
  61. M109 S{material_print_temperature}
  62. G92 E0
  63. G1 Z0.4 F1800
  64. G1 E10 F300 ; purge nozzle
  65. G1 X-67 Y-70 E25 F300 ; purge nozzle
  66. G1 X-77 Y-70 Z0.15 F1200 ; slow wipe
  67. G1 X-67 Y-70 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift
  68. G92 E0
  69. ;START G-CODE;
  70. ;END G-CODE;
  71. G1 X150 Y75 Z150 F1000 ; send Z axis to bottom of machine
  72. M140 S0; cool down HBP
  73. M104 T0 S0 ; cool down right extruder
  74. M104 T1 S0 ; cool down left extruder
  75. M127 ; stop blower fan
  76. M18 ; disable stepper
  77. ;END G-CODE;
  78. ***Both Nozzles***
  79. Number of Extruders: 2
  80. X (Width) 295 <---- bed width + 2 x nozzle offset
  81. Y (Depth) 148
  82. Z (Heigth) 150
  83. Extruder 1 -
  84. Nozzle size: 0.4
  85. Compatible material diameter: 1.75
  86. Nozzle offset X: 0
  87. Nozzle offset Y: 0
  88. Cooling Fan Number:0
  89. ;Extruder End G-code;
  90. G1 X150 Y70 F9000;move away from print in case extrusion cool down speed modifier too low
  91. ;Extruder End G-code;
  92. Extruder 2 -
  93. Nozzle size: 0.4
  94. Compatible material diameter: 1.75
  95. Nozzle offset X: -34
  96. Nozzle offset Y: 0
  97. Cooling Fan Number:0
  98. ;Extruder End G-code;
  99. G1 X150 Y70 F9000;move away from print in case extrusion cool down speed modifier too low
  100. ;Extruder End G-code;
  101. ;START G-CODE;
  102. M104 T0 S{material_print_temperature, 0}
  103. M104 T1 S{material_print_temperature , 1}
  104. M140 S{material_bed_temperature}
  105. G28
  106. ;purge right
  107. T0
  108. G1 X155 Y-70 Z30 F4800
  109. M190 S{material_bed_temperature}
  110. M109 T0 S{material_print_temperature, 0}
  111. M104 T0 S{material_standby_temperature, 0}
  112. G92 E0
  113. G1 Z0.4 F1800
  114. G1 X110 Y-70 E20 F300 ; purge nozzle
  115. G1 X120 Y-70 Z0.15 F1200 ; slow wipe
  116. G1 E17 F2400
  117. G1 X110 Y-70 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift
  118. G92 E0
  119. ;purge left
  120. T1
  121. ;M104 T0 S{material_standby_temperature, 0}
  122. M104 T1 S{material_print_temperature ,1}
  123. G1 X-110 Y-70 Z30 F4800
  124. M109 T1 S{material_print_temperature , 1}
  125. G92 E0
  126. G1 Z0.4 F1800
  127. G1 X-67 Y-70 E25 F300 ; purge nozzle
  128. G1 X-77 Y-70 Z0.15 F1200 ; slow wipe
  129. G1 E22 F3600
  130. G1 X-67 Y-70 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift
  131. G92 E0
  132. ;START G-CODE;
  133. ;END G-CODE;
  134. G1 X150 Y75 Z150 F1000 ; send Z axis to bottom of machine
  135. M140 S0; cool down HBP
  136. M104 T0 S0 ; cool down right extruder
  137. M104 T1 S0 ; cool down left extruder
  138. M127 ; stop blower fan
  139. M18 ; disable stepper
  140. ;END G-CODE;