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1 year ago | |
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Configuration.h | 5 years ago | |
Configuration_adv.h | 1 year ago | |
readme.md | 5 years ago |
The Einstart S is a commercial machine that ships with a proprietary firmware and "licensed" slicer program which requires the original SD card or license file (.lic/.reg) from support in order to function. The impetus for the port was that I acquired the machine on the weekend when tech support was closed.
This machine probably doesn't ship with the arduino boot loader, so unless you reflow a 2560 on there to replace the atmega1280 like I did (to preserve the original firmware), you'll need to use ISP to do an initial firmware load and/or bootloader flash!
It's not that bad though, you can just buy an ISP programmer with the appropriate header, or build an ISP programmer using the Arduino ISP sketch (wiring is easier if you use the "old style wiring" which utilizes the following pinout: (see the comments in the ArduinoISP sketch).
I used an arduino Nano and a header I had lying around, but you could do the same with a nano and some dupont headers cut and soldered to the board, and taped/glued into a header.
Triple check your pinouts, it shouldn't fry if connected backwards but if your pinout is wrong you're going to struggle for sure.
See the comments in the ArduinoISP sketch under File:Examples:ArduinoISP
1 MOSI D11 2 5v Vcc 3 N/C 4 GND 5 RES D10 6 N/C 7 SCK D13 8 N/C 9 MISO D12 10 GND GND
The 10 pin ISP Header is located to the right of the ATMEGA chip, just above the long LCD header.
<--- Face of chassis
MOSI ( 1 ) ( 2 ) Vcc N/C ( 3 ) ( 4 ) GND RST ( 5 ) ( 6 ) GND SCK ( 7 ) ( 8 ) GND MISO ( 9 ) (10 ) GND
Component Plugs --->
| XMOT YMOT ZMOT EMOT EF HB HE PF ZS YS XS PS BT ET PT1 TC VBRG | | ===== ====== [DC| |====== ====== ____ ISP IC1__ | | |1280| ::::: | | |USB| | |_| 1 || |_| | BUTTON |SD | | GDLRUO LCD || |__________________[......][....................]______|
XMOT X-Motor YMOT Y-Motor ZMOT Z-Motor EMOT E-Motor EF Extruder Fan HB Heated Bed (PWM) HE Hot End (PWM) PF Part Fan (PWM) ZS Z-Endstop (Max) YS Y-Endstop (Min) XS X-Endstop (Min) PS SPST Switch to enable DC 24v BT Bed Thermistor (header not populated) ET Extruder Thermistor PT1 Pt100 Thermocouple (not populated) TC Thermocouple (not populated) VBRG LED Output from PCA5933 BUTTONS G GND (buttons are pulled low on activation) D DOWN L LEFT R RIGHT U UP O OK (MIDDLE)
Make, buy or steal a 10 pin ISP programmer and select the appropriate programmer option via Tools:Programmer in Arduino IDE, use the Sketch:Upload Using Programmer command or Shift-Ctrl-U (vs Ctrl-U to upload via serial).
You can either load Marlin directly via ISP programmer (easiest, but requires opening the chassis every time you want to change/update firmware) or, just program the bootloader which will enable later uploads via USB. HOWEVER, to actually upload the sketch you will need one of the following:
As a permanent modification to enable direct USB upload from the arduino IDE, you would need to flash the boot loader using ISP first; but then you can solder a wire or 100n capacaitor between the DTR line on the FTDI to the reset line, which is conveniently located in several places on the board.
TXD --|1 28|--OSCO DTR --|2 27|--OSCI RTS --|3 26|--TEST VCCIO--|4 25|--AGND RXD --|5 24|--N/C RI --|6 23|--CBUS0 GND --|7 22|--CBUS1 N/C --|8 21|--GND DSR --|9 20|--Vcc DCD --|10 19|--RES CTS --|11 18|--GND CBUS4--|12 17|--3V3 CBUS2--|13 16|--USBDM CBUS3--|14 15|--USBDP
100nf 10k
With this modification you no longer need the reset button and you can program directly from the Arduino IDE.
You do NOT need power connected when flashing via ISP. You DO need power when flashing via USB Serial but you MUST time the release of the reset line to allow the upload unless you've performed the permanent modification.