123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
- # mfrb
- #
- # Do "git rebase -i" against the "target" branch (bugfix-1.1.x, bugfix-2.0.x, dev-2.1.x, or master)
- #
- MFINFO=$(mfinfo "$@") || exit 1
- IFS=' ' read -a INFO <<< "$MFINFO"
- TARG=${INFO[3]}
- CURR=${INFO[5]}
- IND=6
- while [ $IND -lt ${#INFO[@]} ]; do
- case "$ARG" in
- -q|--quick ) QUICK=1 ;;
- -h|--help ) USAGE=1 ;;
- * ) USAGE=1 ; echo "unknown option: $ARG" ;;
- esac
- let IND+=1
- done
- [[ $USAGE == 1 ]] && { echo "usage: `basename $0` [1|2|3]" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; }
- # If the branch isn't currently the PR target
- if [[ $TARG != $CURR ]]; then
- [[ $QUICK ]] || git fetch upstream
- git rebase upstream/$TARG && git rebase -i upstream/$TARG
- fi