config.ini 10 KB

  1. #
  2. # Marlin Firmware
  3. # config.ini - Options to apply before the build
  4. #
  5. [config:base]
  6. #
  7. # ini_use_config - A comma-separated list of actions to apply to the Configuration files.
  8. # The actions will be applied in the listed order.
  9. # - none
  10. # Ignore this file and don't apply any configuration options
  11. #
  12. # - base
  13. # Just apply the options in config:base to the configuration
  14. #
  15. # - minimal
  16. # Just apply the options in config:minimal to the configuration
  17. #
  18. # - all
  19. # Apply all 'config:*' sections in this file to the configuration
  20. #
  21. # - another.ini
  22. # Load another INI file with a path relative to this config.ini file (i.e., within Marlin/)
  23. #
  24. # -
  25. # Fetch configurations from any URL.
  26. #
  27. # - example/Creality/Ender-5 Plus @ bugfix-2.1.x
  28. # Fetch example configuration files from the MarlinFirmware/Configurations repository
  29. #
  30. #
  31. # - example/default @ release-
  32. # Fetch default configuration files from the MarlinFirmware/Configurations repository
  33. #
  34. #
  35. # - [disable]
  36. # Comment out all #defines in both Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h. This is useful
  37. # to start with a clean slate before applying any config: options, so only the options explicitly
  38. # set in config.ini will be enabled in the configuration.
  39. #
  40. # - [flatten] (Not yet implemented)
  41. # Produce a flattened set of Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files with only the enabled
  42. # #defines and no comments. A clean look, but context-free.
  43. #
  44. ini_use_config = none
  45. # Load all config: sections in this file
  46. ;ini_use_config = all
  47. # Disable everything and apply subsequent config:base options
  48. ;ini_use_config = [disable], base
  49. # Load config file relative to Marlin/
  50. ;ini_use_config = another.ini
  51. # Download configurations from GitHub
  52. ;ini_use_config = example/Creality/Ender-5 Plus @ bugfix-2.1.x
  53. # Download configurations from your server
  54. ;ini_use_config =
  55. # Evaluate config:base and do a config dump
  56. ;ini_use_config = base
  57. ;config_export = 2
  58. [config:minimal]
  59. motherboard = BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFB
  60. serial_port = 0
  61. baudrate = 250000
  62. use_watchdog = on
  63. thermal_protection_hotends = on
  64. thermal_protection_hysteresis = 4
  65. thermal_protection_period = 40
  66. bufsize = 4
  67. block_buffer_size = 16
  68. max_cmd_size = 96
  69. extruders = 1
  70. temp_sensor_0 = 1
  71. temp_hysteresis = 3
  72. heater_0_mintemp = 5
  73. heater_0_maxtemp = 275
  74. preheat_1_temp_hotend = 180
  75. bang_max = 255
  76. pidtemp = on
  77. pid_k1 = 0.95
  78. pid_max = 255
  79. pid_functional_range = 10
  80. default_kp = 22.20
  81. default_ki = 1.08
  82. default_kd = 114.00
  83. x_driver_type = A4988
  84. y_driver_type = A4988
  85. z_driver_type = A4988
  86. e0_driver_type = A4988
  87. x_bed_size = 200
  88. x_min_pos = 0
  89. x_max_pos = X_BED_SIZE
  90. y_bed_size = 200
  91. y_min_pos = 0
  92. y_max_pos = Y_BED_SIZE
  93. z_min_pos = 0
  94. z_max_pos = 200
  95. x_home_dir = -1
  96. y_home_dir = -1
  97. z_home_dir = -1
  98. use_xmin_plug = on
  99. use_ymin_plug = on
  100. use_zmin_plug = on
  101. x_min_endstop_inverting = false
  102. y_min_endstop_inverting = false
  103. z_min_endstop_inverting = false
  104. default_axis_steps_per_unit = { 80, 80, 400, 500 }
  105. axis_relative_modes = { false, false, false, false }
  106. default_max_feedrate = { 300, 300, 5, 25 }
  107. default_max_acceleration = { 3000, 3000, 100, 10000 }
  108. homing_feedrate_mm_m = { (50*60), (50*60), (4*60) }
  109. homing_bump_divisor = { 2, 2, 4 }
  110. x_enable_on = 0
  111. y_enable_on = 0
  112. z_enable_on = 0
  113. e_enable_on = 0
  114. invert_x_dir = false
  115. invert_y_dir = true
  116. invert_z_dir = false
  117. invert_e0_dir = false
  118. invert_e_step_pin = false
  119. invert_x_step_pin = false
  120. invert_y_step_pin = false
  121. invert_z_step_pin = false
  122. disable_x = off
  123. disable_y = off
  124. disable_z = off
  125. disable_e = off
  126. proportional_font_ratio = 1.0
  127. default_nominal_filament_dia = 1.75
  128. junction_deviation_mm = 0.013
  129. default_acceleration = 3000
  130. default_travel_acceleration = 3000
  131. default_retract_acceleration = 3000
  132. default_minimumfeedrate = 0.0
  133. default_mintravelfeedrate = 0.0
  134. minimum_planner_speed = 0.05
  135. min_steps_per_segment = 6
  136. default_minsegmenttime = 20000
  137. [config:basic]
  138. bed_overshoot = 10
  139. busy_while_heating = on
  140. default_ejerk = 5.0
  141. default_keepalive_interval = 2
  142. default_leveling_fade_height = 0.0
  143. disable_other_extruders = on
  144. display_charset_hd44780 = JAPANESE
  145. eeprom_boot_silent = on
  146. eeprom_chitchat = on
  147. endstoppullups = on
  148. extrude_maxlength = 200
  149. extrude_mintemp = 170
  150. host_keepalive_feature = on
  151. hotend_overshoot = 15
  152. jd_handle_small_segments = on
  153. lcd_info_screen_style = 0
  154. lcd_language = en
  155. max_bed_power = 255
  156. mesh_inset = 0
  157. min_software_endstops = on
  158. max_software_endstops = on
  159. min_software_endstop_x = on
  160. min_software_endstop_y = on
  161. min_software_endstop_z = on
  162. max_software_endstop_x = on
  163. max_software_endstop_y = on
  164. max_software_endstop_z = on
  165. preheat_1_fan_speed = 0
  166. preheat_1_label = "PLA"
  167. preheat_1_temp_bed = 70
  168. prevent_cold_extrusion = on
  169. prevent_lengthy_extrude = on
  170. printjob_timer_autostart = on
  171. probing_margin = 10
  172. show_bootscreen = on
  173. soft_pwm_scale = 0
  174. string_config_h_author = "(none, default config)"
  175. temp_bed_hysteresis = 3
  176. temp_bed_residency_time = 10
  177. temp_bed_window = 1
  178. temp_residency_time = 10
  179. temp_window = 1
  180. validate_homing_endstops = on
  181. xy_probe_feedrate = (133*60)
  182. z_clearance_between_probes = 5
  183. z_clearance_deploy_probe = 10
  184. z_clearance_multi_probe = 5
  185. [config:advanced]
  186. arc_support = on
  187. auto_report_temperatures = on
  188. autotemp = on
  189. autotemp_oldweight = 0.98
  190. bed_check_interval = 5000
  191. default_stepper_timeout_sec = 120
  192. default_volumetric_extruder_limit = 0.00
  193. disable_idle_x = on
  194. disable_idle_y = on
  195. disable_idle_z = on
  196. disable_idle_e = on
  197. e0_auto_fan_pin = -1
  198. encoder_100x_steps_per_sec = 80
  199. encoder_10x_steps_per_sec = 30
  200. encoder_rate_multiplier = on
  201. extended_capabilities_report = on
  202. extruder_auto_fan_speed = 255
  203. extruder_auto_fan_temperature = 50
  204. fanmux0_pin = -1
  205. fanmux1_pin = -1
  206. fanmux2_pin = -1
  207. faster_gcode_parser = on
  208. homing_bump_mm = { 5, 5, 2 }
  209. max_arc_segment_mm = 1.0
  210. min_arc_segment_mm = 0.1
  211. min_circle_segments = 72
  212. n_arc_correction = 25
  213. serial_overrun_protection = on
  214. slowdown = on
  215. slowdown_divisor = 2
  216. temp_sensor_bed = 0
  217. thermal_protection_bed_hysteresis = 2
  218. thermocouple_max_errors = 15
  219. tx_buffer_size = 0
  220. watch_bed_temp_increase = 2
  221. watch_bed_temp_period = 60
  222. watch_temp_increase = 2
  223. watch_temp_period = 20