@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h"
+#include "draw_ui.h"
+#include <lv_conf.h>
+#include "../../../gcode/queue.h"
+#include "../../../module/motion.h"
+#include "../../../module/planner.h"
+#include "../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
+#include "../../../module/probe.h"
+ #include "../../../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h"
+ bool leveling_was_active;
+extern lv_group_t *g;
+static lv_obj_t *scr;
+static lv_obj_t *labelV, *buttonV, *labelP;
+static lv_obj_t *labelP_z_offset_ref;
+static lv_task_t *updatePosTask;
+static char cur_label = 'Z';
+static float cur_pos = 0;
+static float cur_OffsetPos = 0;
+// Global storage
+float z_offset_backup, calculated_z_offset, z_offset_ref;
+enum {
+ ID_M_Z_P = 1,
+ ID_M_Z_N,
+void disp_cur_wizard_pos() {
+ char str_1[18];
+ sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("%c:%s mm"), cur_label, dtostrf(cur_pos, 1, 3, str_1));
+ if (labelP) lv_label_set_text(labelP, public_buf_l);
+ sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("%c Offset:%s mm"), cur_label, dtostrf(cur_OffsetPos, 1, 3, str_1));
+ if (labelP_z_offset_ref) lv_label_set_text(labelP_z_offset_ref, public_buf_l);
+static void event_handler(lv_obj_t *obj, lv_event_t event) {
+ char str_1[16];
+ if (event != LV_EVENT_RELEASED) return;
+ //lv_clear_z_offset_wizard();
+ if (!queue.ring_buffer.full(3)) {
+ bool do_inject = true;
+ float dist = uiCfg.move_dist;
+ switch (obj->mks_obj_id) {
+ case ID_M_Z_N: dist *= -1; case ID_M_Z_P: cur_label = 'Z'; break;
+ default: do_inject = false;
+ }
+ if (do_inject) {
+ sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("G91\nG1 %c%s F%d\nG90"), cur_label, dtostrf(dist, 1, 3, str_1), uiCfg.moveSpeed);
+ queue.inject(public_buf_l);
+ //calculated_z_offset = probe.offset.z + current_position.z - z_offset_ref;
+ disp_cur_wizard_pos();
+ }
+ }
+ switch (obj->mks_obj_id) {
+ case ID_M_STEP:
+ if (ABS((int)(10 * uiCfg.move_dist)) == 10)
+ uiCfg.move_dist = 0.025;
+ else if (ABS((int)(1000 * uiCfg.move_dist)) == 25)
+ uiCfg.move_dist = 0.1;
+ else
+ uiCfg.move_dist *= 10.0f;
+ disp_move_wizard_dist();
+ break;
+ case ID_M_SAVE:
+ current_position.z = z_offset_ref; // Set Z to z_offset_ref, as we can expect it is at probe height
+ probe.offset.z = calculated_z_offset;
+ sync_plan_position();
+ // Raise Z as if it was homed
+ do_z_clearance(Z_POST_CLEARANCE);
+ watchdog_refresh();
+ draw_return_ui();
+ return;
+ case ID_M_RETURN:
+ probe.offset.z = z_offset_backup;
+ TERN_(HAS_LEVELING, set_bed_leveling_enabled(leveling_was_active));
+ set_axis_never_homed(Z_AXIS); // On cancel the Z position needs correction
+ queue.inject_P(PSTR("G28Z"));
+ #else // Otherwise do a Z clearance move like after Homing
+ do_z_clearance(Z_POST_CLEARANCE);
+ #endif
+ watchdog_refresh();
+ draw_return_ui();
+ return;
+ }
+ disp_cur_wizard_pos();
+void refresh_wizard_pos(lv_task_t *) {
+ switch (cur_label) {
+ case 'Z':
+ cur_pos = current_position.z;
+ calculated_z_offset = probe.offset.z + current_position.z - z_offset_ref;
+ cur_OffsetPos = calculated_z_offset;
+ break;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ disp_cur_wizard_pos();
+void lv_draw_z_offset_wizard() {
+ set_all_unhomed();
+ // Store probe.offset.z for Case: Cancel
+ z_offset_backup = probe.offset.z;
+ probe.offset.z = PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD_START_Z;
+ #endif
+ // Store Bed-Leveling-State and disable
+ leveling_was_active = planner.leveling_active;
+ set_bed_leveling_enabled(leveling_was_active);
+ #endif
+ queue.inject_P(PSTR("G28"));
+ z_offset_ref = 0; // Set Z Value for Wizard Position to 0
+ calculated_z_offset = probe.offset.z + current_position.z - z_offset_ref;
+ cur_OffsetPos = calculated_z_offset;
+ scr = lv_screen_create(Z_OFFSET_WIZARD_UI, machine_menu.LevelingZoffsetTitle);
+ lv_obj_t *buttonXI = lv_big_button_create(scr, "F:/bmp_zAdd.bin", move_menu.z_add, INTERVAL_V, titleHeight, event_handler, ID_M_Z_P);
+ lv_obj_clear_protect(buttonXI, LV_PROTECT_FOLLOW);
+ lv_big_button_create(scr, "F:/bmp_zDec.bin", move_menu.z_dec, INTERVAL_V * 3, BTN_Y_PIXEL + INTERVAL_H + titleHeight, event_handler, ID_M_Z_N);
+ // button with image and label changed dynamically by disp_move_dist
+ buttonV = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, nullptr, BTN_X_PIXEL * 3 + INTERVAL_V * 4, titleHeight, event_handler, ID_M_STEP);
+ labelV = lv_label_create_empty(buttonV);
+ if (gCfgItems.encoder_enable) lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonV);
+ #endif
+ // save and back
+ lv_big_button_create(scr, "F:/bmp_return.bin", common_menu.text_save, BTN_X_PIXEL * 2 + INTERVAL_V * 3, BTN_Y_PIXEL + INTERVAL_H + titleHeight, event_handler, ID_M_SAVE);
+ // cancel and back
+ lv_big_button_create(scr, "F:/bmp_return.bin", common_menu.text_back, BTN_X_PIXEL * 3 + INTERVAL_V * 4, BTN_Y_PIXEL + INTERVAL_H + titleHeight, event_handler, ID_M_RETURN);
+ // We need to patch the title to leave some space on the right for displaying the status
+ lv_obj_t * z_offset_ref_title = lv_obj_get_child_back(scr, nullptr);
+ if (z_offset_ref_title != nullptr) lv_obj_set_width(z_offset_ref_title, (int)(TFT_WIDTH / 2) - 101);
+ labelP_z_offset_ref = lv_label_create(scr, (int)(TFT_WIDTH / 2) - 80, (int)(TFT_HEIGHT/2)-20, "Z Offset:0.0mm");
+ // We need to patch the Z Offset to leave some space in the middle for displaying the status
+ lv_obj_t * title= lv_obj_get_child_back(scr, nullptr);
+ if (title != nullptr) lv_obj_set_width(title, TFT_WIDTH - 101);
+ labelP = lv_label_create(scr, TFT_WIDTH - 100, TITLE_YPOS, "Z:0.0mm");
+ if (labelP != nullptr)
+ updatePosTask = lv_task_create(refresh_wizard_pos, 300, LV_TASK_PRIO_LOWEST, 0);
+ disp_move_wizard_dist();
+ disp_cur_wizard_pos();
+void disp_move_wizard_dist() {
+ if ((int)(1000 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 25)
+ lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(buttonV, "F:/bmp_step_move0_1.bin");
+ else if ((int)(10 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 1)
+ lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(buttonV, "F:/bmp_step_move1.bin");
+ else if ((int)(10 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 10)
+ lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(buttonV, "F:/bmp_step_move10.bin");
+ if (gCfgItems.multiple_language) {
+ if ((int)(1000 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 25) {
+ lv_label_set_text(labelV, move_menu.step_0025mm);
+ lv_obj_align(labelV, buttonV, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, BUTTON_TEXT_Y_OFFSET);
+ }
+ else if ((int)(10 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 1) {
+ lv_label_set_text(labelV, move_menu.step_01mm);
+ lv_obj_align(labelV, buttonV, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, BUTTON_TEXT_Y_OFFSET);
+ }
+ else if ((int)(10 * uiCfg.move_dist) == 10) {
+ lv_label_set_text(labelV, move_menu.step_1mm);
+ lv_obj_align(labelV, buttonV, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, BUTTON_TEXT_Y_OFFSET);
+ }
+ }
+void lv_clear_z_offset_wizard() {
+ if (gCfgItems.encoder_enable) lv_group_remove_all_objs(g);
+ #endif
+ lv_obj_del(scr);