@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
+#include "ft_motion.h"
+#include "stepper.h" // Access stepper block queue function and abort status.
+FxdTiCtrl fxdTiCtrl;
+// Variables.
+// Public variables.
+ftMotionMode_t FxdTiCtrl::cfg_mode = FTM_DEFAULT_MODE; // Mode / active compensation mode configuration.
+ bool FxdTiCtrl::cfg_linearAdvEna = FTM_LINEAR_ADV_DEFAULT_ENA; // Linear advance enable configuration.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::cfg_linearAdvK = FTM_LINEAR_ADV_DEFAULT_K; // Linear advance gain.
+dynFreqMode_t FxdTiCtrl::cfg_dynFreqMode = FTM_DEFAULT_DYNFREQ_MODE; // Dynamic frequency mode configuration.
+#if !HAS_Z_AXIS
+ static_assert(FTM_DEFAULT_DYNFREQ_MODE != dynFreqMode_Z_BASED, "dynFreqMode_Z_BASED requires a Z axis.");
+ static_assert(FTM_DEFAULT_DYNFREQ_MODE != dynFreqMode_MASS_BASED, "dynFreqMode_MASS_BASED requires an X axis and an extruder.");
+ float FxdTiCtrl::cfg_baseFreq[] = { FTM_SHAPING_DEFAULT_X_FREQ // Base frequency. [Hz]
+ float FxdTiCtrl::cfg_dynFreqK[] = { 0.0f OPTARG(HAS_Y_AXIS, 0.0f) }; // Scaling / gain for dynamic frequency. [Hz/mm] or [Hz/g]
+ft_command_t FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuff[FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE] = {0U}; // Buffer of stepper commands.
+hal_timer_t FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuff_StepRelativeTi[FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE] = {0U}; // Buffer of the stepper command timing.
+uint8_t FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuff_ApplyDir[FTM_STEPPERCMD_DIR_SIZE] = {0U}; // Buffer of whether DIR needs to be updated.
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx = 0, // Index of next stepper command write to the buffer.
+ FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuff_consumeIdx = 0; // Index of next stepper command read from the buffer.
+bool FxdTiCtrl::sts_stepperBusy = false; // The stepper buffer has items and is in use.
+// Private variables.
+// NOTE: These are sized for Ulendo FBS use.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::xd[2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)], // = {0.0f} Storage for fixed-time-based trajectory.
+ FxdTiCtrl::xm[FTM_BATCH_SIZE]; // = {0.0f} Storage for modified fixed-time-based trajectory.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::yd[2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)], FxdTiCtrl::ym[FTM_BATCH_SIZE];
+ float FxdTiCtrl::zd[2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)], FxdTiCtrl::zm[FTM_BATCH_SIZE];
+ float FxdTiCtrl::ed[2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)], FxdTiCtrl::em[FTM_BATCH_SIZE];
+block_t* FxdTiCtrl::current_block_cpy = nullptr; // Pointer to current block being processed.
+bool FxdTiCtrl::blockProcRdy = false, // Indicates a block is ready to be processed.
+ FxdTiCtrl::blockProcRdy_z1 = false, // Storage for the previous indicator.
+ FxdTiCtrl::blockProcDn = false; // Indicates current block is done being processed.
+bool FxdTiCtrl::batchRdy = false; // Indicates a batch of the fixed time trajectory
+ // has been generated, is now available in the upper -
+ // half of xd, yd, zd, ed vectors, and is ready to be
+ // post processed, if applicable, then interpolated.
+bool FxdTiCtrl::batchRdyForInterp = false; // Indicates the batch is done being post processed,
+ // if applicable, and is ready to be converted to step commands.
+bool FxdTiCtrl::runoutEna = false; // True if runout of the block hasn't been done and is allowed.
+// Trapezoid data variables.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::x_startPosn, // (mm) Start position of block
+ FxdTiCtrl::x_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f, // (mm) Start position of block
+ FxdTiCtrl::x_Ratio; // (ratio) Axis move ratio of block
+ float FxdTiCtrl::y_startPosn,
+ FxdTiCtrl::y_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f,
+ FxdTiCtrl::y_Ratio;
+ float FxdTiCtrl::z_startPosn,
+ FxdTiCtrl::z_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f,
+ FxdTiCtrl::z_Ratio;
+ float FxdTiCtrl::e_startPosn,
+ FxdTiCtrl::e_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f,
+ FxdTiCtrl::e_Ratio;
+float FxdTiCtrl::accel_P, // Acceleration prime of block. [mm/sec/sec]
+ FxdTiCtrl::decel_P, // Deceleration prime of block. [mm/sec/sec]
+ FxdTiCtrl::F_P, // Feedrate prime of block. [mm/sec]
+ FxdTiCtrl::f_s, // Starting feedrate of block. [mm/sec]
+ FxdTiCtrl::s_1e, // Position after acceleration phase of block.
+ FxdTiCtrl::s_2e; // Position after acceleration and coasting phase of block.
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::N1, // Number of data points in the acceleration phase.
+ FxdTiCtrl::N2, // Number of data points in the coasting phase.
+ FxdTiCtrl::N3; // Number of data points in the deceleration phase.
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::max_intervals; // Total number of data points that will be generated from block.
+// Make vector variables.
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::makeVector_idx = 0, // Index of fixed time trajectory generation of the overall block.
+ FxdTiCtrl::makeVector_idx_z1 = 0, // Storage for the previously calculated index above.
+ FxdTiCtrl::makeVector_batchIdx = FTM_BATCH_SIZE; // Index of fixed time trajectory generation within the batch.
+// Interpolation variables.
+ int32_t FxdTiCtrl::x_steps = 0; // Step count accumulator.
+ stepDirState_t FxdTiCtrl::x_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET; // Memory of the currently set step direction of the axis.
+ int32_t FxdTiCtrl::y_steps = 0;
+ stepDirState_t FxdTiCtrl::y_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET;
+ int32_t FxdTiCtrl::z_steps = 0;
+ stepDirState_t FxdTiCtrl::z_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET;
+ int32_t FxdTiCtrl::e_steps = 0;
+ stepDirState_t FxdTiCtrl::e_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET;
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::interpIdx = 0, // Index of current data point being interpolated.
+ FxdTiCtrl::interpIdx_z1 = 0; // Storage for the previously calculated index above.
+hal_timer_t FxdTiCtrl::nextStepTicks = FTM_MIN_TICKS; // Accumulator for the next step time (in ticks).
+// Shaping variables.
+ uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::xy_zi_idx = 0, // Index of storage in the data point delay vectors.
+ FxdTiCtrl::xy_max_i = 0; // Vector length for the selected shaper.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::xd_zi[FTM_ZMAX] = { 0.0f }; // Data point delay vector.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::x_Ai[5]; // Shaping gain vector.
+ uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::x_Ni[5]; // Shaping time index vector.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::yd_zi[FTM_ZMAX] = { 0.0f };
+ float FxdTiCtrl::y_Ai[5];
+ uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::y_Ni[5];
+ // Linear advance variables.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::e_raw_z1 = 0.0f; // (ms) Unit delay of raw extruder position.
+ float FxdTiCtrl::e_advanced_z1 = 0.0f; // (ms) Unit delay of advanced extruder position.
+// Function definitions.
+// Public functions.
+// Sets controller states to begin processing a block.
+void FxdTiCtrl::startBlockProc(block_t * const current_block) {
+ current_block_cpy = current_block;
+ blockProcRdy = true;
+ blockProcDn = false;
+ runoutEna = true;
+// Moves any free data points to the stepper buffer even if a full batch isn't ready.
+void FxdTiCtrl::runoutBlock() {
+ if (runoutEna && !batchRdy) { // If the window is full already (block intervals was a multiple of
+ // the batch size), or runout is not enabled, no runout is needed.
+ // Fill out the trajectory window with the last position calculated.
+ if (makeVector_batchIdx > FTM_BATCH_SIZE) {
+ for (uint32_t i = makeVector_batchIdx; i < 2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE); i++) {
+ xd[i] = xd[makeVector_batchIdx - 1];
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, yd[i] = yd[makeVector_batchIdx - 1]);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, zd[i] = zd[makeVector_batchIdx - 1]);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, ed[i] = ed[makeVector_batchIdx - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ makeVector_batchIdx = FTM_BATCH_SIZE;
+ batchRdy = true;
+ }
+ runoutEna = false;
+// Controller main, to be invoked from non-isr task.
+void FxdTiCtrl::loop() {
+ if (!cfg_mode) return;
+ static bool initd = false;
+ if (!initd) { init(); initd = true; }
+ // Handle block abort with the following sequence:
+ // 1. Zero out commands in stepper ISR.
+ // 2. Drain the motion buffer, stop processing until they are emptied.
+ // 3. Reset all the states / memory.
+ // 4. Signal ready for new block.
+ if (stepper.abort_current_block) {
+ if (sts_stepperBusy) return; // Wait until motion buffers are emptied
+ reset();
+ blockProcDn = true; // Set queueing to look for next block.
+ runoutEna = false; // Disabling running out this block, since we want to halt the motion.
+ stepper.abort_current_block = false; // Abort finished.
+ }
+ // Planner processing and block conversion.
+ if (!blockProcRdy) stepper.fxdTiCtrl_BlockQueueUpdate();
+ if (blockProcRdy) {
+ if (!blockProcRdy_z1) loadBlockData(current_block_cpy); // One-shot.
+ while (!blockProcDn && !batchRdy && (makeVector_idx - makeVector_idx_z1 < (FTM_POINTS_PER_LOOP)))
+ makeVector();
+ }
+ // FBS / post processing.
+ if (batchRdy && !batchRdyForInterp) {
+ // Call Ulendo FBS here.
+ memcpy(xm, &xd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(xm));
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, memcpy(ym, &yd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(ym)));
+ // Done compensating ...
+ // Copy the uncompensated vectors.
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, memcpy(zm, &zd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(zm)));
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, memcpy(em, &ed[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(em)));
+ // Shift the time series back in the window.
+ memcpy(xd, &xd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(xd) / 2);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, memcpy(yd, &yd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], sizeof(yd) / 2));
+ // Disabled by comment as these are uncompensated, the lower half is not used.
+ //TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, memcpy(zd, &zd[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], (sizeof(zd) / 2)));
+ //TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, memcpy(ed, &ed[FTM_BATCH_SIZE], (sizeof(ed) / 2)));
+ // ... data is ready in xm, ym, zm, em.
+ batchRdyForInterp = true;
+ batchRdy = false; // Clear so that makeVector() may resume generating points.
+ } // if (batchRdy && !batchRdyForInterp)
+ // Interpolation.
+ while ( batchRdyForInterp
+ && ( stepperCmdBuffItems() < ((FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE) - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME)) )
+ && ( (interpIdx - interpIdx_z1) < (FTM_STEPS_PER_LOOP) )
+ ) {
+ convertToSteps(interpIdx);
+ if (++interpIdx == FTM_BATCH_SIZE) {
+ batchRdyForInterp = false;
+ interpIdx = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Report busy status to planner.
+ planner.fxdTiCtrl_busy = (sts_stepperBusy || ((!blockProcDn && blockProcRdy) || batchRdy || batchRdyForInterp || runoutEna));
+ blockProcRdy_z1 = blockProcRdy;
+ makeVector_idx_z1 = makeVector_idx;
+ interpIdx_z1 = interpIdx;
+ // Refresh the gains used by shaping functions.
+ // To be called on init or mode or zeta change.
+ void FxdTiCtrl::updateShapingA(const_float_t zeta/*=FTM_SHAPING_ZETA*/, const_float_t vtol/*=FTM_SHAPING_V_TOL*/) {
+ const float K = exp( -zeta * PI / sqrt(1.0f - sq(zeta)) ),
+ K2 = sq(K);
+ switch (cfg_mode) {
+ case ftMotionMode_ZV:
+ xy_max_i = 1U;
+ x_Ai[0] = 1.0f / (1.0f + K);
+ x_Ai[1] = x_Ai[0] * K;
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_ZVD:
+ xy_max_i = 2U;
+ x_Ai[0] = 1.0f / ( 1.0f + 2.0f * K + K2 );
+ x_Ai[1] = x_Ai[0] * 2.0f * K;
+ x_Ai[2] = x_Ai[0] * K2;
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_EI: {
+ xy_max_i = 2U;
+ x_Ai[0] = 0.25f * (1.0f + vtol);
+ x_Ai[1] = 0.50f * (1.0f - vtol) * K;
+ x_Ai[2] = x_Ai[0] * K2;
+ const float A_adj = 1.0f / (x_Ai[0] + x_Ai[1] + x_Ai[2]);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < 3U; i++) { x_Ai[i] *= A_adj; }
+ } break;
+ case ftMotionMode_2HEI: {
+ xy_max_i = 3U;
+ const float vtol2 = sq(vtol);
+ const float X = pow(vtol2 * (sqrt(1.0f - vtol2) + 1.0f), 1.0f / 3.0f);
+ x_Ai[0] = ( 3.0f * sq(X) + 2.0f * X + 3.0f * vtol2 ) / (16.0f * X);
+ x_Ai[1] = ( 0.5f - x_Ai[0] ) * K;
+ x_Ai[2] = x_Ai[1] * K;
+ x_Ai[3] = x_Ai[0] * cu(K);
+ const float A_adj = 1.0f / (x_Ai[0] + x_Ai[1] + x_Ai[2] + x_Ai[3]);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < 4U; i++) { x_Ai[i] *= A_adj; }
+ } break;
+ case ftMotionMode_3HEI: {
+ xy_max_i = 4U;
+ x_Ai[0] = 0.0625f * ( 1.0f + 3.0f * vtol + 2.0f * sqrt( 2.0f * ( vtol + 1.0f ) * vtol ) );
+ x_Ai[1] = 0.25f * ( 1.0f - vtol ) * K;
+ x_Ai[2] = ( 0.5f * ( 1.0f + vtol ) - 2.0f * x_Ai[0] ) * K2;
+ x_Ai[3] = x_Ai[1] * K2;
+ x_Ai[4] = x_Ai[0] * sq(K2);
+ const float A_adj = 1.0f / (x_Ai[0] + x_Ai[1] + x_Ai[2] + x_Ai[3] + x_Ai[4]);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < 5U; i++) { x_Ai[i] *= A_adj; }
+ } break;
+ case ftMotionMode_MZV: {
+ xy_max_i = 2U;
+ const float B = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097f * K;
+ x_Ai[0] = 1.0f / (1.0f + B + K2);
+ x_Ai[1] = x_Ai[0] * B;
+ x_Ai[2] = x_Ai[0] * K2;
+ } break;
+ default:
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < 5U; i++) x_Ai[i] = 0.0f;
+ xy_max_i = 0;
+ }
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ memcpy(y_Ai, x_Ai, sizeof(x_Ai)); // For now, zeta and vtol are shared across x and y.
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Refresh the indices used by shaping functions.
+ // To be called when frequencies change.
+ void FxdTiCtrl::updateShapingN(const_float_t xf OPTARG(HAS_Y_AXIS, const_float_t yf), const_float_t zeta/*=FTM_SHAPING_ZETA*/) {
+ // Protections omitted for DBZ and for index exceeding array length.
+ const float df = sqrt(1.0f - sq(zeta));
+ switch (cfg_mode) {
+ case ftMotionMode_ZV:
+ x_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / xf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / yf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_ZVD:
+ case ftMotionMode_EI:
+ x_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / xf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ x_Ni[2] = 2 * x_Ni[1];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / yf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ y_Ni[2] = 2 * y_Ni[1];
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_2HEI:
+ x_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / xf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ x_Ni[2] = 2 * x_Ni[1];
+ x_Ni[3] = 3 * x_Ni[1];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / yf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ y_Ni[2] = 2 * y_Ni[1];
+ y_Ni[3] = 3 * y_Ni[1];
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_3HEI:
+ x_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / xf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ x_Ni[2] = 2 * x_Ni[1];
+ x_Ni[3] = 3 * x_Ni[1];
+ x_Ni[4] = 4 * x_Ni[1];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_Ni[1] = round((0.5f / yf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ y_Ni[2] = 2 * y_Ni[1];
+ y_Ni[3] = 3 * y_Ni[1];
+ y_Ni[4] = 4 * y_Ni[1];
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ftMotionMode_MZV:
+ x_Ni[1] = round((0.375f / xf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ x_Ni[2] = 2 * x_Ni[1];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_Ni[1] = round((0.375f / yf / df) * (FTM_FS));
+ y_Ni[2] = 2 * y_Ni[1];
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < 5U; i++) { x_Ni[i] = 0; TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, y_Ni[i] = 0); }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // HAS_X_AXIS
+// Reset all trajectory processing variables.
+void FxdTiCtrl::reset() {
+ stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx = stepperCmdBuff_consumeIdx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < (FTM_BATCH_SIZE); i++) { // Reset trajectory history
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, xd[i] = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, yd[i] = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, zd[i] = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, ed[i] = 0.0f);
+ }
+ blockProcRdy = blockProcRdy_z1 = blockProcDn = false;
+ batchRdy = batchRdyForInterp = false;
+ runoutEna = false;
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, x_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, y_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, z_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, e_endPosn_prevBlock = 0.0f);
+ makeVector_idx = makeVector_idx_z1 = 0;
+ makeVector_batchIdx = FTM_BATCH_SIZE;
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, x_steps = 0);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, y_steps = 0);
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, z_steps = 0);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, e_steps = 0);
+ interpIdx = interpIdx_z1 = 0;
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, x_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, y_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET);
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, z_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, e_dirState = stepDirState_NOT_SET);
+ nextStepTicks = FTM_MIN_TICKS;
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < (FTM_ZMAX); i++) { xd_zi[i] = 0.0f; TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, yd_zi[i] = 0.0f); }
+ xy_zi_idx = 0;
+ #endif
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, e_raw_z1 = e_advanced_z1 = 0.0f);
+// Private functions.
+// Auxiliary function to get number of step commands in the buffer.
+uint32_t FxdTiCtrl::stepperCmdBuffItems() {
+ const uint32_t udiff = stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx - stepperCmdBuff_consumeIdx;
+ return stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx < stepperCmdBuff_consumeIdx ? (FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE) + udiff : udiff;
+// Initializes storage variables before startup.
+void FxdTiCtrl::init() {
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ updateShapingN(cfg_baseFreq[0] OPTARG(HAS_Y_AXIS, cfg_baseFreq[1]));
+ #endif
+ reset(); // Precautionary.
+// Loads / converts block data from planner to fixed-time control variables.
+void FxdTiCtrl::loadBlockData(block_t * const current_block) {
+ const float totalLength = current_block->millimeters,
+ oneOverLength = 1.0f / totalLength;
+ const axis_bits_t direction = current_block->direction_bits;
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ x_startPosn = x_endPosn_prevBlock;
+ float x_moveDist = current_block->steps.a / planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[X_AXIS];
+ if (TEST(direction, X_AXIS)) x_moveDist *= -1.0f;
+ x_Ratio = x_moveDist * oneOverLength;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ y_startPosn = y_endPosn_prevBlock;
+ float y_moveDist = current_block->steps.b / planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS];
+ if (TEST(direction, Y_AXIS)) y_moveDist *= -1.0f;
+ y_Ratio = y_moveDist * oneOverLength;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ z_startPosn = z_endPosn_prevBlock;
+ float z_moveDist = current_block->steps.c / planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS];
+ if (TEST(direction, Z_AXIS)) z_moveDist *= -1.0f;
+ z_Ratio = z_moveDist * oneOverLength;
+ #endif
+ e_startPosn = e_endPosn_prevBlock;
+ float extrusion = current_block->steps.e / planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[E_AXIS_N(current_block->extruder)];
+ if (TEST(direction, E_AXIS_N(current_block->extruder))) extrusion *= -1.0f;
+ e_Ratio = extrusion * oneOverLength;
+ #endif
+ const float spm = totalLength / current_block->step_event_count; // (steps/mm) Distance for each step
+ f_s = spm * current_block->initial_rate; // (steps/s) Start feedrate
+ const float f_e = spm * current_block->final_rate; // (steps/s) End feedrate
+ const float a = current_block->acceleration, // (mm/s^2) Same magnitude for acceleration or deceleration
+ oneby2a = 1.0f / (2.0f * a), // (s/mm) Time to accelerate or decelerate one mm (i.e., oneby2a * 2
+ oneby2d = -oneby2a; // (s/mm) Time to accelerate or decelerate one mm (i.e., oneby2a * 2
+ const float fsSqByTwoA = sq(f_s) * oneby2a, // (mm) Distance to accelerate from start speed to nominal speed
+ feSqByTwoD = sq(f_e) * oneby2d; // (mm) Distance to decelerate from nominal speed to end speed
+ float F_n = current_block->nominal_speed; // (mm/s) Speed we hope to achieve, if possible
+ const float fdiff = feSqByTwoD - fsSqByTwoA, // (mm) Coasting distance if nominal speed is reached
+ odiff = oneby2a - oneby2d, // (i.e., oneby2a * 2) (mm/s) Change in speed for one second of acceleration
+ ldiff = totalLength - fdiff; // (mm) Distance to travel if nominal speed is reached
+ float T2 = (1.0f / F_n) * (ldiff - odiff * sq(F_n)); // (s) Coasting duration after nominal speed reached
+ if (T2 < 0.0f) {
+ T2 = 0.0f;
+ F_n = SQRT(ldiff / odiff); // Clip by intersection if nominal speed can't be reached.
+ }
+ const float T1 = (F_n - f_s) / a, // (s) Accel Time = difference in feedrate over acceleration
+ T3 = (F_n - f_e) / a; // (s) Decel Time = difference in feedrate over acceleration
+ N1 = ceil(T1 * (FTM_FS)); // Accel datapoints based on Hz frequency
+ N2 = ceil(T2 * (FTM_FS)); // Coast
+ N3 = ceil(T3 * (FTM_FS)); // Decel
+ const float T1_P = N1 * (FTM_TS), // (s) Accel datapoints x timestep resolution
+ T2_P = N2 * (FTM_TS), // (s) Coast
+ T3_P = N3 * (FTM_TS); // (s) Decel
+ // Calculate the reachable feedrate at the end of the accel phase
+ // totalLength is the total distance to travel in mm
+ // f_s is the starting feedrate in mm/s
+ // f_e is the ending feedrate in mm/s
+ // T1_P is the time spent accelerating in seconds
+ // T2_P is the time spent coasting in seconds
+ // T3_P is the time spent decelerating in seconds
+ // f_s * T1_P is the distance traveled during the accel phase
+ // f_e * T3_P is the distance traveled during the decel phase
+ //
+ F_P = (2.0f * totalLength - f_s * T1_P - f_e * T3_P) / (T1_P + 2.0f * T2_P + T3_P); // (mm/s) Feedrate at the end of the accel phase
+ // Calculate the acceleration and deceleration rates
+ accel_P = N1 ? ((F_P - f_s) / T1_P) : 0.0f;
+ decel_P = (f_e - F_P) / T3_P;
+ // Calculate the distance traveled during the accel phase
+ s_1e = f_s * T1_P + 0.5f * accel_P * sq(T1_P);
+ // Calculate the distance traveled during the decel phase
+ s_2e = s_1e + F_P * T2_P;
+ // One less than (Accel + Coasting + Decel) datapoints
+ max_intervals = N1 + N2 + N3 - 1U;
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, x_endPosn_prevBlock += x_moveDist);
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, y_endPosn_prevBlock += y_moveDist);
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, z_endPosn_prevBlock += z_moveDist);
+ TERN_(HAS_EXTRUDERS, e_endPosn_prevBlock += extrusion);
+// Generate data points of the trajectory.
+void FxdTiCtrl::makeVector() {
+ float accel_k = 0.0f; // (mm/s^2) Acceleration K factor
+ float tau = (makeVector_idx + 1) * (FTM_TS); // (s) Time since start of block
+ float dist = 0.0f; // (mm) Distance traveled
+ if (makeVector_idx < N1) {
+ // Acceleration phase
+ dist = (f_s * tau) + (0.5f * accel_P * sq(tau)); // (mm) Distance traveled for acceleration phase
+ accel_k = accel_P; // (mm/s^2) Acceleration K factor from Accel phase
+ }
+ else if (makeVector_idx >= N1 && makeVector_idx < (N1 + N2)) {
+ // Coasting phase
+ dist = s_1e + F_P * (tau - N1 * (FTM_TS)); // (mm) Distance traveled for coasting phase
+ //accel_k = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Deceleration phase
+ const float tau_ = tau - (N1 + N2) * (FTM_TS); // (s) Time since start of decel phase
+ dist = s_2e + F_P * tau_ + 0.5f * decel_P * sq(tau_); // (mm) Distance traveled for deceleration phase
+ accel_k = decel_P; // (mm/s^2) Acceleration K factor from Decel phase
+ }
+ TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, xd[makeVector_batchIdx] = x_startPosn + x_Ratio * dist); // (mm) X position for this datapoint
+ TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, yd[makeVector_batchIdx] = y_startPosn + y_Ratio * dist); // (mm) Y
+ TERN_(HAS_Z_AXIS, zd[makeVector_batchIdx] = z_startPosn + z_Ratio * dist); // (mm) Z
+ const float new_raw_z1 = e_startPosn + e_Ratio * dist;
+ if (cfg_linearAdvEna) {
+ float dedt_adj = (new_raw_z1 - e_raw_z1) * (FTM_FS);
+ if (e_Ratio > 0.0f) dedt_adj += accel_k * cfg_linearAdvK;
+ e_advanced_z1 += dedt_adj * (FTM_TS);
+ ed[makeVector_batchIdx] = e_advanced_z1;
+ e_raw_z1 = new_raw_z1;
+ }
+ else {
+ ed[makeVector_batchIdx] = new_raw_z1;
+ // Alternatively: coordArray_e[makeVector_batchIdx] = e_startDist + extrusion / (N1 + N2 + N3);
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Update shaping parameters if needed.
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ static float zd_z1 = 0.0f;
+ #endif
+ switch (cfg_dynFreqMode) {
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ case dynFreqMode_Z_BASED:
+ if (zd[makeVector_batchIdx] != zd_z1) { // Only update if Z changed.
+ const float xf = cfg_baseFreq[0] + cfg_dynFreqK[0] * zd[makeVector_batchIdx],
+ yf = cfg_baseFreq[1] + cfg_dynFreqK[1] * zd[makeVector_batchIdx];
+ updateShapingN(_MAX(xf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ), _MAX(yf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ));
+ zd_z1 = zd[makeVector_batchIdx];
+ }
+ break;
+ #endif
+ case dynFreqMode_MASS_BASED:
+ // Update constantly. The optimization done for Z value makes
+ // less sense for E, as E is expected to constantly change.
+ updateShapingN( cfg_baseFreq[0] + cfg_dynFreqK[0] * ed[makeVector_batchIdx]
+ OPTARG(HAS_Y_AXIS, cfg_baseFreq[1] + cfg_dynFreqK[1] * ed[makeVector_batchIdx]) );
+ break;
+ #endif
+ default: break;
+ }
+ // Apply shaping if in mode.
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ if (WITHIN(cfg_mode, 10U, 19U)) {
+ xd_zi[xy_zi_idx] = xd[makeVector_batchIdx];
+ xd[makeVector_batchIdx] *= x_Ai[0];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ yd_zi[xy_zi_idx] = yd[makeVector_batchIdx];
+ yd[makeVector_batchIdx] *= y_Ai[0];
+ #endif
+ for (uint32_t i = 1U; i <= xy_max_i; i++) {
+ const uint32_t udiffx = xy_zi_idx - x_Ni[i];
+ xd[makeVector_batchIdx] += x_Ai[i] * xd_zi[x_Ni[i] > xy_zi_idx ? (FTM_ZMAX) + udiffx : udiffx];
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ const uint32_t udiffy = xy_zi_idx - y_Ni[i];
+ yd[makeVector_batchIdx] += y_Ai[i] * yd_zi[y_Ni[i] > xy_zi_idx ? (FTM_ZMAX) + udiffy : udiffy];
+ #endif
+ }
+ if (++xy_zi_idx == (FTM_ZMAX)) xy_zi_idx = 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Filled up the queue with regular and shaped steps
+ if (++makeVector_batchIdx == 2 * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)) {
+ makeVector_batchIdx = FTM_BATCH_SIZE;
+ batchRdy = true;
+ }
+ if (makeVector_idx == max_intervals) {
+ blockProcDn = true;
+ blockProcRdy = false;
+ makeVector_idx = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ makeVector_idx++;
+// Interpolates single data point to stepper commands.
+void FxdTiCtrl::convertToSteps(const uint32_t idx) {
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ int32_t x_err_P = 0;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ int32_t y_err_P = 0;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ int32_t z_err_P = 0;
+ #endif
+ int32_t e_err_P = 0;
+ #endif
+ //#define STEPS_ROUNDING
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ const float x_steps_tar = xm[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[X_AXIS] + (xm[idx] < 0.0f ? -0.5f : 0.5f); // May be eliminated if guaranteed positive.
+ const int32_t x_delta = int32_t(x_steps_tar) - x_steps;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ const float y_steps_tar = ym[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS] + (ym[idx] < 0.0f ? -0.5f : 0.5f);
+ const int32_t y_delta = int32_t(y_steps_tar) - y_steps;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ const float z_steps_tar = zm[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS] + (zm[idx] < 0.0f ? -0.5f : 0.5f);
+ const int32_t z_delta = int32_t(z_steps_tar) - z_steps;
+ #endif
+ const float e_steps_tar = em[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[E_AXIS] + (em[idx] < 0.0f ? -0.5f : 0.5f);
+ const int32_t e_delta = int32_t(e_steps_tar) - e_steps;
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ const int32_t x_delta = int32_t(xm[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[X_AXIS]) - x_steps;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ const int32_t y_delta = int32_t(ym[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS]) - y_steps;
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ const int32_t z_delta = int32_t(zm[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS]) - z_steps;
+ #endif
+ const int32_t e_delta = int32_t(em[idx] * planner.settings.axis_steps_per_mm[E_AXIS]) - e_steps;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ bool any_dirChange = (false
+ || TERN0(HAS_X_AXIS, (x_delta > 0 && x_dirState != stepDirState_POS) || (x_delta < 0 && x_dirState != stepDirState_NEG))
+ || TERN0(HAS_Y_AXIS, (y_delta > 0 && y_dirState != stepDirState_POS) || (y_delta < 0 && y_dirState != stepDirState_NEG))
+ || TERN0(HAS_Z_AXIS, (z_delta > 0 && z_dirState != stepDirState_POS) || (z_delta < 0 && z_dirState != stepDirState_NEG))
+ || TERN0(HAS_EXTRUDERS, (e_delta > 0 && e_dirState != stepDirState_POS) || (e_delta < 0 && e_dirState != stepDirState_NEG))
+ );
+ for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME); i++) {
+ // TODO: (?) Since the *delta variables will not change,
+ // the comparison may be done once before iterating at
+ // expense of storage and lines of code.
+ bool anyStep = false;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] = 0;
+ // Commands are written in the format:
+ // |X_step|X_direction|Y_step|Y_direction|Z_step|Z_direction|E_step|E_direction|
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ if (x_delta >= 0) {
+ if ((x_err_P + x_delta) < (FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ x_err_P += x_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ x_steps++;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_X) | _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_X);
+ x_err_P += x_delta - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((x_err_P + x_delta) > -(FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ x_err_P += x_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ x_steps--;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_X);
+ x_err_P += x_delta + (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif // HAS_X_AXIS
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ if (y_delta >= 0) {
+ if ((y_err_P + y_delta) < (FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ y_err_P += y_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ y_steps++;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_Y) | _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_Y);
+ y_err_P += y_delta - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((y_err_P + y_delta) > -(FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ y_err_P += y_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ y_steps--;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_Y);
+ y_err_P += y_delta + (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif // HAS_Y_AXIS
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ if (z_delta >= 0) {
+ if ((z_err_P + z_delta) < (FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ z_err_P += z_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ z_steps++;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_Z) | _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_Z);
+ z_err_P += z_delta - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((z_err_P + z_delta) > -(FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ z_err_P += z_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ z_steps--;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_Z);
+ z_err_P += z_delta + (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif // HAS_Z_AXIS
+ if (e_delta >= 0) {
+ if ((e_err_P + e_delta) < (FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ e_err_P += e_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ e_steps++;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_E) | _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_E);
+ e_err_P += e_delta - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((e_err_P + e_delta) > -(FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL)) {
+ e_err_P += e_delta;
+ }
+ else {
+ e_steps--;
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_E);
+ e_err_P += e_delta + (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME);
+ anyStep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif // HAS_EXTRUDERS
+ if (!anyStep) {
+ nextStepTicks += (FTM_MIN_TICKS);
+ }
+ else {
+ stepperCmdBuff_StepRelativeTi[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] = nextStepTicks;
+ const uint8_t dir_index = stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx >> 3,
+ dir_bit = stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx & 0x7;
+ if (any_dirChange) {
+ SBI(stepperCmdBuff_ApplyDir[dir_index], dir_bit);
+ #if HAS_X_AXIS
+ if (x_delta > 0) {
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_X);
+ x_dirState = stepDirState_POS;
+ }
+ else {
+ x_dirState = stepDirState_NEG;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Y_AXIS
+ if (y_delta > 0) {
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_Y);
+ y_dirState = stepDirState_POS;
+ }
+ else {
+ y_dirState = stepDirState_NEG;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if HAS_Z_AXIS
+ if (z_delta > 0) {
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_Z);
+ z_dirState = stepDirState_POS;
+ }
+ else {
+ z_dirState = stepDirState_NEG;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (e_delta > 0) {
+ stepperCmdBuff[stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx] |= _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_E);
+ e_dirState = stepDirState_POS;
+ }
+ else {
+ e_dirState = stepDirState_NEG;
+ }
+ #endif
+ any_dirChange = false;
+ }
+ else { // ...no direction change.
+ CBI(stepperCmdBuff_ApplyDir[dir_index], dir_bit);
+ }
+ if (stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx == (FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE) - 1) {
+ stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ stepperCmdBuff_produceIdx++;
+ }
+ nextStepTicks = FTM_MIN_TICKS;
+ }
+#endif // FT_MOTION