@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+ * mmu2.cpp
+ */
+#include "../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h"
+#include "mmu2.h"
+#include "mmu2_error_converter.h"
+#include "mmu2_fsensor.h"
+#include "mmu2_log.h"
+#include "mmu2_marlin.h"
+#include "mmu2_marlin_macros.h"
+#include "mmu2_power.h"
+#include "mmu2_progress_converter.h"
+#include "mmu2_reporting.h"
+#include "strlen_cx.h"
+#include "SpoolJoin.h"
+#include "../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
+#include "../../lcd/marlinui.h"
+#include "../../module/planner.h"
+#include "../../module/motion.h"
+#include "../../gcode/parser.h"
+#include "../../gcode/queue.h"
+#include "../runout.h"
+ #include "../bedlevel/bedlevel.h"
+#include "../pause.h"
+#include "../../libs/stopwatch.h"
+// As of FW 3.12 we only support building the FW with only one extruder, all the multi-extruder infrastructure will be removed.
+// Saves at least 800B of code size
+//#ifdef __AVR__
+//static_assert(EXTRUDERS == 1);
+#define MMU2_NO_TOOL 99
+MMU3::MMU3 mmu3;
+namespace MMU3 {
+ template <typename F>
+ void waitForHotendTargetTemp(uint16_t delay, F f) {
+ while (((thermal_degTargetHotend() - thermal_degHotend()) > 5)) {
+ f();
+ safe_delay_keep_alive(delay);
+ }
+ }
+ void WaitForHotendTargetTempBeep() {
+ waitForHotendTargetTemp(3000, []{});
+ //MakeSound(Prompt);
+ }
+ uint8_t MMU3::cutter_mode; // Initialized by settings.load
+ int MMU3::cutter_mode_addr; // Initialized by settings.load
+ uint8_t MMU3::stealth_mode; // Initialized by settings.load
+ int MMU3::stealth_mode_addr; // Initialized by settings.load
+ // TODO: Currently, by logic, the value stored in the EEPROM for is ignored and
+ // mmu_hw_enabled is always overwritten by the MMU State. Thus restarting
+ // printer will always set the MMU as senabled.
+ bool MMU3::mmu_hw_enabled; // Initialized by settings.load
+ int MMU3::mmu_hw_enabled_addr; // Initialized by settings.load
+ MMU3::MMU3()
+ , extruder(MMU2_NO_TOOL)
+ , tool_change_extruder(MMU2_NO_TOOL)
+ , resume_position()
+ , resume_hotend_temp(0)
+ , logicStepLastStatus(StepStatus::Finished)
+ , _state(xState::Stopped)
+ , mmu_print_saved(SavedState::None)
+ , loadFilamentStarted(false)
+ , unloadFilamentStarted(false)
+ , toolchange_counter(0)
+ , _tmcFailures(0) { }
+ void MMU3::status() {
+ // Useful information to see during bootup and change state
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN(F("MMU is "), mmu_hw_enabled ? GET_TEXT_F(MSG_ON) : GET_TEXT_F(MSG_OFF));
+ }
+ void MMU3::start() {
+ mmu_hw_enabled = true;
+ // Save mmu_hw_enabled to EEPROM
+ // TODO: Move to settings.cpp (for now)
+ persistentStore.access_start();
+ persistentStore.write_data(mmu_hw_enabled_addr, mmu_hw_enabled);
+ persistentStore.access_finish();
+ settings.save();
+ #endif
+ powerOn();
+ MMU2_SERIAL.flush(); // Make sure the UART buffer is clear before starting communication
+ setCurrentTool(MMU2_NO_TOOL);
+ _state = xState::Connecting;
+ // Start communication
+ logic.start();
+ logic.ResetRetryAttempts();
+ logic.ResetCommunicationTimeoutAttempts();
+ }
+ void MMU3::stop() {
+ stopKeepPowered();
+ powerOff();
+ }
+ void MMU3::stopKeepPowered() {
+ mmu_hw_enabled = false;
+ // Save mmu_hw_enabled to EEPROM
+ persistentStore.access_start();
+ persistentStore.write_data(mmu_hw_enabled_addr, mmu_hw_enabled);
+ persistentStore.access_finish();
+ settings.save();
+ #endif
+ _state = xState::Stopped;
+ logic.stop();
+ MMU2_SERIAL.end();
+ }
+ void MMU3::tune() {
+ switch (lastErrorCode) {
+ case ErrorCode::HOMING_IDLER_FAILED: {
+ // Prompt a menu for different values
+ tuneIdlerStallguardThreshold();
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::reset(ResetForm level) {
+ switch (level) {
+ case Software: resetX0(); break;
+ case ResetPin: triggerResetPin(); break;
+ case CutThePower: powerCycle(); break;
+ case EraseEEPROM: resetX42(); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::resetX0() { logic.ResetMMU(); } // Send soft reset
+ void MMU3::resetX42() { logic.ResetMMU(42); }
+ void MMU3::triggerResetPin() { power_reset(); }
+ void MMU3::powerCycle() {
+ // cut the power to the MMU and after a while restore it
+ // Sadly, MK3/S/+ cannot do this
+ stop();
+ safe_delay_keep_alive(1000);
+ start();
+ }
+ void MMU3::powerOff() { power_off(); }
+ void MMU3::powerOn() { power_on(); }
+ bool MMU3::readRegister(uint8_t address) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ do {
+ logic.readRegister(address); // we may signal the accepted/rejected status of the response as return value of this function
+ } while (!manage_response(false, false));
+ // Update cached value
+ lastReadRegisterValue = logic.rsp.paramValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool __attribute__((noinline)) MMU3::writeRegister(uint8_t address, uint16_t data) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ // special cases - intercept requests of registers which influence the printer's behaviour too + perform the change even on the printer's side
+ switch (address) {
+ case (uint8_t)Register::Extra_Load_Distance: logic.PlanExtraLoadDistance(data); break;
+ case (uint8_t)Register::Pulley_Slow_Feedrate: logic.PlanPulleySlowFeedRate(data); break;
+ default: break; // Don't intercept any other register writes
+ }
+ do {
+ logic.writeRegister(address, data); // we may signal the accepted/rejected status of the response as return value of this function
+ } while (!manage_response(false, false));
+ return true;
+ }
+ void MMU3::mmu_loop() {
+ // We only leave this method if the current command was successfully
+ // completed - that's the Marlin's way of blocking operation
+ // Atomic compare_exchange would have been the most appropriate solution
+ // here, but this gets called only in Marlin's task, so thread safety
+ // should be kept
+ static bool avoidRecursion = false;
+ if (avoidRecursion) return;
+ avoidRecursion = true;
+ mmu_loop_inner(true);
+ avoidRecursion = false;
+ }
+ void __attribute__((noinline)) MMU3::mmu_loop_inner(bool reportErrors) {
+ logicStepLastStatus = logicStep(reportErrors); // it looks like the mmu_loop doesn't need to be a blocking call
+ CheckErrorScreenUserInput();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if there are extruder moves planned ahead.
+ *
+ * TODO: This should go to the planner, but for now keep it here!
+ */
+ bool MMU3::e_active() {
+ unsigned char e_active = 0;
+ block_t *block;
+ if (planner.block_buffer_tail != planner.block_buffer_head) {
+ uint8_t block_index = planner.block_buffer_tail;
+ while (block_index != planner.block_buffer_head) {
+ block = &planner.block_buffer[block_index];
+ if (block->steps[E_AXIS] != 0) e_active++;
+ block_index = (block_index + 1) & (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return (e_active > 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Trigger an M600 or the SpoolJoin feature if the FINDA cannot detect any
+ * filament during the print.
+ *
+ * In case of SpoolJoin feature is triggered, Marlin's implementation is a
+ * little different than Prusa's, as we are completely consuming the filament
+ * before switching to the next slot. There will be a little bit of filament
+ * left when the new filament is extruded SpoolJoin is not intended to be used with
+ * multi color/material prints so this should be fine.
+ */
+ void MMU3::checkFINDARunout() {
+ if (!findaDetectsFilament()
+ //&& printJobOngoing()
+ && parser.codenum != 600
+ && TERN1(HAS_LEVELING, planner.leveling_active)
+ && xy_are_trusted()
+ && e_active()
+ && runout.enabled // to prevent M600 to be triggered during M600 AUTO
+ && !FILAMENT_PRESENT() // so the filament is totally consumed
+ #endif
+ ) {
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN_P("FINDA filament runout!");
+ if (spooljoin.isEnabled() && get_current_tool() != (uint8_t)FILAMENT_UNKNOWN) { // Can't auto if F=?
+ // set the current tool to FILAMENT_UNKNOWN so that we don't try to unload it
+ extruder = MMU2_NO_TOOL;
+ // disable the filament runout sensor (this is going to be re-enabled after the filament is loaded)
+ runout.reset();
+ runout.filament_ran_out = false; // trying to disable the purge more / continue message
+ runout.enabled = false;
+ #endif
+ queue.enqueue_now(F("M600A")); // Save print and run M600 command
+ }
+ else {
+ marlin_stop_and_save_print_to_ram();
+ resume_print();
+ queue.enqueue_now(F("M600")); // Save print and run M600 command
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct ReportingRAII {
+ CommandInProgress cip;
+ explicit inline __attribute__((always_inline)) ReportingRAII(CommandInProgress cip)
+ : cip(cip) {
+ BeginReport(cip, ProgressCode::EngagingIdler);
+ }
+ inline __attribute__((always_inline)) ~ReportingRAII() {
+ EndReport(cip, ProgressCode::OK);
+ }
+ };
+ bool MMU3::waitForMMUReady() {
+ switch (state()) {
+ case xState::Stopped: return false;
+ case xState::Connecting:
+ // Should we wait until the MMU reconnects?
+ // Fire up a fsm_dlg and show "MMU not responding"?
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool MMU3::retryIfPossible(const ErrorCode ec) {
+ if (logic.RetryAttempts()) {
+ SetButtonResponse(ButtonOperations::Retry);
+ // check, that Retry is actually allowed on that operation
+ if (ButtonAvailable(ec) != Buttons::NoButton) {
+ logic.SetInAutoRetry(true);
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN_P("RetryButtonPressed");
+ // We don't decrement until the button is acknowledged by the MMU.
+ // --retryAttempts; // "used" one retry attempt
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ logic.SetInAutoRetry(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::verifyFilamentEnteredPTFE() {
+ planner_synchronize();
+ if (WhereIsFilament() != FilamentState::AT_FSENSOR)
+ return false;
+ // MMU has finished its load, push the filament further by some defined constant length
+ // If the filament sensor reads 0 at any moment, then report FAILURE
+ const float tryload_length = MMU2_CHECK_FILAMENT_PRESENCE_EXTRUSION_LENGTH - logic.ExtraLoadDistance();
+ TryLoadUnloadReporter tlur(tryload_length);
+ /**
+ * The position is a triangle wave.
+ * Current position is not zero, it is an offset
+ *
+ * Keep in mind that the relationship between machine position
+ * and pixel index is not linear. The area around the amplitude
+ * needs to be taken care of carefully. The current implementation
+ * handles each move separately so there is no need to watch for the change
+ * in the slope's sign or check the last machine position.
+ * y(x)
+ * ▲
+ * │ ^◄────────── tryload_length + current_position
+ * machine │ / \
+ * position │ / \◄────────── stepper_position_mm + current_position
+ * (mm) │ / \
+ * │ / \
+ * │/ \◄───────current_position
+ * └──────────────► x
+ * 0 19
+ * pixel #
+ */
+ bool filament_inserted = true; // Expect success
+ // Pixel index will go from 0 to 10, then back from 10 to 0.
+ // A change in this value indicates a new pixel should be drawn on the display.
+ for (uint8_t move = 0; move < 2; move++) {
+ extruder_move(move == 0 ? tryload_length : -tryload_length, MMU2_VERIFY_LOAD_TO_NOZZLE_FEED_RATE);
+ while (planner_any_moves()) {
+ filament_inserted = filament_inserted && (WhereIsFilament() == FilamentState::AT_FSENSOR);
+ tlur.Progress(filament_inserted);
+ safe_delay_keep_alive(0);
+ }
+ }
+ Disable_E0();
+ if (!filament_inserted) IncrementLoadFails();
+ tlur.DumpToSerial();
+ return filament_inserted;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::toolChangeCommonOnce(uint8_t slot) {
+ static_assert(MMU2_MAX_RETRIES > 1); // Need >1 retries to do the cut in the last attempt
+ uint8_t retries = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ for (;;) {
+ Disable_E0(); // It may seem counterintuitive to disable the E-motor, but it gets enabled in the planner whenever the E-motor is to move
+ tool_change_extruder = slot;
+ logic.ToolChange(slot); // Let the MMU pull the filament out and push a new one in
+ if (manage_response(true, true)) break;
+ // Otherwise: failed to perform the command - unload first and then let it run again
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ // Just in case we stood in an error screen for too long and the hotend got cold
+ resumeHotendTemp();
+ // If the extruder has been parked, it will get unparked once the ToolChange command finishes OK
+ // - so no resumeUnpark() at this spot
+ unloadInner();
+ // If we run out of retries, we must do something ... maybe raise an error screen and allow the user to do something.
+ // But honestly - if the MMU restarts during every toolchange something else is seriously broken
+ // and stopping a print is probably our best option.
+ }
+ if (verifyFilamentEnteredPTFE()) return true; // success
+ // Prepare a retry attempt
+ unloadInner();
+ if (retries == (MMU2_MAX_RETRIES) - 1 && cutter_enabled()) {
+ cutFilamentInner(slot); // try cutting filament tip at the last attempt
+ retries = 0; // reset retries every MMU2_MAX_RETRIES
+ }
+ ++retries;
+ }
+ return false; // Couldn't accomplish the task
+ }
+ void MMU3::toolChangeCommon(uint8_t slot) {
+ while (!toolChangeCommonOnce(slot)) { // While not successfully fed into extruder's PTFE tube...
+ // Failed autoretry, report an error by forcing a "printer" error into the MMU infrastructure - it is a hack to leverage existing code
+ // @@TODO theoretically logic layer may not need to be spoiled with the printer error - maybe just the manage_response needs it...
+ logic.SetPrinterError(ErrorCode::LOAD_TO_EXTRUDER_FAILED);
+ // We only have to wait for the user to fix the issue and press "Retry".
+ // Please see checkUserInput() for details how we "leave" manage_response.
+ // If manage_response returns false at this spot (MMU operation interrupted aka MMU reset)
+ // we can safely continue because the MMU is not doing an operation now.
+ static_cast<void>(manage_response(true, true)); // yes, I'd like to silence [[nodiscard]] warning at this spot by casting to void
+ }
+ setCurrentTool(slot); // filament change is finished
+ spooljoin.setSlot(slot);
+ ++toolchange_counter;
+ // Also increment the total number of tool changes
+ operation_statistics.increment_tool_change_counter();
+ }
+ bool MMU3::tool_change(uint8_t slot) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ if (slot != extruder) {
+ if (
+ //findaDetectsFilament()
+ //!IS_SD_PRINTING() && !usb_timer.running()
+ !marlin_printingIsActive()
+ ) {
+ // If Tcodes are used manually through the serial
+ // we need to unload manually as well -- but only if FINDA detects filament
+ unload();
+ }
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::ToolChange);
+ FSensorBlockRunout blockRunout;
+ planner_synchronize();
+ toolChangeCommon(slot);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle special T?/Tx/Tc commands
+ *
+ * - T? Gcode to extrude shouldn't have to follow, load to extruder wheels is done automatically
+ * - Tx Same as T?, except nozzle doesn't have to be preheated. Tc must be placed after extruder nozzle is preheated to finish filament load.
+ * - Tc Load to nozzle after filament was prepared by Tx and extruder nozzle is already heated.
+ */
+ bool MMU3::tool_change(char code, uint8_t slot) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ FSensorBlockRunout blockRunout;
+ switch (code) {
+ case '?': {
+ waitForHotendTargetTemp(100, []{});
+ load_to_nozzle(slot);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x': {
+ thermal_setExtrudeMintemp(0); // Allow cold extrusion since Tx only loads to the gears not nozzle
+ tool_change(slot);
+ thermal_setExtrudeMintemp(EXTRUDE_MINTEMP);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c': {
+ waitForHotendTargetTemp(100, []{});
+ execute_load_to_nozzle_sequence();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void MMU3::get_statistics() {
+ logic.Statistics();
+ }
+ uint8_t __attribute__((noinline)) MMU3::get_current_tool() const {
+ return extruder == MMU2_NO_TOOL ? (uint8_t)FILAMENT_UNKNOWN : extruder;
+ }
+ uint8_t MMU3::get_tool_change_tool() const {
+ return tool_change_extruder == MMU2_NO_TOOL ? (uint8_t)FILAMENT_UNKNOWN : tool_change_extruder;
+ }
+ void MMU3::setCurrentTool(uint8_t ex) {
+ extruder = ex;
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN((int)ex);
+ }
+ bool MMU3::set_filament_type(uint8_t /*slot*/, uint8_t /*type*/) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ // @@TODO - this is not supported in the new MMU yet
+ // slot = slot; // @@TODO
+ // type = type; // @@TODO
+ // cmd_arg = filamentType;
+ // command(MMU_CMD_F0 + index);
+ if (!manage_response(false, false)) {
+ // @@TODO failed to perform the command - retry
+ // Comment: how is it possible for a filament type set to fail? manage_response(true, true)
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void MMU3::unloadInner() {
+ FSensorBlockRunout blockRunout;
+ filament_ramming();
+ // we assume the printer managed to relieve filament tip from the gears,
+ // so repeating that part in case of an MMU restart is not necessary
+ for (;;) {
+ Disable_E0();
+ logic.UnloadFilament();
+ if (manage_response(false, true)) break;
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ }
+ //MakeSound(Confirm);
+ // no active tool
+ setCurrentTool(MMU2_NO_TOOL);
+ tool_change_extruder = MMU2_NO_TOOL;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::unload() {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ WaitForHotendTargetTempBeep();
+ // Scope for ReportingRAII
+ {
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::UnloadFilament);
+ unloadInner();
+ }
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void MMU3::cutFilamentInner(uint8_t slot) {
+ for (;;) {
+ Disable_E0();
+ logic.CutFilament(slot);
+ if (manage_response(false, true)) break;
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ }
+ }
+ bool MMU3::cut_filament(uint8_t slot, bool enableFullScreenMsg /*= true*/) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ if (enableFullScreenMsg) fullScreenMsgCut(slot);
+ // Scope for ReportingRAII
+ {
+ if (findaDetectsFilament()) unload();
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::CutFilament);
+ cutFilamentInner(slot);
+ setCurrentTool(MMU2_NO_TOOL);
+ tool_change_extruder = MMU2_NO_TOOL;
+ //MakeSound(SoundType::Confirm);
+ }
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::loading_test(uint8_t slot) {
+ fullScreenMsgTest(slot);
+ tool_change(slot);
+ planner_synchronize();
+ unload();
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::load_to_feeder(uint8_t slot) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ fullScreenMsgLoad(slot);
+ // Scope for ReportingRAII
+ {
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::LoadFilament);
+ for (;;) {
+ Disable_E0();
+ logic.LoadFilament(slot);
+ if (manage_response(false, false)) break;
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ }
+ //MakeSound(SoundType::Confirm);
+ }
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::load_to_nozzle(uint8_t slot) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ WaitForHotendTargetTempBeep();
+ fullScreenMsgLoad(slot);
+ // Scope for ReportingRAII
+ {
+ // Used for MMU-menu operation "Load to Nozzle"
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::ToolChange);
+ FSensorBlockRunout blockRunout;
+ // Filament already loaded? Free it and shape its tip properly.
+ if (extruder != MMU2_NO_TOOL) filament_ramming();
+ toolChangeCommon(slot);
+ // Finish loading to the nozzle with finely tuned steps.
+ execute_load_to_nozzle_sequence();
+ //MakeSound(Confirm);
+ }
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool MMU3::eject_filament(uint8_t slot, bool enableFullScreenMsg /* = true */) {
+ if (!waitForMMUReady()) return false;
+ if (enableFullScreenMsg) fullScreenMsgEject(slot);
+ // Scope for ReportingRAII
+ {
+ if (findaDetectsFilament())
+ unload();
+ ReportingRAII rep(CommandInProgress::EjectFilament);
+ for (;;) {
+ Disable_E0();
+ logic.EjectFilament(slot);
+ if (manage_response(false, true))
+ break;
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ }
+ setCurrentTool(MMU2_NO_TOOL);
+ tool_change_extruder = MMU2_NO_TOOL;
+ //MakeSound(Confirm);
+ }
+ ScreenUpdateEnable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void MMU3::button(uint8_t index) {
+ LogEchoEvent(F("button"));
+ logic.button(index);
+ }
+ void MMU3::home(uint8_t mode) {
+ logic.home(mode);
+ }
+ void MMU3::saveHotendTemp(bool turn_off_nozzle) {
+ if (mmu_print_saved & SavedState::Cooldown) return;
+ if (turn_off_nozzle && !(mmu_print_saved & SavedState::CooldownPending)) {
+ Disable_E0();
+ resume_hotend_temp = thermal_degTargetHotend();
+ mmu_print_saved |= SavedState::CooldownPending;
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Heater cooldown pending"));
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::saveAndPark(bool move_axes) {
+ if (mmu_print_saved == SavedState::None) { // First occurrence. Save current position, park print head, disable nozzle heater.
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Saving and parking"));
+ Disable_E0();
+ planner_synchronize();
+ // In case a power panic happens while waiting for the user
+ // take a partial back up of print state into RAM (current position, etc.)
+ marlin_refresh_print_state_in_ram();
+ if (move_axes) {
+ mmu_print_saved |= SavedState::ParkExtruder;
+ resume_position = planner_current_position(); // save current pos
+ // Do not lift Z, as it will double lift if there is another error
+ // right after the current one is solved.
+ // Move XY aside
+ if (xy_are_trusted()) nozzle_park();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::resumeHotendTemp() {
+ if ((mmu_print_saved & SavedState::CooldownPending)) {
+ // Clear the "pending" flag if we haven't cooled yet.
+ mmu_print_saved &= ~(SavedState::CooldownPending);
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Cooldown flag cleared"));
+ }
+ if ((mmu_print_saved & SavedState::Cooldown) && resume_hotend_temp) {
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Resuming Temp"));
+ // @@TODO MMU2_ECHO_MSGRPGM(PSTR("Restoring hotend temperature "));
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN(resume_hotend_temp);
+ mmu_print_saved &= ~(SavedState::Cooldown);
+ thermal_setTargetHotend(resume_hotend_temp);
+ fullScreenMsgRestoringTemperature();
+ // @todo better report the event and let the GUI do its work somewhere else
+ ReportErrorHookSensorLineRender();
+ waitForHotendTargetTemp(100, [] {
+ marlin_manage_inactivity(true);
+ mmu3.mmu_loop_inner(false);
+ ReportErrorHookDynamicRender();
+ });
+ ScreenUpdateEnable(); // temporary hack to stop this locking the printer...
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Hotend temperature reached"));
+ ScreenClear();
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::resumeUnpark() {
+ if (mmu_print_saved & SavedState::ParkExtruder) {
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Resuming XYZ"));
+ // Move XY to starting position, then Z
+ motion_do_blocking_move_to_xy(resume_position.x, resume_position.x, feedRate_t(NOZZLE_PARK_XY_FEEDRATE));
+ // Move Z_AXIS to saved position
+ motion_do_blocking_move_to_z(resume_position.z, feedRate_t(NOZZLE_PARK_Z_FEEDRATE));
+ // From this point forward, power panic should not use
+ // the partial backup in RAM since the extruder is no
+ // longer in parking position
+ marlin_clear_print_state_in_ram();
+ mmu_print_saved &= ~(SavedState::ParkExtruder);
+ }
+ }
+ void MMU3::checkUserInput() {
+ auto btn = ButtonPressed(lastErrorCode);
+ // Was a button pressed on the MMU itself instead of the LCD?
+ if (btn == Buttons::NoButton && lastButton != Buttons::NoButton) {
+ btn = lastButton;
+ lastButton = Buttons::NoButton; // Clear it.
+ }
+ if (mmuLastErrorSource() == MMU3::ErrorSourcePrinter && btn != Buttons::NoButton) {
+ // When the printer has raised an error screen, and a button was selected
+ // the error screen should always be dismissed.
+ clearPrinterError();
+ // A horrible hack - clear the explicit printer error allowing manage_response to recover on MMU's Finished state
+ // Moreover - if the MMU is currently doing something (like the LoadFilament - see comment above)
+ // we'll actually wait for it automagically in manage_response and after it finishes correctly,
+ // we'll issue another command (like toolchange)
+ }
+ switch (btn) {
+ case Buttons::Left:
+ case Buttons::Middle:
+ case Buttons::Right:
+ SERIAL_ECHOPGM("checkUserInput-btnLMR ");
+ SERIAL_ECHOLN((int)buttons_to_uint8t(btn));
+ resumeHotendTemp(); // Recover the hotend temp before we attempt to do anything else...
+ if (mmuLastErrorSource() == MMU3::ErrorSourceMMU)
+ // Do not send a button to the MMU unless the MMU is in error state
+ button(buttons_to_uint8t(btn));
+ // A quick hack: for specific error codes move the E-motor every time.
+ // Not sure if we can rely on the fsensor.
+ // Just plan the move, let the MMU take over when it is ready
+ switch (lastErrorCode) {
+ case ErrorCode::FSENSOR_TOO_EARLY: helpUnloadToFinda(); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Buttons::TuneMMU:
+ tune();
+ break;
+ case Buttons::Load:
+ case Buttons::Eject:
+ // High level operation
+ setPrinterButtonOperation(btn);
+ break;
+ case Buttons::ResetMMU:
+ reset(ResetPin); // Cannot do power cycle on the MK3
+ // ... but mmu2_power.cpp knows this and triggers a soft-reset instead.
+ break;
+ case Buttons::DisableMMU:
+ stop();
+ //DisableMMUInSettings(); // stop() already does this...
+ status();
+ break;
+ case Buttons::StopPrint:
+ // @@TODO Unsure if we should handle this high level operation at this spot
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Originally, this was used to wait for response and deal with timeout if necessary.
+ * The new protocol implementation enables much nicer and intense reporting, so this method will boil down
+ * just to verify the result of an issued command (which was basically the original idea)
+ *
+ * It is closely related to mmu_loop() (which corresponds to our ProtocolLogic::Step()), which does NOT perform any blocking wait for a command to finish.
+ * But - in case of an error, the command is not yet finished, but we must react accordingly - move the printhead elsewhere, stop heating, eat a cat or so.
+ * That's what's being done here...
+ */
+ bool MMU3::manage_response(const bool move_axes, const bool turn_off_nozzle) {
+ mmu_print_saved = SavedState::None;
+ Stopwatch nozzle_timer;
+ for (;;) {
+ // in our new implementation, we know the exact state of the MMU at any moment, we do not have to wait for a timeout
+ // So in this case we should decide if the operation is:
+ // - still running -> wait normally in idle()
+ // - failed -> then do the safety moves on the printer like before
+ // - finished ok -> proceed with reading other commands
+ safe_delay_keep_alive(0); // calls logicStep() and remembers its return status
+ if (mmu_print_saved & SavedState::CooldownPending) {
+ if (!nozzle_timer.isRunning()) {
+ nozzle_timer.start();
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Cooling Timeout started"));
+ }
+ else if (nozzle_timer.duration() > (PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT * 1000ul)) { // mins->msec.
+ mmu_print_saved &= ~(SavedState::CooldownPending);
+ mmu_print_saved |= SavedState::Cooldown;
+ thermal_setTargetHotend(0);
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Heater cooldown"));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nozzle_timer.isRunning()) {
+ nozzle_timer.stop();
+ LogEchoEvent(F("Cooling timer stopped"));
+ }
+ switch (logicStepLastStatus) {
+ case Finished:
+ // command/operation completed, let Marlin continue its work
+ // the E may have some more moves to finish - wait for them
+ resumeHotendTemp();
+ resumeUnpark(); // We can now travel back to the tower or wherever we were when we saved.
+ if (!TuneMenuEntered()) {
+ // If the error screen is sleeping (running 'Tune' menu)
+ // then don't reset retry attempts because we this will trigger
+ // an automatic retry attempt when 'Tune' button is selected. We want the
+ // error screen to appear once more so the user can hit 'Retry' button manually.
+ logic.ResetRetryAttempts(); // Reset the retry counter.
+ }
+ planner_synchronize();
+ return true;
+ case Interrupted:
+ // now what :D ... big bad ... ramming, unload, retry the whole command originally issued
+ return false;
+ case VersionMismatch: // this basically means the MMU will be disabled until reconnected
+ checkUserInput();
+ return true;
+ case PrinterError:
+ saveAndPark(move_axes);
+ saveHotendTemp(turn_off_nozzle);
+ checkUserInput();
+ // if button pressed "Done", return true, otherwise stay within manage_response
+ // Please see checkUserInput() for details how we "leave" manage_response
+ break;
+ case CommandError:
+ case CommunicationTimeout:
+ case ProtocolError:
+ case ButtonPushed:
+ if (!logic.InAutoRetry()) {
+ // Don't proceed to the park/save if we are doing an autoretry.
+ saveAndPark(move_axes);
+ saveHotendTemp(turn_off_nozzle);
+ checkUserInput();
+ }
+ break;
+ case CommunicationRecovered: // @@TODO communication recovered and maybe an error recovered as well
+ // Maybe the logic layer can detect the change of state a respond with one "Recovered" to be handled here
+ resumeHotendTemp();
+ resumeUnpark();
+ break;
+ case Processing: // Wait for the MMU to respond
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ StepStatus MMU3::logicStep(bool reportErrors) {
+ // Process any buttons before proceeding with another MMU Query
+ checkUserInput();
+ const StepStatus ss = logic.Step();
+ switch (ss) {
+ case Finished:
+ // At this point it is safe to trigger a runout and not interrupt the MMU protocol
+ checkFINDARunout();
+ break;
+ case Processing:
+ onMMUProgressMsg(logic.Progress());
+ break;
+ case ButtonPushed:
+ lastButton = logic.button();
+ LogEchoEvent(F("MMU button pushed"));
+ checkUserInput(); // Process the button immediately
+ break;
+ case Interrupted:
+ // can be silently handed over to a higher layer, no processing necessary at this spot
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (reportErrors) {
+ switch (ss) {
+ case CommandError:
+ reportError(logic.Error(), ErrorSourceMMU);
+ break;
+ case CommunicationTimeout:
+ _state = xState::Connecting;
+ reportError(ErrorCode::MMU_NOT_RESPONDING, ErrorSourcePrinter);
+ break;
+ case ProtocolError:
+ _state = xState::Connecting;
+ reportError(ErrorCode::PROTOCOL_ERROR, ErrorSourcePrinter);
+ break;
+ case VersionMismatch:
+ stopKeepPowered();
+ reportError(ErrorCode::VERSION_MISMATCH, ErrorSourcePrinter);
+ break;
+ case PrinterError:
+ reportError(logic.PrinterError(), ErrorSourcePrinter);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (logic.Running()) _state = xState::Active;
+ return ss;
+ }
+ void MMU3::filament_ramming() {
+ execute_extruder_sequence(ramming_sequence, sizeof(ramming_sequence) / sizeof(E_Step));
+ }
+ void MMU3::execute_extruder_sequence(const E_Step *sequence, uint8_t steps) {
+ planner_synchronize();
+ const E_Step *step = sequence;
+ for (uint8_t i = steps; i > 0; --i) {
+ extruder_move(pgm_read_float(&(step->extrude)), pgm_read_float(&(step->feedRate)));
+ step++;
+ }
+ planner_synchronize(); // it looks like it's better to sync the moves at the end - smoother move (if the sequence is not too long).
+ Disable_E0();
+ }
+ void MMU3::execute_load_to_nozzle_sequence() {
+ planner_synchronize();
+ // Compensate for configurable Extra Loading Distance
+ planner_set_current_position_E(planner_get_current_position_E() - (logic.ExtraLoadDistance() - MMU2_FILAMENT_SENSOR_POSITION));
+ execute_extruder_sequence(load_to_nozzle_sequence, sizeof(load_to_nozzle_sequence) / sizeof(load_to_nozzle_sequence[0]));
+ }
+ void MMU3::reportError(ErrorCode ec, ErrorSource res) {
+ // Due to a potential lossy error reporting layers linked to this hook
+ // we'd better report everything to make sure especially the error states
+ // do not get lost.
+ // - The good news here is the fact, that the MMU reports the errors repeatedly until resolved.
+ // - The bad news is, that MMU not responding may repeatedly occur on printers not having the MMU at all.
+ //
+ // Not sure how to properly handle this situation, options:
+ // - skip reporting "MMU not responding" (at least for now)
+ // - report only changes of states (we can miss an error message)
+ // - maybe some combination of MMUAvailable + UseMMU flags and decide based on their state
+ // Right now the filtering of MMU_NOT_RESPONDING is done in ReportErrorHook() as it is not a problem if mmu2.cpp
+ // Depending on the Progress code, we may want to do some action when an error occurs
+ switch (logic.Progress()) {
+ case ProgressCode::UnloadingToFinda:
+ unloadFilamentStarted = false;
+ planner_abort_queued_moves(); // Abort excess E-moves to be safe
+ break;
+ case ProgressCode::FeedingToFSensor:
+ // FSENSOR error during load. Make sure E-motor stops moving.
+ loadFilamentStarted = false;
+ planner_abort_queued_moves(); // Abort excess E-moves to be safe
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ if (ec != lastErrorCode) { // deduplicate: only report changes in error codes into the log
+ lastErrorCode = ec;
+ lastErrorSource = res;
+ LogErrorEvent(PrusaErrorTitle(PrusaErrorCodeIndex(ec)));
+ if (ec != ErrorCode::OK && ec != ErrorCode::FILAMENT_EJECTED && ec != ErrorCode::FILAMENT_CHANGE) {
+ IncrementMMUFails();
+ // Check if it is a "power" failure. TMC-related errors are considered power failures.
+ static constexpr uint16_t tmcMask =
+ ( (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_IOIN_MISMATCH
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_RESET
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_SHORT_TO_GROUND
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_WARN
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_ERROR
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::MMU_SOLDERING_NEEDS_ATTENTION ) & 0x7FFFU; // skip the top bit
+ static_assert(tmcMask == 0x7E00); // Just make sure we fail compilation if any of the TMC error codes change
+ if ((uint16_t)ec & tmcMask) { // @@TODO can be optimized to uint8_t operation
+ // TMC-related errors are from 0x8200 higher
+ incrementTMCFailures();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!retryIfPossible(ec))
+ // If retry attempts are all used up
+ // or if 'Retry' operation is not available
+ // raise the MMU error screen and wait for user input
+ ReportErrorHook((CommandInProgress)logic.CommandInProgress(), ec, uint8_t(lastErrorSource));
+ }
+ void MMU3::reportProgress(ProgressCode pc) {
+ ReportProgressHook((CommandInProgress)logic.CommandInProgress(), pc);
+ LogEchoEvent(ProgressCodeToText(pc));
+ }
+ void MMU3::onMMUProgressMsg(ProgressCode pc) {
+ if (pc != lastProgressCode)
+ onMMUProgressMsgChanged(pc);
+ else
+ onMMUProgressMsgSame(pc);
+ }
+ void MMU3::onMMUProgressMsgChanged(ProgressCode pc) {
+ reportProgress(pc);
+ lastProgressCode = pc;
+ switch (pc) {
+ case ProgressCode::UnloadingToFinda:
+ if ( (CommandInProgress)logic.CommandInProgress() == CommandInProgress::UnloadFilament
+ || ((CommandInProgress)logic.CommandInProgress() == CommandInProgress::ToolChange)
+ ) {
+ // If MK3S sent U0 command, ramming sequence takes care of releasing the filament.
+ // If Toolchange is done while printing, PrusaSlicer takes care of releasing the filament
+ // If printing is not in progress, ToolChange will issue a U0 command.
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ // We're likely recovering from an MMU error
+ planner_synchronize();
+ unloadFilamentStarted = true;
+ helpUnloadToFinda();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ProgressCode::FeedingToFSensor:
+ // prepare for the movement of the E-motor
+ planner_synchronize();
+ loadFilamentStarted = true;
+ break;
+ default: break; // do nothing yet
+ }
+ }
+ void __attribute__((noinline)) MMU3::helpUnloadToFinda() {
+ }
+ void MMU3::onMMUProgressMsgSame(ProgressCode pc) {
+ const uint8_t pulley_slow_feedrate = logic.PulleySlowFeedRate();
+ const float extrude_distance = _MIN(_MAX(EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH - 1, 1), pulley_slow_feedrate);
+ switch (pc) {
+ case ProgressCode::UnloadingToFinda:
+ if (unloadFilamentStarted && !planner_any_moves()) { // Only plan a move if there is no move ongoing
+ switch (WhereIsFilament()) {
+ case FilamentState::AT_FSENSOR:
+ case FilamentState::IN_NOZZLE:
+ case FilamentState::UNAVAILABLE: // actually Unavailable makes sense as well to start the E-move to release the filament from the gears
+ helpUnloadToFinda();
+ break;
+ default:
+ unloadFilamentStarted = false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ProgressCode::FeedingToFSensor:
+ if (loadFilamentStarted) {
+ switch (WhereIsFilament()) {
+ case FilamentState::AT_FSENSOR:
+ // fsensor triggered, finish FeedingToExtruder state
+ loadFilamentStarted = false;
+ // Abort any excess E-move from the planner queue
+ planner_abort_queued_moves();
+ // After the MMU knows the FSENSOR is triggered it will:
+ // 1. Push the filament by additional 30mm (see fsensorToNozzle)
+ // 2. Disengage the idler and push another 2mm.
+ extruder_move(logic.ExtraLoadDistance() + 2, logic.PulleySlowFeedRate());
+ break;
+ case FilamentState::NOT_PRESENT:
+ // fsensor not triggered, continue moving extruder
+ //
+ // Instead of doing a very long extrude as in PrusaFirmware,
+ // Marlin's own MMU2s code has a better approach to this by spinning
+ // the extruder indefinitelly...
+ //
+ // this ensures that while the MMU is pushing the filament,
+ // the extruder will keep rotating, preventing the filament to hit
+ // the extruder gears...
+ while (planner.movesplanned() < 3) {
+ extruder_move(extrude_distance, pulley_slow_feedrate, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: break; // Abort here?
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: break; // do nothing yet
+ }
+ }
+} // MMU3
+#endif // HAS_PRUSA_MMU3