@@ -1489,6 +1489,14 @@ void unified_bed_leveling::smart_fill_mesh() {
xy_float_t points[3];
+ mesh_index_pair cpos[3];
+ LOOP_L_N(ix, 3) { // Convert points to coordinates of mesh points
+ cpos[ix] = find_closest_mesh_point_of_type(REAL, points[ix], true);
+ points[ix] = cpos[ix].meshpos();
+ }
+ #endif
float gotz[3]; // Used for algorithm validation below
@@ -1500,7 +1508,7 @@ void unified_bed_leveling::smart_fill_mesh() {
measured_z = probe.probe_at_point(points[i], i < 2 ? PROBE_PT_RAISE : PROBE_PT_LAST_STOW, param.V_verbosity);
if ((abort_flag = isnan(measured_z))) break;
- measured_z -= get_z_correction(points[i]);
+ measured_z -= TERN(UBL_TILT_ON_MESH_POINTS_3POINT, z_values[cpos[i].pos.x][cpos[i].pos.y], get_z_correction(points[i]));
TERN_(VALIDATE_MESH_TILT, gotz[i] = measured_z);
if (param.V_verbosity > 3) { serial_spaces(16); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Corrected_Z=", measured_z); }
@@ -1518,16 +1526,14 @@ void unified_bed_leveling::smart_fill_mesh() {
else { // !do_3_pt_leveling
- const float x_min = _MAX(probe.min_x() + (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), X_MIN_POS),
- x_max = _MIN(probe.max_x() - (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), X_MAX_POS),
- y_min = _MAX(probe.min_y() + (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), Y_MIN_POS),
- y_max = _MIN(probe.max_y() - (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), Y_MAX_POS);
- #else
- const float x_min = probe.min_x(), x_max = probe.max_x(),
- y_min = probe.min_y(), y_max = probe.max_y();
+ #define G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN 0
- const float dx = (x_max - x_min) / (param.J_grid_size - 1),
+ const float x_min = _MAX((X_MIN_POS) + (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), MESH_MIN_X, probe.min_x()),
+ x_max = _MIN((X_MAX_POS) - (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), MESH_MAX_X, probe.max_x()),
+ y_min = _MAX((Y_MIN_POS) + (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), MESH_MIN_Y, probe.min_y()),
+ y_max = _MIN((Y_MAX_POS) - (G29J_MESH_TILT_MARGIN), MESH_MAX_Y, probe.max_y()),
+ dx = (x_max - x_min) / (param.J_grid_size - 1),
dy = (y_max - y_min) / (param.J_grid_size - 1);
bool zig_zag = false;
@@ -1541,6 +1547,17 @@ void unified_bed_leveling::smart_fill_mesh() {
LOOP_L_N(iy, param.J_grid_size) {
rpos.y = y_min + dy * (zig_zag ? param.J_grid_size - 1 - iy : iy);
+ xy_pos_t oldRpos;
+ if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) oldRpos = rpos;
+ #endif
+ mesh_index_pair cpos;
+ rpos -= probe.offset;
+ cpos = find_closest_mesh_point_of_type(REAL, rpos, true);
+ rpos = cpos.meshpos();
+ #endif
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Tilting mesh point ", point_num, "/", total_points, "\n");
TERN_(HAS_STATUS_MESSAGE, ui.status_printf(0, F(S_FMT " %i/%i"), GET_TEXT(MSG_LCD_TILTING_MESH), point_num, total_points));
@@ -1548,11 +1565,17 @@ void unified_bed_leveling::smart_fill_mesh() {
if ((abort_flag = isnan(measured_z))) break;
- const float zcorr = get_z_correction(rpos);
+ const float zcorr = TERN(UBL_TILT_ON_MESH_POINTS, z_values[cpos.pos.x][cpos.pos.y], get_z_correction(rpos));
const xy_pos_t lpos = rpos.asLogical();
+ const xy_pos_t oldLpos = oldRpos.asLogical();
+ DEBUG_ECHOPGM("Calculated point: ("); DEBUG_ECHO_F(oldRpos.x, 7); DEBUG_CHAR(','); DEBUG_ECHO_F(oldRpos.y, 7);
+ DEBUG_ECHOPAIR_F(") logical: (", oldLpos.x, 7); DEBUG_CHAR(','); DEBUG_ECHO_F(oldLpos.y, 7);
+ DEBUG_ECHOPGM(")\nSelected mesh point: ");
+ #endif
DEBUG_CHAR('('); DEBUG_ECHO_F(rpos.x, 7); DEBUG_CHAR(','); DEBUG_ECHO_F(rpos.y, 7);
DEBUG_ECHOPAIR_F(") logical: (", lpos.x, 7); DEBUG_CHAR(','); DEBUG_ECHO_F(lpos.y, 7);
DEBUG_ECHOPAIR_F(") measured: ", measured_z, 7);