@@ -30,26 +30,25 @@ if [[ $BRANCH == "gh-pages" ]]; then
-if [[ $BRANCH != "master" ]]; then
- echo "Stashing any changes to files..."
- echo "Don't forget to update and push 'master'!"
- # GOJF Card
- git stash
+echo "Stashing any changes to files..."
+echo "Don't forget to update and push 'master'!"
+# GOJF Card
+git stash
COMMIT=$( git log --format="%H" -n 1 )
# Clean out changes and other junk in the branch
-git reset --hard
git clean -d -f
# Push 'master' to the fork and make a proper PR...
if [[ $BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
# Allow working directly with the main fork
+ echo
echo -n "Pushing to origin/master... "
git push -f origin
+ echo
echo -n "Pushing to upstream/master... "
git push -f upstream
@@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ else
if [ -z "$(git branch -vv | grep ^\* | grep \\[origin)" ]; then
+ echo
echo -n "Pushing to origin/$BRANCH... "
git push -f origin
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ fi
# mv ./_plugins/jekyll-press.rb-disabled ./_plugins/jekyll-press.rb
# bundle install
echo "Generating MarlinDocumentation..."
# build the site statically and proof it